Here's my negative COVID test for today's House session... be leaving for it in a bit! Session thread will start here. Glad it's only the afternoon today! #NHPolitics
having trouble connecting to wi-fi today; might just have to tweet this entire thing over data...
convening now; Pastor Bob leading the prayer again...
Pledge leader this time was @marysullivanhea
2 resignations to note
memorialization for Claire Clarke being given currently (Rep. Caroletta Alicea's mother)
coverage of her death in the Monitor: concordmonitor.com/Remembering-Rep-Claire-Clarke-44985850
onto bills
these concurrences with the Senate aren't in my notes...
several bills removed from the consent calendar today
First bill from regular calendar: HB1465, which passed out of C&FL unanimously, but couldn't go on consent due to a fiscal note... and it's tabled.
yeah I'm going to go back to my policy of skipping bills that only get a voice vote and no debate
Rep. Abramson is speaking in favor of HB1469, which would prohibit banks or businesses from using social credit scores, which... I don't think is something that actually happens here anyways?
Rep. Bartlett is breaking down how HB1469 isn't based on any facts
we already have anti-discrimination laws... I don't really like siding with the banks on this, but the legislation really just isn't necessary. It's just right-wingers being paranoid about the "woke" and China again.
oh poor Mike Lindell getting his bank cut off, boo hoo
What a ridiculous comparison to the Holocaust
truckers in Canada getting their assets seized isn't anywhere near comparable to the Nazis shipping people off to the gas chambers, good grief
I'd been debating with myself previously as to whether or not I should have brought painkillers with me today; I wish I'd decided to actually bring them... (neckache)
HB1469 passes along party lines
Next: motion to table HB1468, one of the cannabis legalization bills. Apparently this one isn't as good as some of the other legalization bills...
HB1468 tabled by a large margin
next: HB1540, relative to recording custodial interrogations. Breakdown is kind of bipartisan on both sides... Rep. True speaking against it...
...quoting Meatloaf?!
HB1540 passes by a decent bipartisan margin
HB1598 is next, another cannabis legalization bill... apparently this one is better than the previous one, but Rep. Adjutant is motioning to table it? Huh?
apparently there are still some issues with it...
whatever, I'm going to oppose tabling it; issues listed don't seem big enough to keep us from moving forward with it
Rep. Testerman has a floor amendment which would add an additional fine for providing cannabis to a minor, which seems unnecessary
Testerman amendment fails; onto the bill as a whole. Rep. Homola spreading FUD about her perceived dangers of legalization
Where is Rep. Homola even getting all this anti-legalization FUD from? Am I just too bubbled to be coming across it? Because I've literally never heard some of the arguments she made before.
I do kinda find it funny that we'd be selling marijuana via the state liquor stores, though, and that having marijuana be a state-run enterprise is somehow more palatable to the Republicans that support this than allowing private sale and taxing it...
Think we can use these same arguments to get state-run healthcare? Hm, do private hospitals pay taxes currently? If so, we could argue that we'd be reducing their taxes by just having the government run them directly instead
didn't quite catch the results of that vote, but I think legalization passed. Onto the education bills next...
Rep. Porter is speaking to the history of NH Public schools... it's a shame we have more libertarians than tradcons among our state Republicans, because these arguments seem like they'd be convincing to tradcons...
yay the wi-fi works now!
how can EFAs be "popular" and "successful" already when they haven't even really gotten off the ground yet? They're a new invention; Rep. Cordelli is just projecting his own feelings onto what he thinks the public reaction is.
motion to ITL HB1516 passes along party lines; Republican assault on public education continues...
Current bill: HB1657, creating a farm-to-school program to have school-provided meals be locally sourced. Seems like a good idea to me!
HB1657 ITL-ed along party lines... oh well, maybe next time...
next bill: HB1660, a school lunch bill. Rep. Woodcock giving a good speech in favor of it.
oooh that was a close one, 177-174... if only we had a few more Dems here... (that was for ITL-ing HB1660, btw)
time for another voucher-related bill (HB1684, to limit EFAs to budgeted amounts)
HB1684 is ITL-ed along party lines; Republicans want to let EFA costs balloon uncontrollably
Next are bills from Election Law, starting with HB1423, creating a voter-owned election fund. Seems like "Democracy Dollars"?
the "it's a Republic, not a Democracy" hairsplitters will be the death of me
regardless of whether we currently *are* a democracy or not, the point is, we *ought* to be. Democracy is good and we should have more of it at all levels of society.
HB1423 is ITL-ed along party lines; Republicans continue to squelch democracy
next is HB1482, a bill for #RCV procedures. I probably should have looked more closely into the bill details, as I prefer some RCV vote-counting methods over others, but, regardless, I'm going to vote against the motion to ITL it anyways
oh well, motion to ITL passes; so much for *that* RCV attempt...
next is HB1484, that election-denier, big-lie-spreader, conspiracy-whacko-supported election audit bill. Motion is to table it.
Why didn't this go on the consent calendar? It came out of committee unanimously, doesn't appear to have a Fiscal Note, and isn't listed in the "pulled from consent calendar" section...
HB1484 is tabled by a wide margin; not wide enough, though...
special-ordering HB1662 to now
HB1662 is about DHHS privacy obligations
next is HB1496, to make voter checklists available in spreadsheet format. Seems like there could be privacy issues here...
yeah leaving important portions of legislation in the "legislative intent" domain seems worse than just fixing the bill so its actual language captures the intent better
HB1496 passes along party lines; get ready for more incoming spam from telemarketers, now that it's easier for them to get your contact info
Current bill: HB1584, an agricultural fairs bill. It passes.
Next bill: HB1417, a bill tweaking the state retirement system
this one sure is taking a lot of votes...
ugh, procedural chicanery...
ok after like a dozen votes on it, I think we've finally passed HB1417... third reading motion now...
memorializations and unanimous consent speeches now
ok be back tomorrow