cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 59,234

                                                                                                                          1. Due to some carpooling confusion it looks like I won't be arriving at session today until after the governor's "State of the State" address... oh well, no huge loss! The voting portion of session is what matters, anyways... #NHPolitics
                                                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                          ok I’m here now; will be doing my usual livetweet thread again starting here. Reminders that I only put the #NHPolitics hashtag at the top of the thread to save on typing and characters, and that I skip tweeting voice votes that go by too quickly for me to catch
                                                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                        I should try taking typing lessons again sometime; I’ve probably picked up some bad habits since I last took them that I need to unlearn, and I could do with improving my WPM…
                                                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                      we’re getting started now
                                                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                    first bill under discussion: HB1587, about compensation from the state retirement system. It'd fix some overtime issues, so, sounds good!
                                                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                  if HB1587 passes, it'll go to the Finance Committee next
                                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                                oh wait missed the HB1587 results... HB1590 ITL-ed, though. Next: HB1536 from HHS, which would expand Medicaid to include certain postpartum health care services. Expanding Medicaid is good, so, let's not table this.
                                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                              HB1536 is tabled along part lines; boo. Republicans oppose people getting the health care services they need.
                                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                            next: HB1578, to expand CHIP to include more people. Motion is to table.
                                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                          HB1578 is tabled along party lines; more evidence that Republicans are anti-healthcare
                                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                        next: HB1604, one of those anti-vax bills masquerading as a "medical freedom" bill (i.e., letting the freedom of anti-vaxxers to be jerks trump everyone's else's freedom to stay healthy and free from infection)
                                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                      this is a misinterpretation of the idea of inalienable rights
                                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                    freedom of conscience applies to beliefs, it doesn't give you justification to harm people based on those beliefs
                                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                  tie vote!
                                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                                unfortunately the Speaker gets to break ties... oh well...
                                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                              oh wait that was just the amendment to HB1604; maybe we'll manage to get someone back from the bathroom or hall for the vote on the full bill...
                                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                            if a decision affects other people (like choosing whether to vax or not), it's not a "personal" decision, but a public one. Your individual autonomy doesn't extend to the germs you're spreading.
                                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                          HB1604 passes as amended by two votes... if only we'd had a few more Dems here...
                                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                        anyways it's lunchtime now... it's nice out, so I think I'll go for a walk...
                                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                      ok back from lunch; current bill is HB1609, which would add several common-sense exceptions to the post-24-week abortion bill that the GOP snuck into the budget (i.e. exceptions for rape, incest, fetal anomalies, etc.), and also removes the ultrasound requirement.
                                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                    There's a GOP amendment that strips out the rape, incest, & fetal anomalies exceptions, meaning that the only part of the bill left would be the part removing the ultrasound requirement.
                                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                  amendment is bad; hopefully we can pass the full bill unamended instead
                                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                                hey we killed the amendment by 2 votes! Phew! And of course the GOP immediately moves to table...
                                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                              another tie vote! Speaker Packard exercises his right to break ties again, so, the bill gets tabled... he fully owns this ban now.
                                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                            Next: HB1207... uh wait, huh? Oh right, that's because we special-ordered HB1662 to yesterday... anyways, HB1207 gives employees time off to vote, which is a good idea. Let's make it easier to vote!
                                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                          oops, missed the results on that... uh, next is a motion to remove HB1609 from the table? Which one was that again?
                                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                        oh wait duh it's the one we just did: @cooljeanius/1494373829321367554
                                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                      Maybe someone came back from somewhere?
                                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                    Motion to remove it from the table passes by 3 votes; I guess someone *did* come back from somewhere...
                                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                  HB1609 passes! It goes on to the Finance Committee next...
                                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                                next bill: HB1538, which would require prevailing wages on state-funded public works projects. Rep. Abramson is... actually on the right side of this? He's so hard to predict...
                                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                              HB1538 is ITL-ed; no prevailing wages for NH workers. Next is HB1586, the Wentworth Cheswell portrait bill. It passed out of Leg. Admin unanimously, but couldn't go on the consent calendar due to having a Fiscal Note.
                                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                            HB1586 passes easily by voice vote; onto the bill out of my committee: HB1665, a municipal disaster relief fund.
                                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                          HB1665 passes easily on voice vote, too.
                                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                        Next: bills out of ST&E, starting with HB1419, which would establish a New Hampshire civilian climate corps advisory committee. Seems like a good idea to me!
                                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                      HB1419 was tabled; now is HB1506, for a revolving clean energy accelerator fund
                                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                    More tabling... Republicans keep killing things that would help mitigate the climate crisis...
                                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                  Now: HB1601, about funding the @NHSaves program.
                                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                                table table table
                                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                              Republicans are anti-energy-efficiency
                                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                            (HB1621 is another energy efficiency bill)
                                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                          We have an infinite table, apparently... anyways this bill on 5G (HB1644) seems interesting; not sure on it yet...
                                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                        I'm kinda surprised we can still put bills to interim study at this point; I thought we didn't have enough time left in the term for those...
                                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                      it's stupid that we're not allowed to record our own videos, IMO
                                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                    I voted "yes" to put HB1644 to interim study; we need more time and info before we can make an informed decision
                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                  motion to put HB1644 to interim study passes
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                next: HB1100, to change the penalties for driving without a license. Torn on this because I'm anti-car and want fewer people to drive, but the points that existing penalties are too stiff and don't fit the crime are valid points...
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              HB1208 wants to repeal driver education requirements. That's a bad idea; I'd prefer ITL-ing it, but I guess tabling it also works to kill it...
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            ok good we tabled HB1208; next is HB1461, increasing penalties for littering. This is the last bill on the regular calendar; after this are bills removed from the consent calendar.
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          HB1461 passes on voice vote; onto bills removed from the consent calendar. First is HB1176, which would reduce the penalty for sex work within one's own home. I believe that #SexWorkIsWork and support full decrim, and believe this bill would be a good step towards it.
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        Solidarity with sex workers; it's quite disappointing to see such bipartisan disdain for them.
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      Motion to ITL HB1176 passes by a wide margin; I was one of the few (20-something) votes against killing it. Oh well...
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    Next: HB1340, relative to the definition of "domestic violence". Rep. Abramson seems to be using it as a vehicle to complain about gun laws; blech. Let's ITL this, as the committee did unanimously.
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  Up now: HB1392, to reduce penalties for non-violent drug offenses. I support ending the drug war and thus oppose the motion to ITL this.
              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                ...looks like we skipped HB1276? Anyways, we're on CACR30 now; we ITL-ed it...
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              Now: HB1262, commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Pine Tree Riot. It came out of committee with a 15-2 vote of ITL, and I agree with that.
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            Good grief, Rep. Burt calling for a roll call on this is ridiculous
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          these bills removed from consent are all going the way you'd expect
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        Now: HB1642, relative to lead testing in children. Rep. Blasek is really going all-in on her anti-health stance...
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      Next: HB1654... which... I'm not seeing in my notes?
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    Next: HB1397, which came out of my committee unanimously. I'm not sure why Rep. Ammon removed this from consent?
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      oh he's just nitpicking about a drafting error where the title failed to get updated with the amendment to it
      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
        so it's just the amendment he's complaining about, not the underlying bill...
        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
          meh, I don't really have strong feelings about either the amendment or the underlying bill, but Rep. Ammon really should have raised these complaints earlier instead of blindsiding us with them now...
          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
            wow they actually killed the amendment! First time pulling something from consent has worked today! So, uh... I guess I oppose the bill now?
            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
              bill passes unamended... meh, feels weird to be treating Rockingham County differently, but, eh, whatever...
              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                Now: HB1040, a study commission for highway stuff. Pulled from consent to correct the vote count in the calendar. At least, that's all I thought it was; now there's a motion to table, though...
                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                  Last bill for the day: HB1656, establishing a road usage registration fee. Not sure why Rep. Somssich removed it from consent?
                  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                    oh wait it was unanimous to kill it, not to pass it, so, by removing it from consent, he's trying to save it, not kill it...
                    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                      apparently the study committee from the previous bill was meant as a substitute for this one
                      1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                        (I still voted against tabling it though)
                        1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                          ok time for the third reading motion; that means we're closing up...
                          1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                            eh... Tony... you don't really need to do this as a unanimous consent speech; the email was fine as it is.
                            1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                              Well, now I guess I know what the upcoming news cycle will be about...
                              1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                Look, I have my own complaints with the party, but I don't think the extra ammo that Republicans would get from voicing them is worth it. Criticisms of the Democratic Party should only be done in ways that Republicans can't benefit from.
                                1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
                                  anyways, time to head home...