cooljeanius’s avatarcooljeanius’s Twitter Archive—№ 61,898

      1. …in reply to @NHDemLatinos
        @NHDemLatinos @SenatorHassan @ChrisPappasNH @NHDems there's still time to primary them, isn't there?
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      @patjhynes @NHDemLatinos @SenatorHassan @ChrisPappasNH @NHDems (before any Republicans get excited, no, I don't actually intend to primary her myself, as I still have too much stuff I want to do at the state level first; I'm just hoping someone else will, as long as it's from the left)
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    @patjhynes @NHDemLatinos @SenatorHassan @ChrisPappasNH @NHDems (also note that I'm only calling for a primary challenger, not a third party challenger, as I'm sure that whoever the GOP nominates to oppose her will be bad enough that we won't be able to risk a spoiler candidate possibly splitting the vote and helping them get elected)