Here's today's negative test.
Meanwhile, statewide, we are still climbing the up-slope of the 5th wave.
I don’t really want to go to session today… I’m tired… but, I guess I have to…
someone bring me caffeine at the State House today or something…
Good thing it's possible to get here a few minutes late without missing much (just the prayer and anthem)
so yeah this is day 2 of this week's crossover session; yesterday's thread was here: @cooljeanius/1521844432739446784
Same disclaimers apply as usual, etc. etc.
No idea how long we'll be this evening: @cooljeanius/1521847752782667781
Memorial for Barbara French currently... who is a different person from Barbara Shaw! Hey wait Ms. French worked in the Concord Schools? Maybe I knew her...
Oh and she's also a different person from Barb Griffin, who is still alive and still in office... "Barbara" seems to be almost as popular of a name for NH state legislators as "Tim" is
oh and "Steve" is another popular one, too... as is "Josh"
but yeah anyways we're considering bills now; current one is a suicide prevention bill
oh wait I guess that's not actually one for us to vote on
we're in bills from Judiciary now
Current bill: SB217, increasing the amount of time required for landlords to send eviction notices to tenants from 30 to 60 days. As a tenant, it's something I'd want (if I were in danger of getting evicted; thankfully that seems pretty hard to make happen with HUD housing)
SB217 is ITL-ed; looks like the House Landlord Caucus continues to rule the roost around here...
SB302: a personal privacy bill. Goes by on voice vote.
I don't think I included the #NHPolitics hashtag yet in this thread so I'll do so here and then forget about it again
Current bill: SB344, about remote participation and the right-to-know law
Now: SB388, which came out of committee unanimously, but apparently we're tabling now due to a floor amendment not getting drafted in time
327-2! lol
I challenge some #NHPolitics reporter to find out who the "2" were (It was a division, not a roll call, so they'll have to actually ask some people to find out)
Done with bills from Judiciary; onto bills from the Labor Committee
Now: SB345, establishing a maximum 35-hour workweek for 16 and 17-year-olds. It would have also set a limit on nightwork for kids, too, but the committee amendment just removed that part...
Brian Sullivan is proposing a floor amendment putting back in the limit on nightwork on school nights for youth.
Some commotion about making sure Rep. Seaworth speaks only to Rep. Sullivan's amendment, and not the entire bill.
"most of us have kids, some of us have grandkids" good grief the average age of this Legislature is too old; what about those of us who were recently kids ourselves?
Rep. Sullivan's floor amendment fails; @tjsnh moves to table
GOP are trying to bring back child labor
what level of dishonesty is it to say "we need to have a discussion on this bill!" (against tabling) and then immediately waving off debate after the motion to table fails?
SB345 passes; looks like the GOP gets their wish to bring back child labor... we'll be voting on a "print remarks" motion now
"print remarks" motion fails; Marjorie Smith reminds us that we can still find the debate by rewinding the YouTube stream
bills from my committee now!
good grief I thought this amendment would be non-controversial: @cooljeanius/1516058793678942220
all it does is change "trash" to "waste"! I don't get why that would be controversial
executive session results on the bill: @cooljeanius/1516065329599991808
So that was my first PI!
SB245 is tabled; onto SB246
This was a Republican bill so I don't get why it's all Republicans opposing it: @cooljeanius/1512087487425888269
Maybe it's just their general anti-regulation stance, in which case I guess the odd part is that a Republican introduced it in the first place, not that Republicans oppose it: @cooljeanius/1512088621993496581
Reps Maggiore and Mangipudi continue to have their last names mixed up
I thought Republicans were big private-community dwellers...
Next is SB329; this is one of those bills that had random amendments added: @cooljeanius/1519320174314373120
I hope we can kill the committee amendment: @cooljeanius/1519322218823565312
Results from executive session on SB329: @cooljeanius/1519335905064009728
oops Rep. Maggiore just goofed his PI, lol
there is no need for tax cap language in this bill
boo, they got their tax cap amendment in... hopefully it gets removed in a committee of conference...
next: SB400, this one was even worsely amended
This was the main topic of my LTE printed yesterday: @cooljeanius/1521817780789690368
maneuvering is kinda complicated here; we don't want this tabled *yet*, but maybe later depending on which amendments pass...
it ended up being Republicans passing it due to their bad amendments they passed, but we haven't approved those as the Full House yet: @cooljeanius/1519350705190014979
this is also known as the "housing toolbox" bill: @cooljeanius/1519336648789708803
SB400 is tabled, oh well, so much for housing, but at least we managed to avoid the bad amendments...
That's it for my committee; onto SB258 from Resources, Recreation, and Development, relative to the graves of African Americans alive during the period of American enslavement.
motion is to put it to interim study, but we'd prefer to just pass it
Interim Study motion for SB258 passes; onto bills from Science Technology, and Energy
Rep. Jackie Cali-Pitts speaking in favor of a youth environmental education and conservation council (SB263)
Now: SB269: a study commission for energy saving weatherization programs. It's a motion of "Interim Study"... on a study commission. Redundant much?
Now: SB271, relative to the Burgess BioPower facility. Apparently this is pretty important to the city of Berlin and the North Country in general.
Peter Somssich has a floor amendment to it that he's speaking to
assuming this was the same bill: @WoodBIOMASS/1519780819677577217
.@DMoKreis supports the committee amendment; that's good: @DMoKreis/1518963605684817922
Sen. Shaheen has been on the issue of keeping it going for awhile now: @SenatorShaheen/1281330796566138882
...since 2014: @SenatorShaheen/536984300093448192
...actually since 2012: @SenatorShaheen/259334013519552512
Rep. Kuster, too: @RepAnnieKuster/305037972418465793
...and also Kelly Ayotte, so I guess the tradition of taking pictures at it is bipartisan: @burgessev/319480309928325120
ah apparently 2012 was when it was built: @NHAFLCIO/179941263850745857
Oh right in 2013 people still had to do RTs/QTs with a manual "RT"; here's the original of the Burgess Everett RT above: @KellyAyotte/319479382483795969
anyways try searching "Burgess BioPower" on here; you can get a pretty decent history of it just from what's been tweeted
Current bill: SB424, about so-called "Renewable Natural Gas" (methane recovery from landfills). Rep. Somssich moves to table.
anyways it's lunchtime now
k we're back now; still in the SciTech bills
.@JackieCinMHT speaks about SB448, an energy use reduction bill for state agencies.
"most of us here drove here today" ...well, I didn't! I walked! (lol I realize I'm probably the only exception here)
GOP are being anti-EVs, as usual
Republicans continue to prove they are against energy efficiency, by killing SB448
redistricting time
Max Abramson is actually opposing his own party on gerrymandering here, but of course he has to get in digs against Dems while he's at it
ok for some reason he had to explain the character "Kenny" from South Park while he was at it, too
Ross Berry is now speaking about his map; I really don't like how Concord and Manchester are stuck together with it...
Concord gets to be the dominant city in our district under the current arrangement (yes Nashua is bigger but it's less centrally-located), and I don't want to give that up to Manchester. Keep us separate.
(this is all being done as an amendment to SB200, btw, which was originally just about the election of district commissioners in Haverhill)
Majority committee amendment (Rep. Berry's map) is adopted; time to see if we can replace it with the minority amendment (a least-changes map that moves just one town)
minority amendment is rejected... hm, I thought there might also be a floor amendment before voting on the entire bill?
I guess Rep. Abramson gave up on his floor amendment...
SB200 passes along party lines; let's hope Gov. Sununu sticks by his threat to veto...
Next: SB447 from Transportation, an electric vehicle and infrastructure fund.
SB447 is tabled; Republicans continue to suppress electric vehicles.
3 more bills from the regular calendar, all from Ways and Means, before we get to bills removed from the consent calendar.
Current bill: SB318, "extending the hours in which games of chance may be conducted" (which means gambling)
Sue Almy speaking to her amendment to SB318... something about "Poker Palaces"...
debate over whether to call them "Poker Palaces" or "Charitable Gaming Locations"
amendment replaces the entire bill, apparently
Rep. Almy's amendment fails; SB318 passes unamended.
current bill: SB435, a tweak to the Business Profits Tax
SB435 passes on voice vote; time for bills removed from the consent calendar
Rep. Osborne moves to table SB399, which passed unanimously out of committee and was on the consent calendar, but was removed only so we could amend it in response to Alito's leaked SCOTUS opinion.
we tried to special-order this bill to yesterday: @cooljeanius/1521921243326435328
...but that failed: @cooljeanius/1521921823599841280
Rep. Osborne yesterday: "You'll just have to wait until tomorrow!" Rep. Osborne today: "lol just kidding; you'll actually have to wait indefinitely"
SB399 is tabled along party lines; oh well...
Current bill: SB429, which Rep. Oxenham removed from the consent calendar to introduce a floor amendment to. It's about the Site Evaluation Committee.
am so confused
argle bargle
Final(?) bill: SB316, on lucky 7 licenses... goes by on voice vote
3rd reading motion; I actually opposed it this time since I thought some people might want to remove some things from the table, but 3rd reading motions always pass, so, nvm
.@mannyfornh giving a unanimous consent speech about Cinco de Mayo, which is actually in memorial of the Battle of Puebla, *not* Mexican Independence Day!
.@rosemarierung has a unanimous consent speech for Teacher Appreciation Week.
ok we're done now