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    1. SB400 was going to have one last chance as an amendment to HB1661, but apparently it got gutted in the committee of conference; shame to see that happen... oh well, we'll try again next year: @NHBulletinNews/1529068450559270912
  1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
    Speaking of HB1661... anyone want to help me catch up on what exactly the status of it is, besides the portion highlighted in this article? I hear it turned into an omnibus with a bunch of other stuff added as well; what else is in it?
    1. …in reply to @cooljeanius
      Just asking because I had a constituent writing opposing the parking garage portion of it... she raised some concerns about it that I share, but if there's other stuff in the bill... well, let's just say I don't feel comfortable taking a position on it yet.