So, that’s 3-and-a-bit hours away; I’ll try to be back by then: @January6thCmte/1539418019134324736
all right never mind; looks like I'll still be needed at the Dems booth at Market Days past 3, so I guess I won't be able to livetweet this afternoon's hearing after all... I'm sure plenty of other people have it covered...
ok it looks like I’m no longer needed at the Dems booth at Market Days so I’m back at my apartment tuning into the hearings now
figures they take a recess just as I start livetweeting it
k committee hearing is back now; Rep. Kinzinger is asking questions to Mr. Engel
they’re talking about how Trump was preparing a bogus lawsuit
now moving on to the proposal for a Special Counsel investigation
Rosen telling about refusing a request to seize voting machines
ok it sounds like Ken Cuccinelli needs to testify here, too
I wonder if this YouTube video being cited is still up
this stuff about Italian satellites is crazy… also Kinzinger was totally going to say “conspiracy shit” before he corrected to “conspiracy theories”
I wonder if the Jewish space lasers were mounted on the Italian satellites
that seems like a lot of phone calls on that call log at first, but under further consideration, it probably isn’t, at least not for the White House… still, more calls than I usually make in a day, though…
ok they’re getting to the actual day-of Jan 6th stuff now
there’s the Mo Brooks pardon email
going more into depth about all the congresspeople who’d asked for pardons
Kinzinger giving a closing statement now
Cheney’s turn for a closing statement
Chair Thompson’s closing statement
sounds like we’ll be getting more hearings than the original planned 6… anyways, adjourned now