NC★Link, please just stop. If you cant understand simple human emotion, give it a rest. In Sadie's defense, she can spend her birthday however she wants! Im sure she didnt want people to rain on he...
Sadie's Yeahs

Back off, NC★Link. If he did something on his birthday other than miiverse, its fine. Just respect people opinions. I didnt even think about miiverse on my B-day. Why? Because I ciuld be doing some...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

ok so that burger guy said exchanging codes AGENST THE COC HES RIGHT SORRY bro
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Look trollert8 I understand what's going on here. You're still young and you have the mindset that what you are doing is cool and funny. Truth is no it's really not. It's an extreme act of major in...