Users Sadie Is Following
Jeremy Newtothisplace
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Elijah.K chadkidd
whatup! its Elijah my fellow hylians :D im a homeschooling christain Person heres some stuff you should know ↓ 1. i Love Loz best series ever XD 2.i like the NBA lol 3.heres some shout-outs Grace,Isaiah, Coco, Taylah, Jeremy. 4. fav video games Oot TP monster hunter4 MM and all the Original loz games there cool:D Im also in the SPSF clan :D Im also a BIG! anime fan and all studio ghibli:
JaDoctor jackjr.90
Hey! Im Jack! I live on the earth in the solar system in the milky way in our universe. [confused?] My Best Friend are Guy, ZackWiiU44, and of course, Tagg! Comment if you want to talk!
Gaby ga21by
HOI!I'M GABY.(I really like temmie) Name:Gabrielle (call me gaby) RIP noctis, sold his wiiu for a nintendo switch Please don't fwend request because I probably won't accept and please no cringe (I know sometimes it can't be avoided) People to check out: look at the list of people I follow RIP noctis MEOW
Hey guys and girls of Miiverse i have good news and bad news. Good news I'm coming to Crowley. Bad news my dog Royalty died yesterday she got of the house and got hit by a car and now I'm sad.
Panda&Nova Azraelle999
Panda. Aujourd'hui je suis là. Demain je peux être pas. ------------------------------------- Nova. I am 2D4rk4You
der cesar1n20
quiero el mii que me da notisiones
Fresh!Sans TheGreatPapyrus3
Yo, yo kiddo! Here's Mr.Fresh! .... Love, hugs, kisses to Paper Jam! *blushes* ●///_///● but don't touch or you will DIE!
Bendy jenksfamily16
They have sent you a letter, To come back home to play, But to your dismay this isn't your day for the happy fun time has begun to fade watch as we reanimate our corpses you abandoned we're dismantled we're mishandled but we won't be skipped and swayed trapped within these walls you left our souls to drip away the ink decays the walls at bay but the reckoning has come today you say
moto moto3433
hello welcome to my profile my name is kaitlyn but you guys can call me moto there realy nothing to say other than i love zelda like pokemon and i also draw and sketch ps i am a christian list of friends: Hylian Evan,coco,Christiano,Kian, Didi,Madison,Bennett, Angela. Also PLEASE try to follows these awsome peeps of mine!!!
wweis45567 22jamespatterson
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CoolDude User.368
Hi whats up? Who wants to be my friend i accept almost all friend requests exept blank ones, so add something to it, i love to wii u chat so ring me up
Charlie duckdander
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Evα_gαмεr Eva.fuentes
Hola!!!!!Soy Eva!!!!! *Retos* +100 seguidores. +Subir todos los fines de semana. ★ACNL★ +Pueblo: Madrid. +Día de creación: 06/01/15. +Jugadores: Eva y José. ∞Subiré∞ +Animal Crossing New Life...(sueños, fotos y más). +Nintendo badge arcade...(ofertas, medallas y más). +New Style Boutique 2...(diseños, conjuntos y más).
got banned kevinmpatterson
meow! hi i love cats and animal jam! pokemon and professor layton and yo kai watch
nathan familiasuarez123
Hola soy nathan Mi comida favorita:Ensalada con pechuga Youtubers favoritos:Sarinha_3 El Rubius y Exo Hobby:Tenis Animal favorito:Nyan Cat xD Y ya no se que contar pues eso vivo en España en Las Islas Canarias en Tenerife Pues eso darle like seguidme y ser mis amigos. Aaaa si mi música favorita es de los40.Estela y luigi favoritos y is amiga es Herminia segidla
αηяуαάнηт♪ Adriolakase
Like: Bulbasaur(:3), Lucario(M), Greninja (Ash), Charizard (Y), Zekrom & Tyranitar •6D00-000F-69D0Code AcnlWA Nintendo• Erika~Chris ¤-´☆English (No Much)∞&∞Español(Soy)★`-¤ Lunadangelis y Deϊak~☆•…•★ {мι ηθмвгε εн мц яаяооо} (сбмо ιθ :з) ιf υ fσιιθω мε ι fσιισω ιυ ¡Hasta luego cocodrilo!
Laura La12Midna
Ciao! AMO I GIOCHI DI ZELDA!!! Sono davvero la mia passione!!! ( anche se non sono un'esperta al 100% :-< ) Non mi dispiacciono i giochi di Mario, Just Dance, Animal Crossing e quelli originali della Wii ( Wii Party U, Wii Karaoke U ecc... ) Questo é tutto per ora! ;-D Ciaoooo!!! :-))) P.S. : W LA WII U E IL 3DS!!! :-PPP
arthur badboybaggs
*pets your head* :3 hi friends, nice to meet u im arthur and im 14 feel free to leave comment's if i don't respond im offline or doing something. Also feel free to go though my stuff i make mario maker levels quite a bit so have fun playing those and yeah i hope all of you have a amazing day
{SB}Wolf WiiU_von_Wolf
Profilkommentar ausgeblendet.
anna annarieluvsred10
i am a pokeymon fan i love to draw like sports and hope peploe follow me and i like reading harry potter books and bulbsaure if i spelled it right is my favorite pokeymon hope you follow me :)
Milou shirleyjanefelix
Hey! I'm... Yuri. ~*º•~•°*~ Things that i like: Glitter Force (Most. April ♡) BeyBlade (Most. Kyoya ♡) Splatoon Minecraft Animal Crossing New Leaf (ACNL) Insta Drawing ~*º•~•°*~ ♡ Feel free to chat w/ me!! ♡
Haluna dillara
Welcome• I'm Haluna/Dillara♀ -age 14 -splatoon player/squidpartys♡ -favorite games:splatoon,fire emblem,the legend of zelda -free follow -please no random friend requests Bye♡!
† White † Meuporg975
Hello my gametag is Noscopeur_xXx_Kestuvafer_xXx_Nozcopeur
Huschke MiitendoHuschke
Hi, I'm Huschke from Miitendo of Europe. I like best adventure racing game music games. My favorite character is Yoshi, and I know myself well with Nintendo from .;) I will inform you of information, and even open a few events .;) Have fun in Miiverse!
Princess princesscricri
Bonjour à tous, Fan de mangas, j'adore dessiner mes personnages préférés (The legend of Zelda, Fairytail, One piece, animés Ghibli). Si vous aimez mes dessins, n'hésitez-pas à mettre un "ouais" ou à laisser un message (je parle anglais, allemand et un peu japonais). Dédicace spéciale pour : Alexopro Aurelie.Mangaka Lucypro PokeBigFan \\^o^// the best boy ^.~ ♪
sadie sadie0605
Sadie is awsome
jоshyКх² SUPERCJ3
hi im josh Kχ² Kχ members 2 1leader Kχ¹◆ninja 2leader joshy Kχ²////me////! 3leader ??? but you could join ¼leader same applies to on top ½leader same applies above so you can join just ask me or ninja its an ironfall clan xp2 or over but im xp 1 but restarted at xp8 joshy out..
Connor SaladFingers08
I like stuff
Miren Life2003L
Holita Leaferos os gustan las locuras a mi tambien aqui teneis la lista de cositas que hago: Misterios animal crossing El diario de Laura Recomendaciones de usuarios y muchas mas cosas si os gustan mis locuras dadle ese botoncitoque es tan bonito tan bonito llamado seguirle seras un Leafer Bff:Claudia Ultima actualizacionon del perfil 06/09/2016
$twyla$ smartchef
i love drawing and k dramas love kpop like no deal im straight up kookie like i said no deal i play minecraft and have a youtube page im werid your cool lets be friends no blank friend request if you want to be my friend tell me your bias groups and bias from them like my groups Got7,BTS,2,pm ,black pink, red vevt,(spelled wrong) CL, EXO,Tayoug youtube= lizza,stacyplays,lifesimmer,yammy.BYE
Emmy rainbowshimmer9
Umm...I like games? Hi?
Kat SPEED0234
well miiverse has been wonderful for me, I wrote this message to say goodbye to everyone, I'm quitting in a day or two and focusing on more important things in life, family and friends... I'm not letting miiverse quit on me, I am quitting on miiverse... I am saying bye to everyone the trolls, my friends, my enemies and the admins... (Kat has left forever...) ...goodbye
luke chestercat02
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Rogocat Rogocat
18, geek, unhealthy Nintendo-obsession ▲ The Legend of Zelda is great af ▲ WE WOMMY BACK♡ ò.ó
Nader nader.t
Hey, dere. I'm Nader and I looooooooove the Zelda, Pokemon and Mario Bros series. If you follow me I will follow you back. Game: Pokemon Sun. Last on Miiverse: 21/4/17 Thanks, all my followers are amazinnng! See ya round. Lol I haven't been on this in half a year. Heylloooo? Lol.
Aleah Aleah05
I can still here ur voice: "Where is the old Aleah"
Keaton Kadens_alternate
Hi. I am Kaden(zelda03)'s alternate Acount! I use this account when I run out of posts, or if I just feel like it. I have a huge collection of treasures. I collect these beauties on my adventures. I have fluffy dust-bunnies, hairballs, An Embalmed lizard, and a giant bat corpse! (I Showed Lady Kamui Some of my treasures, but I think I scared her away.) I'm a Nohrian and a wolfskin.
Sidon zelda03
"Say hey there! Young one! Up top! Above you!!!" *Jumps and flips, and lands. Then, the amazing theme song starts playing* "Pardon the entrance, but you're a Hylian aren't you?" *Holds out arms* "I was hoping perhaps you'd have a moment to talk..." (Ends Cut scene) I am Sidon, The Zora Prince! ... I Ship Sidlink aka Sink.
Emily EmilyBunt08
Welcome to my profile i am going to have so much fun on miiverse so my favourite part is followers i love posting things bye