Users TLOW☆Snowy Is Following
【7/17更新】 現実のキャンパスライフを充実している美大生です。たまにミバスの様子を見に来ます。 名前:スズラン ※仮名です 年齢:大人 性別:♀ 誕生日:6/18 住んでるところ:関東地方 性格:超マイペース、気まぐれ 「ONEPIECE」「進撃の巨人」「東京喰種」「NARUTO」大好き!!!!! 他にも好きな漫画がまだまだいっぱいあります。好きなゲームはほとんど任天堂でどう森、スプラトゥーン、カービィ、ポケモンなどなど…カプコンでは逆転裁判です。 ストレスがなく気持ちよくコミュニティをご利用したいために、不快になるコメント・中傷行為等を行うユーザーを削除もしくは通報、ブロックで対処させていただきます。ご了承下さい。
KraknKathy stallion33
I love Pokemon!!!!!!I also love Zelda!!!
Kokiri LuigiGreen21
Hello out there all you wonderful people! My name is David, and I'm a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time is my favorite game, and I like to go running, and playing sports. Feel free to send me a friend request anytime, and I accept all challenges for Mario Kart 8, find me on Splatoon, and Super Smash Bros for the Wii U. Anyways have fun!!
corey renz Mikey817
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Noah legowars96
just a typical videogamer that's addicted to zelda. i also like drawing, nintendo in general, and music. i can answer every and all zelda questions.
Emperor P mario-too-luigi
Titles: General Hylian Empirial Minister of State Emperor Doctor Ambassador
May Meejmeej
Linkysheik Linkysheik
Knight HappyHylian
Hello and welcome! ^_^ I'm a person who draws for fun. My drawings mostly include (but are not limited to) characters from The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Undertale, and Pokémon. Additional info: *I don't take requests. *I also don't accept random/blank friend requests. Thank you for visiting my profile!
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
ςγικυη Sylkun
↑Please Touch and Scroll my Messages to see all my Drawings and Creations. •Miiverser since 01122012• ♥Thx for yeah, com & follow me♥ ═══════════════════════ ▒▓▒▒▒▓▒▓▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▓▓▒▒▓▓▓▒ ▒▓▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▒▓▒▒ ▒▓▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▓▓▒▒▒▓▒▒ ▒▓▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▒▓▒▒ ═══════════════════════ • G R A P H I C S & D E V E L O P M E N T •
Me! Stoic_Seraphim
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is aspiring to become a great artist someday. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^ Games I really enjoy~ •Final Fantasy •Megaman X •Suikoden •Dragon's Dogma •Legend of Zelda •Radiant Historia •Xenogears/saga/blade •Old RPGs
☆Dani☆ Dani015
Hi everyone I'm Dani. I'm 17 years old and I draw random stuff:) (Just for fun, not for fame!;)) I love to play games, especially The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and Smash Bros., and to watch Animes (Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Mirai Nikki ect.)! I guess that's all.. I hope you enjoy my drawings... Oh wait! I'm a little bit crazy. :D Bye-bye♥
Doremi GG46ML86LX1
Ferrets and foxes and bunnies oh my (O///O) I love drawing and my current obsessions right now are... DC Super hero girls Smurfette from Smurfs Splatoon 2 Princess Peach Zootopia Derpy Hooves MLP Trolls #Poppy Pokemon moon Nintendo Switch Drawing all my O.C.'s... look around if you want. and dont mind Jinxies shes a little hyper ♥♡
Ichimatsu HyliaCat43
All you need to know is that I don't have my Wii U anymore. You can find me anywhere else though. Look for Ichi-the-Idiot. I won't check Miiverse all that often. I don't have motivation to do so and am simultaneously too busy.
skinny salin_1995
Hi I'm Salin, but you can call me Skinny.♪ I am 22 years old and I love... ☆Video games ★Anime ☆Manga ★KDrama(Korean Drama) ☆Kpop music ★Drawing Played-All Fable games 1-4, Final Fantasy, White Knight, Harvest Moon, Old N64 games and Super Nintendo games. Star ocean series, and of course my Favorite series Zelda~Ocarina of time, Twilight, Skyward Sword, Wind waker, Hyrule warriors.♥ No Wiiu Chat
Cyril Cywiil19
salut à toute la communauté wii u ! bonne experience et bon jeu à tous! merci à tous pour vos "ouais" et merci à tous ceux qui me suivent! fans de cinéma,vous êtes les bienvenus! WII will rock U !! thank you all my friends for your support and your kindly comments! keep on making miiverse a great place, whoever you are!
SQUID EVIL fairyduckwreath
this profile is shared!I organized who drew what! oldersis: born 99/art is my passion/Pretty advanced w/ art/I take requests/I like to support other artists/I love animal crossing and M.Kart 8 youngsis: born 02/likes pokemon, ACNL, F. Emblem/ Slowly progressing in drawing/posts little drawings here and there Now part of ArtistI clan!Splatoon art clan! ¤Check out our art!¤
Siv Ragnhild
Hellooo there cutie ~.^ Draw for fun, not for fame♡ Thank you so much for all the support! It means a lot to me ♡ Please: Don't advertise yourself on my drawings. Don't copy my art without asking. Don't ask for requests/follows. ♡ ♡~Phazey~♡
Rogocat Rogocat
18, geek, unhealthy Nintendo-obsession ▲ The Legend of Zelda is great af ▲ WE WOMMY BACK♡ ò.ó
tere Mi5aMi5a
Nina Niona-sama
★Bazinga à tous ;D! ★Prénom: Nina ( tout simplement ...) ★Âge: À ton vraiment besoin de le savoir? ★Activités préf: Le dessin, regarder des animes, lire des mangas et des fanfics -w-, se perdre sur youtube et la Kpop Enjoy! Deviantart & Tumblr: Niona-chan
しあわせのおめんや HappyMaskShop
「ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 3D」の しあわせのお面屋です。 またみなさんにお会いできましたねぇ。 Greetings, I’m the Happy Mask Shop from Majora’s Mask 3D. Looks like we’ve met with a terrible fate again.
みなひこ dragons-grey
Thank you for everyone indebted to miiverse!! I was very happy for five years ,able to interact with everyone who loves Zelda around the world. It is very sad that miiverse ends,but the feeling of loving Zelda does not change. I am also looking forword to seeing you somewhere. Thank you!! ...I started twitt..>▽<ゝ これまでお出会いした皆様、楽しい日々をありがとうございました!長いようで短い5年間でした。 これからもゼルダを愛し抜きます!今後は青い鳥で出会えると嬉しいです みなひこ
ED☆Dαχυ sushies
♪Welcome ev'ryone •ώ•♪ •Hey there i'm 14! & I just LOVE DRAW!! =D a big "Thank you" for my followers, love you all♡ \(^0^ ) …Just a li'le passage in french: •Bon! Mes chers amis, abonnés... ou même adversaires :D j'vous en prie, vous pouvez regarder et suivre mes dessins! ça m'ferait vraiment plaisir! •Plz: -I take requests only from my close friends -No advertising on my drawings See ya♡
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
MC² MorganCherney
Z&dj↓ Aero777
●.·.·☆YøSHi☆·.·.● .·•☆BøWS£R☆•·. .·•☆ØrPh£n☆•·. .·•☆•••☆•·. .·•★•·. ★★☆ The End :) ★ Sad Stuff ♪Vicetone - United We Dance
maber mabersantana
Martijn mreuvers
Official Two Tribes account. Codemonkey and co-founder of Two Tribes
ponyguy10 bluelink7
Jar amanda-panda-fac
milkshake milkshaken
you may call me misha/mistake/milkshake/milk/mikhail i was born in trinidad and tobago
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
ふーみん wrbyrobby
★私にコメントする前に読んでね★ ※みばが終わる日まで普通に投稿します I'm Fuumin [ふーみん] Japanese woman. I cannot accept a request now. *1人のコメント多数投稿はとても困ります。特に投稿無視で他のかたと会話したりケンカなどは絶対やめて下さい *WiiUのフレンドリクエストや絵のリクエストは受け付けていません *絵にかかった時間は最初のコメントに書いてます *無言フォローフォロー外し連続共感はご自由に *『絵のアドバイス絵を上手く描くコツを教えてください』という質問は困ります私も皆さんと同じ道具同じ描き方で描いているだけです誰かを指導する立場ではありません *『みば友』『フォロー返し』『個人情報の質問(友人関係も含む)』『タメ口会話希望』『共感又はコメント下さい』にはお答えできません 性別…♀ 年齢…大人 出身…北海道
☆Haki U☆ HakiMangaStudio
☆welcome to my corner of miiverse! ☆info: ☆age: getting old hahaha (20) ☆hobbies: playing nintendo games, and watching anime! ☆Aka : haki U (bentleymurray123) ☆i appreciate all the support everyone, though i'm no good at drawing... ☆status - looking to fail uni soon (busy) ☆nintendo switch!
K hatatyannzu
皆様 私の絵を見ていただき ありがとうございました 私の作るモノを見て 思わず笑顔になってしまう...そんなモノが作れるよう ボチボチ頑張っていきたいと思っています^-^ またお会いできることを 楽しみにしております ありがとうございました。 my new account ... K keiiek2
Zelda obsessing and Splatoon obsessing
Doodle obsessing