TLOW☆Snowy's Friends
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LonelyBun♀ FermataSquid
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Llama WeeBooDoo
TCÏ⇒Bunbun Lonely_Gurl
Mari KotomiIchinose00
dark DRAGONFIRE198024
hi my name is shawn i am looking for friends i do play a lot of games and sometimes i need help and i can help you to with some games i hope you have a good day or night thank-you shawn
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
cris alfonso242
corey renz Mikey817
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SQUID EVIL fairyduckwreath
this profile is shared!I organized who drew what! oldersis: born 99/art is my passion/Pretty advanced w/ art/I take requests/I like to support other artists/I love animal crossing and M.Kart 8 youngsis: born 02/likes pokemon, ACNL, F. Emblem/ Slowly progressing in drawing/posts little drawings here and there Now part of ArtistI clan!Splatoon art clan! ¤Check out our art!¤
May Meejmeej
bones crazybone1978
big gamer i had nes sega genses sega master n 64 g cube now i got ps3 xbox1 and i race dirt bikes
Mario Kart 8: Wheels spinning, engines start, while all is fair in love and Kart. Green and Red and Blue Spiked Shell. Track you, chase you, and send you to... well? Hyrule Warriors: Journey begins, sword in hand, travelling far across the land. Battle the Darkness with the Light, and vanquish evil with my might. ~MAVERICK-X
andy game12iop
May azumigo
Justin mbcox916
im not intermediate but im not expert either! Nintendo add more ranks!
lightmage lightmage819
im 17
rickybobby itsamemark
Kokiri LuigiGreen21
Hello out there all you wonderful people! My name is David, and I'm a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time is my favorite game, and I like to go running, and playing sports. Feel free to send me a friend request anytime, and I accept all challenges for Mario Kart 8, find me on Splatoon, and Super Smash Bros for the Wii U. Anyways have fun!!
★Fab–Los Loso2123
† I am a christian and I love Jesus Christ ! →→→→ † – I'm a open-minded person and friendly . If you have any questions about games or anything let me know : ) . → I'm a true fan of Mario/Zelda since I was a kid in the 90's . Most of all , my fav games are Super Smash Bros 64 & Melee ; ) , I love SSB .. if you would like to play me let me know , thanks friends : ) Fav character: Fox
pain akatsuki45
pain cartoons23
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WaIe Awesome.Wale
I've created a massive craze for nintendo super mario bros, but i now play hyrule warriors and smash! Dont be afraid to talk to me (19 years old) So expect a horrible voice
Butterfly niajmy
Wendi minionlover
Dan wick-931
ponyguy10 bluelink7
Chardonnay Chardonnay1738
Music: Kpop, Dubstep, Hip-hop, Rock, and R&B Animes: Clannad, Amnesia, Bleach, Rwby, Hiiro No Kakera, The Melancholy of Haruhi Susumiya, Another, The Blue Exorcist, Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, and Death Note Foods: Mochi, ice cream, Spaghetti, Pizza, and Pasta Subject: Science/Biology Age: 16 Feel free to follow, comment, yeah, or send a friend request, but I do not use Wii U Chat
benji benjit
michael michel1977
Hi Miiverse! My name: Michael Marrero-Sainz Bffs: Nicholas, Jayden And Steven. In know Steven in real life. Favorite Games: Geometry Dash, World of Goo, Pou, and Hill Climb Racing, CSR2, Minecraft, Plague Inc., and Subway Surfers! I have SSBFWU comics so check them out! I have a YT channel, its called, Michael Ligth Bluers. Check it out! That's all for now. Bye!!! 2016 Awesome
gabomon gabomon64
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Dj darylanime
hi im 28»and my name is daryl> i like to play fighing, rpg games» i like anime manga and cartoon »i love drawing anime like pokemon and girlsi» i like yugioh,pokemon claymore>draonball bleach queen's blade,negima!?,and more» THANKS FOR THE YEAH»and i have a ds profile to so you should look at it please» thanks you«
Noah legowars96
just a typical videogamer that's addicted to zelda. i also like drawing, nintendo in general, and music. i can answer every and all zelda questions.
Zelda obsessing and Splatoon obsessing
Doodle obsessing