Joe's Followers
Bros Can You Follow Me
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
♀★ Lee ★♂ omgie1
Hello mατε im Lee im a edgy 13 yr. old, gender fluid potato who loves video games, singing and drawing :3 . Im really humorous so if you dont like humor you wont like me . In my days i like to burn fidget spinners and talk to my favorite wall :'] cri btw i love my chemical romance
kris krisym666
Hey guyz, my real name is Gabrielle, this is my mom's character. age: 11 years. 6/19 is mah b day. grade: 6. favorite game: Splatoon. I moved on 7/5/2017, but u will still be seeing less of me. :'( Bye, and see ya guys on the ranked! Last updated: 8/8/2017
Brandon princessb87
my name is brandon i like splatoon mk8 super smash bros fav youtubers abm 456 jaymoji skul viantastic calliemacn octoboy gabrel gamer
maxime maxou020405
cc je voudrais bien etre amis avec plein de gens je suis sympathique
ηiη★Mдгίθ★ zach-alex
Hi Welcome on my Profile, I am Zach And want now to thank all of my friends! If you want to try my levels at Super Mario Maker or play with me at MK8 tell me! I just start my high school. I am 12 years old.
Řët*シビレヨ yutamaki031701ta
うそだろ!? とミバ終了の事実を聞いて思ったよ。 んん? と現実を受け止めきれなかったよ。 えげつないことをUNEIちゃんはしてくれましたね。 いつも通り人道を外れたことしましたね。 さいてーなことを通常運転でやるUNEIちゃん。 いろいろ思う事はありますけど、 これだけは言わせてください。 うんえいのゴミクズ~~~!!!! 嘘です縦読みです運営様最高です 10月13日更新
angichan 2211Ahmid
hallo im angichan 3D EX zero plion im 100 players vs all important players {maud , acro queen , dark flage , tord , teduka , ao biozin , ao kadu , papy , theresa , ao jay jay , ku , ao charly , no on , taker , ahmed and 1961}
XpuggamerX XPuggamerX
hi i'm keira and i also have another miiverse page how to find is to type my ID Keiracam11. Also this wii U is at dads house and my other account is on my other wii U at my house and i go to my dads place every two weeks so i don't post very much but on my other one i post a lot.
gaming tv Feridyontar
haali halo ich bin ferid und mit mir kanst du spanende letsplays und die witzigsten vlogs erleben momentane letsplays kirby verlinkte leute monstar st dana shirly corin gerne posts in meinen beiträgen schicken ich lese und yeah gern folgen yeah und kommentieren nicht vergessen wer mir folgt dem folg ich auch euch noch ein schönes wochende und viel spaß beim kucken tschüss bis dann !!!
Koky megamanzl
Hola :3 me llamo Jorge soy fan de Nintendo. Me gusta coleccionar juegos de Nintendo originales, sus consolas y demás;Club Nintendo es mi revista favorita y mi juego favorito es Super Street Fighter ll, me gustan los Zeldas, Marios, Metroid's, Star Fox, Xenoblade,Smash Brother, etc. Mi hobby es obvio Nintendo, la música, diseñar fotos y videos, y facebook. eemmhhhh :D saludos n.n PD: manden solis
RiceGum aveyboss123
Sup i'm XxLitkidxX And i love to do all kinds of things on Miiverse! I love playing Video Games and having fun! And i love games that are Action. So freind me if you Want to have FUN!!!!!
Harvey harveybragan7194
hi my name is Harvey please follow me and i will follow back and 1s you got a ps vita will be frends on the ps vita and if you want to play inf 2.0 you can invit me and i got splatoon so if yo want to play with me chest start it ok biy
ом¢▲Tyler Cheesy_Lifestyle
Heya! This is Tyler. I'm a 13 year old gamer! This my ALT account to help friends get VR. <<Facts>> • I am the leader of the ом¢ (Original Mario Carters) clan on MK8. (Invite only) • I am other MK8 clans, like ¢ğς, ив, я¢м & мк¢. • Basketball is my all time sport. • I like other games, like SMM, Minecraft, and NSMBU! Follow me on Tw: TylerMK813 That way we can stay in touch!
RunneR rachelvb
Hey everyone! I currently still have no life, yet...AND I'M A CASUAL YET BIG FAN OF MARIO, KIRBY, AND MORE! I don't use Wii U chat, but feel free to friend or follow me if you want to (not gonna force you or anything!) MK8 Mains: Iggy, Ludwig (Races) and Lemmy, Larry (Battles) Smash Mains: Peach, Mario, Pit, Marth
Alexandra1 Alexandra101
Average Online Activity: Semi-Active (Year Round), Active (Summer and Holidays) (Because of real life stuff, wifi acting up, etc.) Hello, everyone! I'm just an average gamer that plays games a lot when I have time since I do spend time with other things, as well. I also like making new friends whenever I play online or not Hope to meet as many players as possible! :)
Joshy Joshy12345
Hi, my name is joshua and i am just a regular gamer but i am hoping people like my posts. i will do (bad) drawings and post my minecraft pixel art (for once good) and i hope you all enjoy. For YR9. British YR9.
leonardo gatuno1684
bienvenido amigo@
lime CrazyLimeDude
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*★‡Xyth¹√ xyth_flower_girl
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!· ~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~ ~ζαгιςαġαη42~ ~δανίδ hυητεг~ ~βιυεƒυгαη~ ~τhίςίςmυгρhγ~ ~ƒσġz~ ~σςhίκσгσςυ~ ~αδεαδƒιγγ~ ~гσmαη τατε~ {¤ — ¤} ρ.ς· I΄m ηστ αсτυαιιγ α ġίгι! ίƒ υ ζ αηγτhίηġ υ ιίкε, ζιίζк ΄γεαh'! καίzσ ίς βαε <з -(^з^)/ ♪ Ω ωααιυίġί συτ!
jed kkkjj008
Friend code:SW-2507-2149-6020. I'll miss Miiverse and everyone on it. It was the first social media I ever had. It helped me through the thoughest of times. I'll be here all day tomorrow, even at school, I'll use my laptop to go on Miiverse even though it's against the rules at school. I'll use my Nintendo Switch after Miiverse ends. For everyone who will miss Miiverse, it is now time to move on.
ρς★ρR John familyforce10
♪It's hard to, walk away from the best of days. But if it has to end, I'm glad that you have been my friend in the time of our lives...♪
VIWET けしき SCchihiro330
こんにちは。クッパjr.とファルコが大好きなJKゲーマーでありニンドリ読者であるVIEWT又は景色です!(現在高2で16歳) 他にもインクリング、クッパ7人衆、クッパ、ルイージ、ミスターL、ワルイージ、キングテレサ、デデデ大王、フォックス、クラウド、ライトニング、十六夜咲夜、霧雨魔理沙などが好きです。アニメ、ゲーム実況大好きです。 (読みにくくてすいません) 超不定期投稿をします。 無言フォロー、連続共感は大丈夫です! 画竜点睛を欠く人なのでそこはすいません。 11月8日までよろしくお願いします!!
grayson Grayzilla
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
XQuackerX2 Hasbero
XQuackerX's 2nd Profile!
nico nicolaslyon
i am a Bigger fan of Sonic the Hedgehog Favorite Sonic games: Sonic 06 Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 All M & S Games Sonic Heroes Sonic Unleashed Sonic Generations Sonic 1 & 2 & 3 Complete Sonic Colors Sonic Lost World Sonic Rush 1 & 2 Etc. Favorite Characters:Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Dr Eggman, Espio, Vector, Mario, Yoshi, Bowser, Bowser Jr, Silver, Jet, Metal Sonic, Omega, Charmy,Etc....
CandyYoshi keiracam11
Hello humans i'm a dinosaur more pasical a Yoshi i live on Yoshi Island with my family. infomation about me. . I'm 13 years old . I love cartoons (Adult & Children) . I'm a tomboy . I'm a youtuber . I love dogs . My favourite colour is light blue . I love to dance . I love music . My favourite games are Minecraft, Splatoon & Mario kart 8 deluxe ~♥BYE♥~
Sonic TheOriginalSonic
Hi, I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I'm am against Mario. If you want to join the Sonic team, give me a follow. You're too Slow! I'm in a tuxedo for Miiverse's funeral. #SAVEMIIVERSE #TEAMSONIC
brendan buddyrainbow
Lite Unbekannt2016
Hallo, Ich bin Lite! Upload: 2x Pro Woche „Tehma” Mo/Di 2x Pro Woche „Youtube Analyse” Mi/Do 1x Pro Woche „Game Analyse” Freitag 1x Pro Woche „Retro-Day” Samstag
まりさ(`・ω・´) h.e.h.n
こんにちは、まりさ(`・ω・´)です!!(>∀<) 次は、自己紹介です!私は、5年生です! これからよろしくお願いします!!!師匠»かぜぐすりさん(・∀・`)後!フォローもよろしくお願いします! (・~・)/フレンドリクエストお待ちしてます~
TANJAHALLO russak2546
This user's profile comment is private.
Nick DarkBowser01
Welcome to my fellow Miiversians! Follow me, please? Mean/Hateful = Blocked Games I play: MK7, MK8, SSB4, ACNL, Splatoon, and more! Ask before you call me on Wii U Chat! Ask me for my alt. account if you want to follow it!
DanieleBre MIKEHH2
I am a nice person i cant stop myself doing things also im a youtuber Favrioute Pet:CAT Fravioute fruit:Strawberrys Fravioute Food:pizza Age:10 Thankyou for your suppourt miiverse will be closing down soon so make the most of miiverse enjoying ur life enjoying entertainment from the pictures i'd like to thankyou so much miiverse for all of this, this just made my life really good 120! followers!
monica mimine0606
salut tous le mode je mappelle Monica 11 ans 6ème4 école Jan-Moulin.J´aimerais avoir des amis sur Miivers,et puis j´ai fill aublier moi je menten avec tous le mode,demander à calinou si vous me croiller pas. ET JE PARLE ANGLAIS POUR SE QUI PARLE ANGLAIS !!!?
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
[special] only4owner2
_ ı ı I W E L C O M E T O C H A P P E R O N I A C I T Y I ı ı _ Where everything is in town! Even your favorites! ——————————————————————————— NOTE: Chapperonia City is only a fictional townplace.
MSG カット metakun2
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow.
Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario...
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow.
Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon.
My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig.
Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan.
No rudeness/be mean/spam.
evil account - Dark_Joe658
I don't do drawing.