Joe's Friends
Joe Koopa Joe_Koopa856
SMG2001 SMG2001
Hallo ich bin der Super Mario Gamer 2001 und ich spiele schon seit ich 5 bin Videospiele mein erstes Spiel war Super Mario Land 2 6Golden coins. Ich liebe die Mario spiele über alles. Mein lieblings Spiel ist Super mario 64. Ich werde auch nach und nach euch zu den Spielen die ich durch habe infos geben und meine Meinung dazu. Meine erste Konsole übrigens war der Gameboy Advance.
Jöşë Ļųΐş coolboyrl
Hello I'm José I also speak spanish and I want everyone to know that I am happy to have alot of friends so here's a little info 'bout me. Best Friend (ID): steckle77 #1 BFF (ID): badboyrl All time Friend(s) (Nickname) (at least 5): #1, Ъâď◆Joel, #2, Luke-ario, #3, Jordan, #4, Sonic, and last but not least #5,Jose!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for going to my PROFILE!!!!!!! :) and Mimi W., a friend
Xander 713-Man
Hey guys, I'm Xander! I've been sent you or me a friend request, and QuakStream starred all of my courses, thank you! When I get 300 stars, then I'll get the 4th Medal and I can increase to 40! And, good luck!
Joe(Larry) Joe-Lavalamp856
Tron19 trueno19
Closedverse: Tron19 ☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★ ●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆ ·'‘’‛·.·'‘’‛· '·. ♥ .·' Thank you for those amazing 2 years THANK YOU ▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼● ★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆
★пσSсσρε★ DaSwagOne
Hellooo!Im a Splatoon fan ppl call me noscope but you can call me whatever u like! Bits about meh No being mean or rude U can send me a friend request I love playing with friends And.........U BETTER LIKE SPLATOON OR ELSE....... I'll get u with my Mini Splatling :-)
Shade APurpleToadette
Adam whoareyou257
Hi guys! I am Adam. I'm 13 years old and in 8th grade, and I live in California. I have a deep love of Nintendo. Send me friend requests please! You could see me in online races in Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart 8. I also don't Wii U Chat at all, so don't call me. After Miiverse shuts down, I will start using Instagram. Have a nice day and have a fun time at Miiverse! �
Young SLJ Sroye34
Williams here so this is my alt account RIP Satoru Iwata
Dark Joe Dark_Joe658
「N¡η☆Çølε」 PhantomLudwig14
Hi guys, I just made my 3rd alternate account so I hope you guys follow me!
Richard Awesomerich4
Hey.I like Videogames on the 3Ds, Wiiu, and the Nintendo Switch! I play Minecraft, Mario Maker, BoTw, and More! #SaveMiiverse 2012 - 2017, You will be Missed. Today I feel:Sad... NO WIIU CHAT! No Birdo's of SMB2 or Ditto fakes. Before you ask, I hate Undertale and Arms, thank you.
♪ˇ★тøм²★ˇ♪ Blue-Cap-Dude
I no longer use this account for Miiverse. I'll only use this Wii U for Mii Maker & Wii games. There will be a time in the future when I delete all content from this console & (most likely) sell it.
MLGkegan09 keegyduncan2008
hi my name is kegan.. im new to this and looking for friends to connect with i allow wii u chat and i never swear in it i send friend requests if you send any i will read them allso if you would like to play with me on minecraft friend me dont be shy p.s im sad plz friend me
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
MontyLemmy LemmyFan123
♪ Bayonetta 2™ - Let's dance boys! ♪ ★ ♂ What's up guys? It's Monty (Lemmy) here. This is my alt account. ♂ ★ Main Account ID: Mario19 I'm finished posting. But I will still use it for commenting & replying messages to my friends as normal. (Miiverse & Wii U chat is officially shutting down on November 7th/8th.)
SB★trey treyrogers2
Ďαгķ Яòмěσ DarkRomeo0091
I am Dark Romeo! This is where I let out my anger now for my rival Romeo1900 I have some evil friends. They are. Dark NINDREW MR. ZEMAG 521 XORD Siul(KOH)™ Dark Gary And many more. Let ya anger out! No matter what... Goodbye.
R&γ Jεssε jesserenard14
Hiyaaa am Jesse DC=Jesse#6540 Clans Ry(3rd Co-leader) Cl 19k vr 4K br I suck at TT on MK8 Cya 💞
Tyler triplets27
Hey my name is Tyler, I'm a nice guy, I'm a grown man. I'm in love with a girl and her name is Ariana Grande. She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen in my life. I love Ariana Grande with all my heart and soul and I promised to love her forever. My favorite character is Waluigi. Waluigi is my number 1 favorite character that I've played all the time.
XpuggamerX XPuggamerX
hi i'm keira and i also have another miiverse page how to find is to type my ID Keiracam11. Also this wii U is at dads house and my other account is on my other wii U at my house and i go to my dads place every two weeks so i don't post very much but on my other one i post a lot.
Dş Mikey mariokartgp2
Hey There! The name's Mikey. I'm Just a MV User Who likes Nintendo (Obviously), Sega, Capcom, And Fifa. Game Series I like: Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, Fifa, Minecraft, Smash Bros, Earthound and Pokemon. (Please don't be cringy) Here are My Friends: Jordon Ethan Monty Cole Joe Marty Dani Ryan and Eugene. Youtube Channel: Diamond Dasher//DD My favourite Team is Tottenham Hotspur. Peace!
SAD UFOO ufoospence
im ufoospence i will try to best and be good in every game i play maybe we can vs.
CodyMan64! DragonKNighT2001
Hey Guys Cody Here and on Christmas of 2015 I received a new Wii U And thus created this new account CodyMan64! So on this account (for until I get more games at least) I'll be mostly creating levels from Super Mario Maker so definitely look forward to that guys. So yeah This is CodyMan64! sighning off.
Allegra mooseamas
Hey There! I'm Ella. Gender: ♀ Favorite colors: Blue, Purple, Yellow, Pink Hobbies: Drawing, Watching Youtube, Playing on iPad Status: Single ;_;
Ludwig dian6666
Hi guys! hello i am Ludwig! things i like : *games: Minecraft,Hyrule warriors,Mario kart 8,Super Mario 3d world and Zelda TP . *best friends: #Freezy #Manuel #LucasAnjo #Selina *Favorite cartoons: Steven Universe,Adventure time,The awesome world of Gumball and the Loud House *age: 14 I like make builds on minecraft of everything "FRIEND LIST FULL"
Gustavo SmashGu00
EN: It has been three years of pure joy sharing my gaming experiences to all of you on Miiverse. Thank you~ ^_^ Remember, this is not a farewell... This is a "see you soon"~ PT-BR: Foram três anos de pura felicidade ao compartilhar as minhas experiencias de jogo pra todos vocês no Miiverse. Obrigado~ ^_^ Lembre-se, isso não é um adeus... Isso é um "te vejo depois"~ Staaaaaaaaaaay fresh~
Яøмэő1900 Romeo1952
●◆■★Welcome to my profile new ones!★■◆● ♪Radioactive Imagine Dragons♪ Names Romeo. I'm 15, nice person, totally Loud House Trash and big fan, alot of drawing, is wierd sometimes, funny, etc. Wii U Chat I do just message me 1st. I only friend people who that are nice, trustworthy, and kind to me.(Don't even fake being nice.)
jor jjack2005
Hello I'm Jor/Jack/JordOn (People spell my real name wrong -_-) I'm currently 12 years old. So I heard miiverse was shutting down huh? Well that's fine by me cuz I been ban over 6 times and don't care and besides, their is an app call miitomo. Oh and I hope this bio doesn't get taken down because of this >_<
ALFIE Jeffykid
мςν νιρεг FJKEJL66607
(See you in Xbox! and Also Switch) I don't use Dis cord. I hope you understand. :( (Хβθχ 360/1: Yen1 Aquaz) More Viperness in Xbox! Some Clans I Joined: я¢м, мςν ,τƒp, ČŁ.
Bowser Fan SJMSJM
♪Honeylune Ridge:Escape♪-Super Mario Odyssey My name is Bowser Fan and I'm 16 years old. Favourite characters: -Pikachu -Yoshi -Luigi -Bowser -Bowser Jr. -The Koopalings Maybe we see us with the Nintendo Switch.I love you so much guys.But now it´s time to say Goodbye!Stay strong and keep moving! :‘)
Pyro YT Piromaniak_YT
Gamer, creative! Every week more or less i post a level in SMM!!! I am a Mario Maker Creator and if you follow me you'll see amazing courses! 14 years and in the top 8 of Mario Maker Creators in the world! I accept all the friend requests (with message)! Do you want to be my friend? I love commentaries and I accept all the suggestions!
CandyYoshi keiracam11
Hello humans i'm a dinosaur more pasical a Yoshi i live on Yoshi Island with my family. infomation about me. . I'm 13 years old . I love cartoons (Adult & Children) . I'm a tomboy . I'm a youtuber . I love dogs . My favourite colour is light blue . I love to dance . I love music . My favourite games are Minecraft, Splatoon & Mario kart 8 deluxe ~♥BYE♥~
IAN KidIcarus2002
Hey I'm Ian and I love Kid Icarus and Pokemon and Five Nights at freddys! I have another acount call Pokekid I hope you check it out!
Ethan blackhey50
♪Fire Emblem: Awakening - Destiny (Ablaze)♪ Hey guys Ethan here and this is my wii U account I also have a 3DS account. I don't do wii U chats sorry. P.S. I can be a bit weird but please go easy on me. Favourite koopalings. Larry Lemmy Iggy Morton Bowser Jr. Roy and Ludwig. My favourite miiverse people Monty Joe ninCole Gary Martin and the rest.
AJ♪ Audrease
Hey ppl :) I'm 16 Love Super Smash Bros and Super Mario I play piano I like to cook Favorite college: LSU Easy to get along with Im in 11th grade i have boyfriend♥ Listen to hip-hop and pop music Being rude means blocked i enjoy spending time with my baby cousin
King Koopa Bowser_koopman
Hello my People! It's a me a BOWSER! Gwahaha!!! *Ahem* Sorry bout that! I've got carryed away. But anyways I just want to say an massive thank you to everyone who is using Miiverse and making Communitys grow. Without you's then Miiverse would vanish away! Shoutout to Nintendo for creating this Awesome thing known as Miiverse. I've gone now but I hope everyone has a great Future :D Bye for now!
NicolKoopa yoshiarta2563
Im an amazing artist and gamer that love alot of stuff more about me coming so I live in The United States more about me coming soon My profile Gender: Female Age: 18 I DON'T VIDEO CHAT if you call i'm not anwseing Favorie Characters And Koopalings Green Shy Guy Lemmy Iggy Ludwig Morton Roy Wendy Larry
HyperSonic HyperSonic1113
hi guys im hyper sonic i love sonic and also i made a very amsome world on minecraft and its called ultra bowser's throne world and its amazing! my favorite song is♪sonic forces fist bump♪ and another thing i don't do wii u chat maybe?
Marty485XP bigbutt05
RIP Miiverse 18/11/2012 - 08/11/2017 This is the last time I update my bio before Miiverse shuts down Part of clan Luminous. Twîttér@Martin485XP Thank you for this amazing adventure on Miiverse! Heres all the people that helped! Monty Ethan Joe Tom Romeo Aiden Dani BamBam Ryan Owen Mikey Braiden Bailey Thats all goodbye Miiverse. Joined Miiverse: 14/11/2014 Left Miiverse: 28/08/2017
Koopa flameboy73
★☆★☆Hi, send me a friend request and I'll accept it no matter what!☆★☆★ All My Amiibo: Mario ^.^ Yoshi ^_^ Bowser ^_^ 8-bit Mario ^o^ Diddy Kong ^_^ Pikachu ^.^ Bowser Jr. ^o^ Fox ^o^ Falco ^0^ R.O.B. ^.^ Pac-Man ^o^ Villager ^0^ Meta Knight ^.^ Mr. Game & Watch ^o^ Inkling Squid ^0^ Shovel Knight ^0^ Lucas !^$^! & Finally, GOLD MARIO!!! !^$^! ^_^=Common ^.^=Uncommon ^o^=OK ^0^=Rare !^$^!=WOW
»»ÐŸŁĄŇ««★ kulraj2005
Hi Welcome Yeah My name is Dylan. I will go miiverse 1000 Followers Stuff About Me. My Fav Color Is Red. My Most FAVORITE Wii u Game SPLATOON My Friends: A lot I ♥♥ DRAWING Schedule Monday: no Tuesday: Yes Wednesday: no Thursday: Maybe Friday: Yep Saturday: Yes Sunday: yes My Friends Monty Ethan & More Favorite Koopa Iggy,Lemmy,Larry Thanks Guys:)
Nin★Мarco MarcoSaumer
★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥ | | | | | | #R.I.P MIIVERSE #BYE #LOVEYOU __________ ♥Thank's guys for all!♥ :'-( †R.I.P. MIIVERSE 08.11.2017† 1 day left.
Beth B3thanyD0n3lly_2
whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. however, that parting need not last forever... whether that parting lasts forever or for merely a short time... that is up to you.
Chance PlayStationpro19
Theresa TheresaYingSu
♥ Hi, I'm Theresa (Sasa) from Taiwan. ♥ ♥ I teach geology and seismology. ♥ ♥ Loves shiny and scented stuff. ♥ ♥ Loves aquatic mammals and reptiles ♥ ♥ Enjoys singing, cooking, and swimming. ♥ ♥ I can communicate in Chinese and English. ♥ Favorite Nintendo characters: ♥ Ludwig, Iggy, Larry, Lemmy. ♥ ♥ Mario. ♥ ♥ Luigi. ♥ ♥ Rosalina. ♥ ♥ Peach. ♥ ♥ Race me! Smash me! Kick me! Let’s rumble~~!! ♥
Ryan Ryancb27
Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I have a Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. I played the Wii ever since March 2012. And I also have a game capture card as well. It lets me record my game footage when I need to. Also, feel free to send me a friend request. I accept all friend requests. I have been on Miiverse ever since July 28, 2014. Also, RIP Miiverse 2012-2017.
Tristan tristi2004
Hallo, ich heiße Tristan, hier ein paar Infos über mich: *Ich bin 13 Jahre alt *Ich liebe Nintendo *Ich bin im SSJKC-Clan *Ich habe eine Wii U, einen New Nintendo 3DS Xl und eine Switch *Meine Lieblings-Videospielreihe ist Mario Kart *Ich habe einen Hund als Haustier So, das waren auch schon die Infos über mich. Ich würde mich über Folger, Kommentare und Yeahs freuen! Danke für über 800 Folger!
Joe Dunderheadjoe
Hi my name is Joe check out my Super Mario Maker courses! PLEASE NO HATE OR ELSE I WILL QUIT MIIVERSE! I am extremly kind! I don't do Wii U chat! For now on I quit miiverse for 2 days if I get hate!!!!
$<Holden>$ HoldenMolden
●¬● Hi. Im a friendly gamer named Holdenmolden! I have been playing games for a loooonnnngggg time but its only been a year since i bought a WIIU. I live in aus wa and i just LOVE MARVEL!!!! If you havent seen it go look it up. I have a flying dot following me around. ps. I am Groot
John Alden clement2607
Hello everybody ! Welcome on my profile , I'm an adult , follow me if you want . I play on MK8 , Mario Maker [ 891 ★ ] , Mario tennis , Splatoon Best friends : Savannah , Joe , Toad fan , Kyssi , Degan and Debuirane Best youtubeµr : CB Games No Wii U chat
Anime Adam adamwiiu123
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Fritzef Fritzef
♪ˇ★тøм★ˇ♪ FlatSweetFlat
♪Fresh Start - Spla2n♪ It's almost over... I truly am gonna miss all of you guys when Miiverse shuts down. If you want more of me, I will be on the Switch. Yeah on my FINAL Miiverse post!! Time posting: 26.02.14 - 06.11.17 Special thanks to my besties: Joe Gustavo Monty Ethan Cameron Marty Ds Mikey Sean W. Aymen Mevans James MarioFan23 Lexxie Staaaayyyy fresh~ (a message from @TomLegend101)
Williams sroye3
Yo it Williams I love Nintendo games and Sonic games if you're interested in that yeah my posts or follow i don't uses the Wii U Chat anymore i hope you find my posts enjoyable Yo :) R I P Satoru Iwata journey to 1000 followers & 10,000 posts! S+ in Splatoon which is my favourite Wii U game SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY THOUGH! i have a maxed following so you can follow me. Miiverse 2012-2017
Logan E. CatCombo
I'm on Twitter @Logan_Einhard R.I.P. Miiverse. You were stupid, but a fun kind of stupid.
Morg77 price10
hi im ★▼МФЯĞ77■◆ i mainly play Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart but i will occasionally post other games on here.
ColeLudwig xXSuperStar24Xx
♪ Pilotwing - Light Plane (Vocal) ♪ Welcome to my alternate account everybody! :) My NNID is LudwigFan123 for now, not xXSuperStar24Xx. [Name: Cole West] [Age: 15] [ I'm a big fan of Nintendo since 2006-ish, I also like PlayStation too ] I'll be here if I'm banned for 2 weeks. Banned: Not yet! [I take friend requests, but I don't use Wii U Chat on this alternate account.]
Pika★Annie marioandluigi369
.·• Hi everyone, it's Annie here! I'm 11½ and I got autism, welcome to my profile! •·. ♪Playing now: Pikachu Song♪ My favourite characters: Pikachu Lucina ZSS (I call her Sarah) Corrin ♀ Wii U Chat allowed! Clans: Pika★ (Leader) AFC (Member) ☆SM★ (Member) Cρς★ (Member) CFF★ (Member) τν☆ (Member) .·• Enjoy my profile! •·.
「N¡η☆Çøļε」 GoldRainbowMario
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City Festival ♪ ◆★ Welcome to my Miiverse page! ★◆ ☆ Please Yeah on my final Profile-Pic! ☆ Beginning Date on Miiverse: 12/25/11 Last Post on Miiverse: 11/6/17 [Name]: Cole West [Age]: 16 [Favorite Hobby]: Playing Video Games [Friends]: Monty, Gary, Romeo, Ethan, Ciara, Gustavo, Joe, Ivan, Bailey, etc. [ I take Friend Request and I use Wii U Chat. ]
Dorian mook89
What's up everyone im Dorian! i am 17 years old Bestfriend's: Zella, Ciara, Hawke, Dorei, ★Rough★, Jay, crazyhair12 and DjSparker. Zella - Best person ever Ciara - My Buddy Hawke - Silly and TROLLER Dorei - Her Profile is gone Jay - A Real Playa ★Rough★ - Nice and Cool DjSparker - Leader of the squirrel's crazyhair - i'll miss u
Nancomusic Nancomusic3
Hello! It's me, Nancomusic! And this is my MiiVerse Channel. Here, you will find many thoughts, comments & screenshots from a lot of games in it, included Miis I made or that are born on my copy of Tomodachi Life! I also make movies about them in Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros! (These are my favorite games) Sorry, I don't use Wii U Chat. Enjoy! PS: I currently have 18 Sm4sh-related amiibo!
lewis lufringo
hi guys ... im lewis aka lufringo, i'm a down to earth welsh guy that loves nothing better than a good bash on the computer..... new to this nintendo thing sooo just give me a chance ok...?!?! lol
Johnny jat2003
Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Johnny, and I've been a Nintendo fan since 2008. Since you're already here, you can probably guess what I'm doing. Posting stuff, of course! I play games, and it's as simple as that. Hope you enjoy my posts, and I'll see you around. NOTE: I do not use Wii U chat.
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
X19 lovelygemini001
my name is Jarvis and i am 20 years old i love zelda and i love mario and i love super smashbros. birthday december 12/26 /1996 sign capricorn favorite colors blue, red ,black, green i am very nice to everyone & i have a heart of gold i love anime & art :) i love my family & friends always be in my heart <:) i have a girlfriend i love u ♥Audrease♥ my heart belongs to Audrease ♥X19 ∞ AJ♪♥ ♥ω♥
CrazyGuy12 Dillbot730
Rest In Peace, Miiverse. 2012-2017 It's gonna be sad to see all of you go. Thank you Tom, for giving us a chance to gain friendships. Thank you Nintendo, for all those great moments for Miiverse. Thank you everyone for making Miiverse a great place to hang out. I'll miss you, and I hope you have a great life. I love you all. :)
Elmore A. Elalexander
Hey there! My name is Elmore and I love: One Week at Flumpty's Fan Made Koopalings Five Dastardly Bombers Kid Klown Crazy Chase on GBA Super Mario Advance 1 to 4 Mario Kart 8 Super Bomberman R My favorite music is Songbird by Kenny G. There you have it folks.
♪★Jąмё$★♪ James-Middleton
I am James & welcome to my Miiverse page. Feel free to follow or friend me! R.I.P. Miiverse 2012-2017 Update: 07/11/17, It is the end of Miiverse now. It's been great everyone! Goodbye Miiverse! YouTube: ThatYtperJamz I make YouTube Poops! Feel free to subscribe me! Birthday: 21st December I don't use Wii U Chat.
☆◆Monty™◆☆ Mario19
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - Ending Theme ♪ ☆ ◆ What's up guys? It's Monty here. I'm done posting. ◆ ☆ First came on Miiverse: 24/05/2012 Finished posting on Miiverse: 05/11/2017 Thanks to all of my best friends. Bailey Bowser Fan Cameron Cole Ethan Eugene Gustavo Joe Josh Leah Sven Tom Williams Zachary I will still be here as normal until the end.
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow.
Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario...
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow.
Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon.
My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig.
Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan.
No rudeness/be mean/spam.
evil account - Dark_Joe658
I don't do drawing.