Alia's Followers
brooks Brookins_family4
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Ella(Memσ) Ella_The_Brave
I guess I'll stick around til' the last day, this place used to be pretty important to me, all of you are still pretty important to me. I'll comment on the posts of the artists' I follow the last day. If you get a follow from me outside of this place, it'll probably be under the name omemo or some variation. btw... omemo_ is the name I use on ìπςтаġгам & γουτυβе ;O 12/27/15-11/7/17
AkkoKagari sunnyflare
Do you wonder? if you look inside Do you wonder? maybe we coul fly Do you wonder? What we coul be what we coul see Do you wonder? Cause you'll never know Do you wonder? What is possible Do you wonder? what we coul be come to wonder land with me ever after
mario swagmariobros66
48 more days till Nov 8th
Pazboy pazboy11
Plus Ultra!!! :3
Question? ThisIsToiletSpy
Miiverse getting shut down isn't the end of the world. Nintendo was obviously going to do it when they make a new console, especially with the lower sales of the Wii U. They're not gonna pay too keep it up..
Shiro KazumaSensei
¡Ohayo Gozaimasu! Tomodashis n_n soy Shiro n_n)/ me gusta mucho el anime‚ videojuegos y la música japonésa‚ soy akiba-kei y mi anime fav. es Shakugan No Shana n////n desde los 15 que me gusta jeje. lo mejor de mi es que jamás me rindo, ser fuerte es mi camino a seguir como hombre.
Welp Bye Jamiclex2nd
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SpoopyCor♪ animetions
It was worth making everyone happy on here.. Or at least trying >X,DD Im going to miss you all.♥ Never stop trying. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Take care of yourself. ... Goodbye.
Squink MelonTail
Asian redring345
RIP Miiverse. It was nice knowing you all. I'm a Christian. I do art. Self-proclaimed Miiverse Officiate XD Yeah, pretty much it. No random FRs, please, and no Wii U Chats. Also, no requests atm. Maybe in the future... "If you're ƒαllιηğ in a forest, and ησβσδγ'ς around, do you ever really сгαςħ, or even make a ςσυηδ?" -Θшl Çιτγ, Waving Through A Window
Nixie The-LastUmbreon
Hi! people of the world nice to meet you all
○__ちび.。 rmi.yma1103
意外とメンタル弱いから何か言われただけで傷つくよ....(´`; [自己紹介] 名前・千結 年齢・10代 小悪魔ダヨ((殴 Love♡ ジャニーズWEST.。 特に濱田崇裕.。まぁ、濱田軍団好き♡((濱田、小瀧、藤井) 濱ちゃんは歌声イケメン。顔イケメn(( のんちゃん(小瀧)はイケメンすぎるやろ!! 流星(藤井)はイケメソ。歌声は...詰まってル 主題歌おめでとう(*`∀´/ 嬉しいナァ 上の事は置いといて...。 大切なフレンド様* °。かえ 。°←ジャニーズ友♡° °。らら。°←テストお疲れ様!! °。ゆい。°←合流、ペアルック有り難う* °。しーちゃん。°←リア友w ミバ終わるけど宜しくネ(`∀´♡ 皆だぁい好き(´`♥
Dylan amazil
my God's not dead hes shorely alive!!!! †
Laura newyeartwins
Hi. I'm Laura and I like video games. Two amazing artists I know of on Miiverse are Dany Ninja and Pöisõnïvÿ. Pöisõnïvÿ is an amazing artist that deserves every Yeah she gets! And Dany Ninja is an amazing cartoon artist, so go show these two awesome artists some love and you will love their art! It's beautiful!
achrafyoss achrafyoss
Jesús J.R.F.J
zack darkness6862
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max gffdgntjn
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☆Dαιγ☆ Dalylife
☆Ciαο! Mi chiamo Daly Ho 11 anni e sono: ☆Amichevole•Generosa•Timida e Sensibile!☆ ☆Sport: Pallavolo ‹3☆ ☆Faccio la 1 Media☆ ♪Youtubers Preferiti: ☆DatEco•Favij•Lasabrigamer•Two Players One console☆ ☆Youtubers che seguo: ♪Gianmarco Zagato•Eleonora Olivieri•Snitecs•SpJockey•Me ControTe♪ ♪Seguite la mia SBFF Ally^•^: (ID: Allina-2006) È Fantastica!♪ ☆Seguitemi!☆ ☆Follow Me!☆ ☆Byeee!☆ ☆Ciaooo!☆
ςροοκγαqυα EnderCat1206
Hi.. Browse if you'd like :> ♥♀ MtF <3 ♥Im bi ^^ ♡>v> I like foxes! ♡No blank FR's please!! |Follow these people| *☆croω☆ (Cool artist) *shrimpy ( :> ) *☆★soy★☆ (Nice person ^^) *Matty (Sweet squib) *CorBY (Awesome) *IronC (Cool bean) *Purity ( Mine <3 vuv) *Cube (gum drop vuv) *•Emma• ( ^^ ) P.s... (DA=AquaBlu32) D-cord (AquaBlu) (#894 3) Quick :0
GOOD BYE MIIVERSE,,,,, MIIVERSE 4EVER,,,, CONTINUE IN SWITCH?,,,, good bye friends of miiverse universe,,,, and all followers in my all accounts.
nat enzozomophi
$***demendé moi comme ami sillevouplai***$
kay klazor
hi im a youtuber and i play minecrft and ill like to thank you guys for supporting me and all off my youtube games i play i love you guys and ill see you tomorrow thanks!
★Jαмες★ BlackSpot4
Jo Jo Joholly7171
Greetings Hello, Welcome you are in for a treat my name is Joe i am a artist rugby player on left wing and a Great gamer so i hope loads of u guys will give me friend requests and ask me lots of questions on the way so every day when u guys are down and lonely i will come up to u and stick up for u and all ways cheer u guys up whenever you need me so i'm Joe and thats all i want to say so pease <3
Dante DJ1777
Hi i'm Dante, I love people who don't get mad at a little joke but I like friends. I play Minecraft,Super Smash Bros,Pokken Tournment and Mario Kart 8. No griefers can be my friends. I like all types of genders and races. I am 13 years old and have a girlfriend named Melanie and she's beautiful. I will be a lovely friend to have.
†Ędщαяd• bernani
! ¡o4 C.l.o.s.e.dVer/se : Yami_No_Kami ~ 地獄の神 ~ ●/!\ Prince des Chats-Cookies /!\▲ COMPLOT : NICO NICO NI Plutonien de taille. 10 Cordes : Akira # 42 Est la réponse a la vie l'univers et le reste. 7 Émeraudes du chaos et tu deviendra Di/eu. 8 Est une de mes meilleures rencontres Miiverse avec Saulène, AsakiChibu, Arikay, Yuno_Gasai02, L'Écho et d'autres. Adieu les amis. →09/07/15 †08/11/17†
dvmmc brickcraft
♪everything is awesome everything is cool when your part of the teem everything is awesome ween were live are dream everything is better when we stick 2 together side by side you and i gonna win forever lets party forever♪the first person I followed is Aaron My first follower is ☆Neko 64★ and I make funny,creepy,wut,stoff so in joy my stuff………………………………………………………please0±0
Daniela 09yuno
Hola soy Daniela me gusta mucho: FNAF UNDERTALE ATTAK ON TITTAN Anime ETC VIDEOJUEJOS bueno espero que me sigais si me seguis os sigo (mi serie favorita es una casa de locos) :-) ♪♥♪♡♪♀▼◆♂▼■♡♥♪●♭
Wicked-Ink Wicked-Ink
Hello. I'm just an evil girl who loves to draw, walk in the park, and play with her kitty. Yay!
Norms Norms_Minions
You can find me on: ~Discord: Norms_minions#9108 ~4785-6039-8695 ~Clash of Clans: Mii Friends clan ~I'll be Norms_minions or Norms if Nintendo ever makes something like miiverse.
Alpha 253 8052JP
¡Hola como estas ! ¿Quieres ser mi amigo?
Kamerson Kamerson
Heyo, Kamerson here! :D
GuardianOT PrincessUppercut
Hi hi! I'm GuardianØT! I like ▲Zelda▲ (a lot!), TØP, drawing,DC Comics, Holo, singing, softball, Jellal, and Anime. Favorite Anime: Fairy Tail. I draw for fun, not for fame and hope to improve. I will comment if I can. Thx for stopping by and NO WiiU chat;). Stay awesome and stay happy, hope we can be frens♥! LoZ4Life ''Music can make things hurt less'' -Tyler Jøseph May contain nuts at times...
Eidorian Ryoji-Bro
Hello, I'm Eidorian (AKA WhiteWare)! I am 17 years old and I'm a fan of Pokémon, Splatoon, Kirby, and Smash... I love to draw! I welcome you all to my Miiverse account where you can experience my fantastic drawings and posts! Anyway, NO Wii U chats please!
あいら airaya2005
わたしは小学生です 好きなことは、イラストとマンガを書くことです。
Dźƒ S-コウ k0kok0
初めまして!!とでも言っておこう!ww とりあえずインクのゲームやってますよ。 最近はS+で充実したバトルをして日々楽しんますよ 深夜行動多いので気軽に合流してくださいな~ 最近はお絵かきしてます ポチポチ疲れた もうあきたから 終了 一応 チーム PK . Aý . Džƒに所属
I love to draw!