Alia's Friends
Sirena SirenaTigress
Hey! I'm Sirena. I love Mario games especially the Mario Kart series! I might not be active most of the time since I bought a Nintendo Switch and its great! • I do play other games but rarely. • My full name is Sirena aksern. • I accept blank friend requests, although I advice you put a comment because I like them. • 21 And that's about all! If you have anything you want to ask, feel free!
Godzillafn Bryanveragama
BearDance Da_Mons_4_Tem
Sample Text
Vicky Victoria450
Link to my online petition to keep Miiverse!
rose bud kyliem123
jamia mrs.jamia
hey add me
KingOfGaii MantaReaper2.0
This user's profile comment is private.
¤Taro-Kan¤ LiteSpeed2014
This is FangLuxray's alt account. I'll be using this if I'm TεmpBαnnεd. Please follow if you've followed me before...! I'm a loyal member of Wings of Glory I'm Ranked E Also a Co-leader along with Mitchell of Wings of Glory (Official Leader is Savannah) Official leader of "Guardians of Inkopolis" Splatoon Team Taken by Savannah ^//////w//////^
sophysheep yuechfs
i like sheeps and cats and my familly and that im 4ft and 3 inches tall and im in 6 grade and last is no wii u chat unless i want to
Cameron cornonthecob3
Trying to get active here again. Those really old posts aren't me anymore, deleting 'em. It's over 1000 though so it's slow going.
bigj cooperbeach5
spyke Spyke1985
pyro blackflame99
hi im brian i love rpg games
kimberly shannon3991
Angel AngelStMorte
Angel St. Morte, I am the Angel Of Death, and sooner or later my chilling grip will guide your immortal soul to your judgement. ASM
Minos Tainted-Wisdom
Hyrule Warriors and Smash are the best wii u games in my opinion thus far I am looking to add new friends for smash and hyrule warriors so feel free to add me :)
Pokkén Tournament, Xenoblade X, Mario Kart 8, DK TF, Splatoon, C.O.D Ghosts, SSB, Super Mario Maker are all on my play list! get at me and we'll play. Send a request
I love Gamer Girl And,Oakland Raiders, Utah Jazz , Family Have a nice beautiful Day People
Jonathan VelaFam
Tina NanaEfua
Hi my name is Tina Brew and I love wii u it is the best
i like to draw and play vidoe games i have two dogs and love horror movies and anime!and im a fan of ninja gaiden and resident evil and mario and the legend of zelda and bayonetta and batman arkham origins and kirby and Bravely Default and zombi u and i have the new 3dsXL and im a awsome person and a fan of castlevania and splinter cell blacklist and a huge fan of majora mask.
Breeanna BallerinaSweetie
Andy the-playteam
I like to meet good people and try to have fun!!! :):)
ash123 charlieash82
hi im ash lets chat im shaw we can be good friends i dont have many so im eger to have some cheers ash
Luis Aristobicho
TLoZ y Mario ▲▼
Calv Chdgha0
hi everybody
Rye Known2BeCold
Gb gbear2
grownupred squadmoney
i love every one, my name is bron im 15 years old i luv to play sports and im a body favorite rapper is lil wayne lil kemo young thug and lil durk.i love to dance .BRUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ and love is always around. king kobe, lil bron , fmoig@ king_darkskinned #team Darkskin all day i wii u chat for those people who wanna see wat i look like ♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♥♡♡♥♥♡♡♥♥♡♥
angelina angelina9190
timothy timothystrick20
Hi everyone on miiverse my name is Timothy And i am 21 years old now and i'v played almost every game system know to mankind i'm also in traning to awaken my new telaknesses powers inside of me so far i'v been abled to livetate my whole body off the ground by an inch and i'm abled to use my mind to attract things and push away things too next up mind control wish me luck♥♥
R★Naruto Multiclonage
Salut moi c'est soso mais appelez moi comme vous voulez! Dédi à ceux que j'aime par-dessus tout, mes amis! je veux pas d'abo, ni de ouais! mais je veux me faire pleins d'amis! c'est plus important XD ^^ .•★ Mon rêve c'est de devenir Mangaka!! Un jour je serais Mangaka, ou rien! >.o Si vous voulez faire connaissance alors venez parlez! Les amis sont les bienvenues o(^o^)o À plus!
tono AngryTono
(º~º)(^_^) THEC0MBATW0MBAT
'Sup..The name's Daniel. I specialize in laziness. •I am 15. •I listen to any kind of music I want to. •I am not easily angered or offended, nor am I judgemental, so speak your mind and be yourself around me. I can't stand people who pretend to be someone they're not. •I am a massive Nintendo fanboy. •I am not an open book, but don't let that stop you from asking me anything you want. Cheers.
снцçħστκ gamer803
uh well i got banned again -.- im an apple o.o, uh go ahead n talk to me ^-^ i like invader zim! é.õ ....bye.... add jesus415 if you wanna talk
Richard! Riqui64
TloZ & Metroid fan ♡ Argentina Canada for eShop reasons e.e Wind Waker & Skyward Sword art style ♥ Majora's Mask characters ♡ Nintendo collector ★ One Piece fan ¥
adam Geekus_Maximus2
Lele pretty63
hey ppl got my new wiiu im so happy friend or follow me and ill follow back....if i remember um want to know more send me a friend request bye i said bye oh lord!
Matt MattyFox88
My favorite games: Legend of Zelda series Paper Mario Pokémon Super Mario and all great RPGs on all consoles. Add me if you like! I'll accept :)
BC01 JA1998
i'm Beatclaw01/code name: BC01 i have autisme. i like to meet other bronies & pegasisters. i have deviant art. i'm the leader of the Para-Pals group of creative bronies & pegasisters. my titels are OC drawer and searcher. sometimes i make spelling mistakes. and sometimes i have the abillity to see or hear others emotions. i like do RP's and to have a happy life. :)
Sky; SetoXIII
Hiyo, name's Sky! I enjoy manga/anime, creepypasta, gaming, and more. Feel free to shoot me a request if you're into similar interests, you'd like to play smash, or just want a new friend! Ja ne. ;/
bella losa58
Hi my name is Isabella and I am 9 AND l LOVE ART l also think I am pretty good at it (come on I am only 9) I LOVE SMILY FACES and I have 2 brothers and 1sister that is only 5 and my brothers are 7 and 8 so I am the oldest Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BryKooz brykooz
Lele alyscia
i am very pretty and i am very smart and will be your a Leo 8_18_01,BEST SIGN! Ummmmm i guess follow for a follow.but if you want to know me more friend me or follow me! and p.s I sometimes dont wii u chat so don't be surprised ! CLASS OF 2015 Graduating from middle school in 2015 bye still here? BYE ALREADY! :)
silver jordenandkody
im good at all first shoter games i love to wii u chat and i do mma fighting i love to watch pewdiepie and other people if u have a youtube accout ill check it out maby subsribe and i like guys and girls
Sterlerler Stellerz
Namez Stella or Stellz or Stellerz :P <3 Youtubers: Markiplier Pewdiepie ♡Acnl ♡SSForWii U Friend me if you would like to play any of those games ^~^
aj frillu2
david glez muka2011
Evan Ryuzuchi-Senpai
mii stacey84
Hello! So, first of all, I love drawing and writing. I also love anime and Creepypasta. I'm also good at giving advice to people. My sister always comes to me for relationship advice, My favorite Mario characters are Rosalina and Kamek (Magikoopa).
Everett Everett86
Hello everyone. I'm Everett. I have been a gamer from NES all the way to today's Wii U. I am a fan of Mario, Mega Man, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, and many others.
allyssa sovo24
I Love cute animals
Picos Picos789
Have fun everybody, life is more than a game, enjoy it, play for fun and do your best shot!
loco Masflow
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Nik MonkEd
Game programmer, writer, budding sysadmin, and severely out-of-practice artist who wishes he could do everything. Working on Master's degree in software engineering while managing a server on the side for the sheer fun of it.
Domtendo AKDomi
This user's profile comment is private.
kico okusosenpai
☆Jim724☆ Jimmy724
ATTENTION! - FINAL DAY The sadness sets in...but I'm glad I saved most of my friendships. Thank you all. Hiii! I'm a cartoon and video game lover. Also a brony, so I'm about...20% cooler. I kinda have a weakness to cute stuff. Feel free to talk, I'm friendly ^_^ Sometimes random Lol
NES/SNES:) bridget1971
Well 2016 was A really great year! So much has happened. Sad to see it leave so fast! Can't say much about this next year. Wish I could repeat 2016 forever!
kidtunechi teachingst
let's get it,i love to play sports , and i love to lift weights ,i love ice cream and im 14 years old ,and lets get it is my phrase,and my favorite movie is school dance my favorite color is purple.i love my family and my favorite team is alabama,.lil wayne my favorite rapper .im a 14 year old bodybuilder.graduate june 6 turn up yo ha .
Maddie ElsaAnna123
RD★William WiiamGamer
I'm William. I am a huge fan of Mario Kart. If you have any question your free to ask. Leader of Red Dawn Games I have: Mario Kart 8 Bayonetta 2 Devil's Third Smash Bros Wii U Mario Maker Tekken Tag 2 Wii U Need for Speed MWU Injustice Mario Bros U Fast Racing NEO Mario Tennis U ZombiU Black Ops 2 Watch_Dog Wii U party coming soon Star Fox Zero Pikman 3 Nintendo Land Zelda(Wii U only)
Carmon Ray carmonchitwood
hay there my name is carmonchitwood and i love video games a lot i love the legend of zelda mario kart 8 pokemon and hyrule warriors a lot and this is not nintendo but i love them a lot to it is naruto persona final fantasy and bayonetta games and please add me to your friends list
Andrew★ JavierAndres01
Hello:) my name is Andrew, I'am 14 and i love nintendo.Just follow me and I will follow you... Hola:) mi nombre es Andres, tengo 14 y me encanta nintendo.Solo sigueme y te seguire....
JHiFade jay2345
I am Jaylin Smith and I love video games most importantly I like sports games Such as Basketball,Football,Baseball and Soccer Im also from Brooklyn,NY I love shoes such as jordans,kd's,lebron's and nike My favorite basketball team is the New York Knicks My Favorite Football team is the New York Giants My Favorite Baseball team is New York Yankees and my favorite soccer team is Chicago Fire Frnd me
cass lovexhate16
Márküs- ^^ Dietcoke258
I like to make music and playing the piano and guitar. I also enjoy drawing and painting in real life and in Art Academy. I like reading Naruto and I am looking forward for Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros and Dragon Quest Online for the Wii U. I am fluent in English and Spanish and to a lesser degree in Italian.
Caleb Linknowell
Hi, I'm Caleb! 19 year old everyday kind of dude just trying to get through this crazy life. Complete Zelda freak and living the Christian lifestyle the best way I can. =) °Cosplayer °Cashier/Office Clerk °College Student Meet me on the Instant Picture (safe words) app when all this Miiverse shtuff goes down!
hadjibolo hadjibolo
Yo! I'm a 25 yr old scientist living in NYC. Gaming is love, gaming is life. Be my friend.
ben BreakBenScene
¤ im 22 ¤ add me if you like
241Lucas jay241
Gonzalo Gonzaloto
ESTADO: Jugando los mejores juegos de Nintendo
☆ναιεriε☆ pureangel
Hi there the names Valerie im 16 years old and i enjoy playing mario ,sonic,pokemon,metroid ,and dc games and sorry but i don't wiiu chat also i loooove anime ♥anime for ever♥ also if you follow me i'll be sure to follow you back •º•♥•°•♡•°•★•°•☆•°•♥•°•♡•°•★•°•☆•°•♥•°•♡•°•★ ☆•°•♥•°•♡•°•★•°•☆•°•♥•°•♡•°•★•°•☆♥•°•♡•°•★
Jacob MCExpo
Hi there! I'm Jacob, I'm 18 years old. I like to draw manga, chibi, anime characters etc. and watch anime and read manga. I love to draw and play on my 3DS and Wii U, and I also have Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I hope we can become friends~ ^ω^
Muffi Mufflord4
eddy WilliamVice
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Dj darylanime
hi im 28»and my name is daryl> i like to play fighing, rpg games» i like anime manga and cartoon »i love drawing anime like pokemon and girlsi» i like yugioh,pokemon claymore>draonball bleach queen's blade,negima!?,and more» THANKS FOR THE YEAH»and i have a ds profile to so you should look at it please» thanks you«
Nero Nero8447
Timelord Victorious. On my 24th Regeneration Mark Hamil's the greatest joker of all time! i am working on that voice. it might take awhile. i want to do that laugh so badly! who am i? someone and alive. Huge fan of all types of video games, tv shows, books, movies, manga. top game currently is SSB4, will be playing this nonstop for awhile. Very few games i dont play. bow ties are cool.
medley viperfrog
Reggie DonkeyKongSmash
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Guzma Shadoo
I do things. These things may or may not include drawing, sucking at drawing and being good at drawing.
I love to draw!