OMG Carl played my Level and dont completed it! (ºoº)
Δι♭¡ε's Yeahs

And to the third one (Sorry, couldn't type your name), the courses you presented me were fun levels with a nice aesthetic...well, until I get softlocked and can't proceed because of the level desig...
Super Mario Maker Community

The Rocket Play Exchange 2.0!
I'm back! Here's another chance to get your levels out there! Post your level IDs in the comments below and I'll play it and provide feedback to help you improve. ...
Super Mario Maker Community

Any good Legend of Zelda levels?
Are there any good Legend of Zelda levels out there? If so, please tell me because I love The Legend of Zelda series!
Super Mario Maker Community

Mario Maker tournament round 6!
Seby, Zach, Albie and Kong, congrats on making it here! Now... LETS GO!