Δι♭¡ε's Followers
キュゥィーンドブァン 1315koku
<自己紹介> このアカウントはサブ垢なんで、本垢はツイッターのハトです。 何書けばいんだろう..あっそうだ! 歳 763583875258878743577歳 性別 中性 スpすいませんフライングしました。 好きな事 スプラァア このあいだ卒業しました~ 皆スイッチ買った~?自分は買った!!発売日の次の日に。 ついでに言うとゼルダもな!ゼルダ初めて買ったけど思ってた以上に面白かったァァ スイッチフレコ..書かないよーだフハハハハハハハハ騙された??ん~?..すいません調子乗りました。 フレ受付中です!もちろんフォロー、共感はなるべく返します! それじゃ!ガチマでまたあおう!!
dee debbru
Arctic ‡¥‡ Randomcats
Joseph TDestrurtorT
im your your tipical 15 years old not so special guy, i like videogames obviously, my fav games are The legend of zelda and smash, lets be "friends!
Just Aidan 30PostLimitSucks
What's up guys hammyyy here
Morgan bobandcat
Dennis Dennis.16
I'm forever trying to relive the magic of 2004/2005, the year I played Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the first time.
CSAшоому crazywiiuperson
Co-Leader of the CSA clan. I accept all friend requests, so send me some requests please!!! You should also find me on Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon. I also WiiU Chat
Imogen ImoneK
This user's profile comment is private.
WoHBlake crazyrandomman
I'm WoH member WoHBlake. My favorite games/game series' are The Pokemon series, The FNaF Series, The Legend of Zelda Series, Super Mario Maker, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and SSB4. You should go follow zackdavidson1975, PrincessZelda357, NCnumber2, candypandagirl, iKachow06, KoH-Jayden3ds, noki_elfqueen, Adam559, NordyTwo, and the WoH members (I've listed some here)! Miiverse member since 5/21/2015
さくらさん outa0831
プロフィールコメントは非公開にされておりません。yeei Dr.ペッパーdaisukiな人です。 団子になりたい。 トマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマトトマト おっと失礼。 自分はアソパソマソ似でハンサムです。リオック知ってる奴、気軽に話しかけてね。 それとお知らせ これから、二年間フレリクを送ったり貰ったりしません。 しょーもない情報。体が石の様に硬い。所属チーム NAOKi・どっすんすん・マリメYOUTU部。 特徴 短気 大喜利大会5冠。ミーバース引退します。
しゅう(ソース(SC 0130yakabe
おい痛いから辞め(((((((((殴 お気に入りの一枚に共感よろしく! 「前は見てろ、後ろは守る。(ガタガタ)」 情報 *~スプラトゥーン~* ランク 50 ウデマエ S40 *~進撃の巨人~* 討伐数 62314体 *~マイクラ~* 他ユーザーでRPG11作成中.......... *~モンスト~* 運極達成、121体 好きな歌 その血の記憶 桜の森 好きなゲーム 進撃 マイクラ ジョジョDR モンスト 好きなアニメ 進撃とジョジョです ーーーーーーーーーー雑談ーーーーーーーーーーー SC、ƒşで活動しているめぐです!ミバおしまいか~!気軽にコメしてね!共感、コメント返すよ! 更新日11:03 最後の話 1000人いったら記念します~ ON率低いです 木↑~~~原くんよぉ~~ アデュオス
king ethan ethanpizza21
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and comment
Johanne Johanne_4
Hi! Im Johanne. I mostly play mario maker on this account. I got six times on the level rankings. I also got once on the Maker rankings. Tournament winners: Kong and BCH. Thank-you for 120 followers! Enjoy my profile!
Gαгετн® kaboodle
Hello! I'm just a 13 year old waisting his life in his basement I mainly play Super Mario Maker, Smash Bros., and Splatoon, but I play a few other games on occasion. STOP FRIENDING ME TO ASK IF I HAVE MINECRAFT!! I DON'T HAVE IT!! Thank you guys for almost 200 Follows. No blank friend requests, please No Wii U Chat. At all. Ever. Josh, I'm looking at you. That's about it. Bye.
OMGITZJosh Joshyboy64
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like that. I,m 9 years old and good at SMM. I would like to have as many friends as I can. Clans: Electronic Sisyty (Its is my NEW clan Thing.) NLM T7W Youtube Video- Meme Machine #Joshmakesameme Just ask me to join ES [Sonic Land In Progress] Boiiiiiiiii -Nuggets
Gareth® Mr.MooDaCow
Hi, I'm a clone
Zach Nerd456-Hi
☆★Jøςн★☆ awesomeguy067
It's a big shame the Miiverse era is close to done. There were setbacks, but it was really fun. So let's enjoy these last 2 days Before Nintendo forces us to part ways. Wanna communicate with me on Switch? Send me a friend request, and we'll discuss in messages. Thank you everybody for helping me enjoy this service to the fullest. Love y'all! Switch Status: I GOT IT!!!!
Timmy SonicandMario678
This is me Timmy! IT'S Late 2017 and you might never see m:'-(e on The NEW 3DSxl, my m@in c*mmun- 3DS: Never mind. Wii U: (°—°) So please look at my comments, drawings, and more! And Happy Gaming everyone… Favorite Series: Maro, Sanic, Kirb! The end is near.. Of Miiverse! Why, Why, Why! Nintendo should have brought this to the Switch... So many opportunities, Nintendo.. Many...
あるふぁ ko-suke525
プロフィールは運営が非公開にしヌベジョンヌゾジョンベルミッティスモゲロンボョwww イヒーwwwイヒヒヒヒwww アームナシイナー スプラトゥーンとかマリオメーカーとかニコニコをぼちぼちやってます ミバ友とかいません よく名前変えます フォローは気まぐれです Twitter始めました(°∀。=。∀°)
goldx56 goldetcompagnie
regarder en bas★merci a tout s qui me suive★ n esite pas a me demander en amis j espere que tous se qui me suive resterons lomgtemps avec moi et n esiter pas a vous abos surtout ^_^ merci d avoir lu merci a tous mes abos et amis ^_^ desoler je ne serais pas la jeudi ni vendredi et peut etre aussi samedi
Nate Spikeblue4
WASSUP?!! Im Naythan and I got this Wii u in April 2016. so far I have smash, mariokart 8, Nintendo land, mario maker, minecraft, botw, and Splatoon(lvl 35). Before this is all over, check out my friends ommett, Tom, Maddie, and Ronan for some awesome posts. Miiverse forever.
ςáρ°Dυаяте supermariocar03
Hello welcome to my profile Unfollow=Hater Nope a Nintendo Switch :) 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Cιαήs: ςáр MK8 CC in Minecraft IT* in Splatoon Age:14 Follow My Sister IT*Padilla Plz No Wii U Chat Follow Me :P
Sam sam_love_wii
Mr.Turner PacmanRules
Hello My name is Timmy's dad, I am the father of Timmy turner and sadly the neighbor of DINKLEBERG! Anyway, I love eggnog and I would put a trophy on my case........ IF I HAD ONE! I have a second account name bananagram. Joined miiverse 2013 retire from miiverse when miiverse ends Dinkleberg is B O N E L E S S
BigDave bigdave316
I am Big Dave and that is pretty much all that i want you to know about me. if you don't like me then there is something seriously wrong with everything about you & you should probably be locked up somewhere never to be seen or heard from again. have an epic day.
☆★Nick★☆ HockeyIceGoalie6
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw pictures, and I think there's a picture as my favorite post! I hope you like the post that I make, and if you don't it will make me sad and you won't care... Also I do that follow4follow thing...... Well no one's probably going to read this, oh well... Also #SAVEMIIVERSE!
BamBam Geramey
Hi my name is geramey but you can call me bambam new to the wii u thing i normally play playstation but im coming back to my roots of gaming im looking for new friends. SO FRIEND ME!!!!!
FireHazerd aidenandzack
mii verse is ending (awkward scilence) umm i uh umm u (cough) um uh hi? uh no uh umm uh bye uh umm the uhh world o~o ;( Also plz wiiu chat me becuase mii verse is almost over sooooooo yeah
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Pablito pablofernandez13
Hey i know i just wrote a note but, as you know I play Super Mario Maker. Also thank you because i just reached 819 stars in super mario maker and thats great guys. Anywho I play other games like smash 4,mario kart 8,and splatoon online and in splatoon im in level 35, My favorite smash character is Lucas, and favorite game is Mother 3 or Super Mario Maker!
sBs beachstar
MK8 9999 VR DKC Tropical Freeze 200% Rayman Legends Awesomeness 10 Mario Maker 12 medals
con ConeBob
an awesome 11 year old kid that has a neck for games and mario kaizo!!!
♪Jαςmιηε♭ Foshee2004
Yeah, so it's about time to reveal the real me. My name is Jasmine, if you don't know. I'm 12. Many people ask that question. I'm in 6th grade, it's fun! I like to sit with my friend and play my clarinet! When she is not over, I like to sit around and play minecraft with my bro, Yoshi Cool. And I also like to play Miiverse with you guys! I ♥ nintendo!!!
☆Logan☆ 150947
Ello, my name is Logan (Golden) Pszalgowski. "Achievements in Gaming": •Did a TAS in Super Mario World •39K in Agar.io •67K in Slither.io •Over 4000 stars in Super Mario Maker •Owning a Realm with my brother, Aidan, in Minecraft PC. Other Shtuff: •13 Years Old •Loves Pop'ems \(^o^)/ •Had a dog that died ó_ò •Enjoys Gaming, Fishing, Eating, and Talking Bye! BTW Check out my SMM account!