last place:Jayden second place:the dude that drew tingle and last but not least 1,1,1 place is POPO!
popo's Yeahs

its beautifully done, even as a sketch. Sometimes I like sketches more than finished art. A sketch hasso much more energy and can show moods and emotion in ways a finished piece can't.

The good guys out there want to love someone who's human and accident-prone. I am in shock today because my crush woke me up with a text that said "Good morning cutie!" I am trying to figure out if...

Hehe...well, i went to help start decorating for VBS at my church and ended up with two carpet burned knees. I'm now laying in bed with my bandaged knees. My crush was there helping too, i think my...

popo, I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with mmimmzel. If you are referring to the quote I used, it's a variation from the Stephen King novels The Dark Tower.
I´m a 17 years old idiot, who think miiverse is a sketchbook.
Oh and btw I´m a huge zelda fan.
I´m a 17 years old idiot, who think miiverse is a sketchbook.
Oh and btw I´m a huge zelda fan.
(I´m french, sorry for my english)
SALUT! Oui je suis française (on me le demande souvent), n'hesitez pas à me parler en français, je repondrais.
Sinon comme je l'ai dit plus haut (en anglais), j'ai 17 ans, je dessine depuis mes 13 ans, et je connais zelda casiment depuis toujours, je suis une grande f