Users popo Is Following
Katelyn♪ blackcathasme
I'm Katelyn ♪| She/Her | Pretty Dang Old I am working as a children's book illustrator. ♡ I've been a member of Miiverse since the day it released, but leave for extensive periods of time. I cry more than the recommended average. I like to encourage young artists like myself! ♪♪ I'm working on several comic projects atm. Idc if you Yeah Bomb me- 'Twas normal back in my day.
Sora~ 12H11My
Hey! My name is Sora. I´m a total Zelda Fan! My favourites are :'a link to the past', 'Ocarina of Time' and 'Minish cap'. In the miiverse I mostly want to post little sketches from game characters. My favourite Manga are : Pandora hearts, Tokyo Ghoul:re, Death note and Crimson shell. I really like vocaloid, too! Have a nice day:3
St. ★JULS● DeCrown_Juls
I'm Juls. Nice to meet you ^o^ Currently playing: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, Fire Emblem: Echoes Excited for Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, METROID PRIME 4!!! OMG ^O^, Metroid: Samus Returns Hype for the Switch. Sorry, no Wii U Chat.
Miiverse終了とのことで、今後はTwitter、pixivに住民票を移動する予定です。 ここで出会ったすべての方に感謝を。 今後もみんなの人生が続く限りいつかどこかでベクトルが交差することもあるでしょう。そのときはぜひ笑顔のきみに会いたいと願います。 いままでありがとう。 マック・リブ macrib I'm happy to meet you in Miiverse. Thank you and good bye my friends. My name “マック・リブ” is read “mac rib” in English. I'm happy to meet you! enjoy & smile !
なみだめ namidame335
D-trow , U-air = Hooo-HAAA
mochi sama 612kawaiiforever
RIP miiverse ;_; the end is near ig: Bittermelonsoda aaaaaaaaaaa I love my little honey bun <3 (è//ω//é)
Sammy Kat~ JaYbirDwilly
:') ❀Special thanks to all my followers who stuck with me and encouraged the drawings.. can't say how much I appreciate that my little drawings were liked. <3 ❀Sir Raven, Blythe, Millicent, SnapperZz, Ryan, Adrehh, Judeh, White, V, Uncle_V, KiaN, Brittany, Seige, Jampster.. (and recent peeps/friends!); Y'all stayed from my start.. ty for meeting me and being my friends ♡
Gabo JackGabrielle
no eh jugado muchos juegos para esta consola asi que espero y les agradeceria que me recomendaran algunos
つなまよ hkmi299
自分の投稿を見てくれた皆様に感謝です! まさかこんなに描き続ける事が出来るとはは…! イラストとか投稿してます。 筆が遅いのが悩み(;・ω・) 共感、コメント、フォローありがとうございます! フレンド、イラストのリクエストは受け付けていません。
ぐも popokol28
脳筋プレイ多々。投稿を追えなくなるのでフォロバは基本しておりません。コミュ障 I can’t speak English.Japanese only. コメントは基本嬉しいですがスクショ置き場と記名してる投稿へのコメントはお控えください。傾向などは投稿からお察しください
Julie† KuroFxJ
©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© keep calm & <3 nintendo Zelda fan▲ p.layton‹3 Len X Rin ewé ♀♀ º[`-′º]‹3 alice madness r.▲◆▼ LIMB● Z∞topia☆ N●RAGAMI →†← Steven☆universe ××××BEN & ED×××× gegege no kitaro (0›\\) •p•ucca x garUu ri©k / mo®ty studio ghibli☆☆☆☆☆ ladybug>< gears of war * snk [‘_‛]9 narut◆ •………•
Arri IdoloAlpha
Hey all, Arri (Aaron) here! I'm pretty inactive here at the moment thanks to my new Switch so sorry in advance XD I like to draw mostly and playing alot of Zelda and Nier currently :D If you wanna know more then chat me up ;p I don't bite XD No video chat unless I know you though sorry :\ If I were a Pokémon Trainer I'd challenge you by saying: Cool Trainer Arri: "I like Shorts!"
K.T. Marky_Mor
I'm K.T., I'm 22 and I like to draw and write. My hobbies also include gaming, reading, music, anime, and watching SU. I'm not the most social person out there, but I'll speak when spoken to, I don't mind. But expect drawings. Lots and lots of drawings. I'm also fond of emoticons, so here's one! (ƒ° ˇ°)ƒ
Cosette onisuu
◆▲I draw mainly LoZ arts!▲◆ Hi! I'm Cosette/onisuu and I love drawing as a hobby! I hope to share memorable moments from my gaming in picture form with you all! :D I am using a 3DS. Sometimes, I post time lapse videos of my drawings on youtube. new leaf dream address 4D00 0013 9804 town: Kakariko mayor: Onisuu [last updated: july 21th 2017]
Jett Jman7718
WELCOME TO MY PROFILE PAGE! I'm just your average gamer who loves to draw and to be social. I'm probably one of the nicest people you'll meet. If you like my artwork, feel free to follow me, I'll be making alot more as time passes. Thank you for visiting Jett's profile! HAVE AN NICE DAY!!!
zorro tristan_onoe
Sólo me dedico a dibujar por estos lados. No muy seguido pero trato de aportar con algo. Si ves que los comentarios están desactivados, es que estoy trabajando en algún cómic dentro de un post. Eso, amor y paz.
gaby gabrielysophia25
This user's profile comment is private.
uu NAI7NA9
Caleb link44555
Can YOU Even ZELDA! Here a some of my favourite game series(Least to Best): 5.Super Smash Bros. 4.Super Mario Bros. 3.Mega Man 2.Donkey Kong Country 1.The Legend Zelda Goodbye.
JUN remiodad
こんにちは! 好きなゲームはお気に入りコミュニティのゲームです。 投稿に共感、コメントくれる方ありがとうございます。 嬉しくて元気貰えます! Thanks for looking at my picture.
たかこ nyanjirow
Miiverseで久々にお絵描きを楽しませていただきました。 素敵な場に参加することができ感謝しております。 皆様ありがとうございました! 一部の作品をpixivに残しています。 Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for the wonderful time. Sorry I'm not good at English.
名前 TACHIBANA 絵を描くのが大好きで 沢山描いて練習しています。いろんなイラストレーターさんの絵を参考に練習しているおかげで 毎回絵柄がバラバラです...主にミーバースではスプラトゥーンの絵を投稿しています。 ○ixivにてサーナイトのイラストを中心に投稿しています。 トップ5のお気に入りのゲーム(順番に): ①ゼルダの伝説BotW (WiiU/NSW) ②SPLATOON(WiiU) ③MOTHER2ギーグの逆襲(SFC) ④動物番長(GC) ⑤どうぶつの森 (N64/GC) コメント本当に有難いです!最新の投稿だけコメ返しします…(あまり前だと気付かない場合があります) 気軽に話かけて下さいね! ※悪コメはしないで下さい
Han arashi12899
Han Strawbermelon here Just a 18-year-old dork who does a bunch of drawings (and MAY have a bit of a Legend of Zelda obsession) If you're looking for consistent art, then boy are you in the wrong place I appreciate the appreciation!
WT DekuFlower
Hello! I'm Sarah and basically I love Nintendo like the rest of you! I also love to draw and that's the majority of what you'll see on my page! Have a nice day and take good care of yourself! ♡♡♡
らきろ rhomboid
ミカサ aoyami1225
蒼闇と申します。Ciao! 絵を描いたり、ゼルダの伝説をしますね。The Legend Of Zelda is amazing!最近活動する幅を広めております。こんな画力なのに漫画も描くんだぜ、信じられます…??
Gooberstin Gooberstin
Hey I'm Kearstin and REQUEST ARE OPEN I don't like it when people correct my spelling and grammar. Everyone makes mistakes and I usually realize them after I make them. "Jean, I–I fell in /love/ with you like droplets in the ocean. Every facet of you was just a drip. But the ripples they caused were massive." Every day I'm TUMBLin' eveRybody: Sharkgoober QUOTin thatEV: JeanKearstin
By Desirée umikoJaponaise
Hi Everybody~‹3 This Is Désirée! :) I Draw,Play Video Games and Love Manga Since My 5 Years (Im 17)! *U* Im A BIG Fan of Nintendo!!(All Games Of Nintendo!) *//O//* Thank's For All Comment and "yeah" I ‹3 You So Much!!~ +6000Followers.... Thank You... My Adventure in miiverse is Amazing ☆//U//★ Thanks! Love And Peace For EVERYBODY!! ●//♭//● ~Everybody Deserved Love~☆★
καησωανε sp1rit-tracks
▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ salut, appelez moi Kano :) IM A HYLIAN AHA IM REALLY FEELING IT Would you live long enough to see yourself become the villain? SHULK IS MY HUSBAND DON'T TOUCH HIM I like Splatoon but I don't own it. Terrible artist lol I speak French, English and Spanish ˙˙▲˙˙ ▲˛ ▲ ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
あや♂ちん jacob-the-6horns
こんにちは。 筋肉、獣、怪物、メカ、おっさん、ファンタジー、SF、筋肉・・・そんなものが好きなあやちんです。 現在は主にスプラトゥーンをプレイ中。ラクガキは他所のSNSでやってます。 スパショ中や敵色インクを突き進むときに気持ち悪い動きをすることがありますが、決して煽っている訳ではありません!! コメントはできる限り返させて頂きます。・・・が、大分遅れがちです。返せない場合でもありがたく拝読させて頂いています。 フォロー・フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ。 フォロー返しは自分と関連が深そうな方のみさせて頂いております。また、無理にフォロー返しを頂く必要はございません。 フレリクは相互フォローの方、スプラで何度かご一緒させて頂いた方であれば歓迎致します。 ボーイを愛でて毎日が楽しい・・・。 (2016.4.2更新)
Seiga SeigaD
Welcome. My name is Seiga, i'm french but i can speak english. I'm a person and I hate chocolate...
Shu DragonMuffin
(Also known as intoxicatedbadb0i) Im a socially awkward self-taught piece of art trash that'll smother you with hugs and other nice things. I only accept friend requests that have messages and/or from mutuals. Im always up for a chat, drop me a pm! Have an awesome day you beautiful stranger.
Chawa Chamall0w
Chawall0m pour vous servir ! 2nd account. Still and mostly draws but please don't be afraid of asking me anything. Be polite and NO "Free" hate. Thank you. I won't accept any blank friend requests or requests from people I don't know at all anymore, exception is for splatoon but say so. See you later.
Salt Guy MunoMono
hi im MONO!!! WOW!!!! ☆ huge weeaboo ☆ fantastic edgetastic ☆ dropped my dignity somewhere ☆ is literally called takumiismywaifu on pokemon go ☆ functions via engines that run on coffee ☆ will fight anyone but actually has noodle arms and will lose
なないろゆうき nanairoYUKI
どうも、七色勇気です! 画力をつけるため日々精進。 Sorry, I speak Japanese only. 漫画とゲームをこよなく愛す、お絵描き大好き人間。 自分の好きなゲームや漫画のキャラと、自分のオリキャラばかり描いてます。リクエストもされれば喜んで描きます。 通知の関係などでコメントに気付かず返さない時もあります。その時はすみません・・・。
Kami DieKami
Zelda ist meiner Meinung nach was besonderes :D
I´m a 17 years old idiot, who think miiverse is a sketchbook.
Oh and btw I´m a huge zelda fan.
I´m a 17 years old idiot, who think miiverse is a sketchbook.
Oh and btw I´m a huge zelda fan.
(I´m french, sorry for my english)
SALUT! Oui je suis française (on me le demande souvent), n'hesitez pas à me parler en français, je repondrais.
Sinon comme je l'ai dit plus haut (en anglais), j'ai 17 ans, je dessine depuis mes 13 ans, et je connais zelda casiment depuis toujours, je suis une grande f