Manda!'s Followers
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Edj Ka edcelsior
Always dance like nobodys watching, looking good ;} living the splatoon life one day at a time.
KaniConPŔČ Rising-Frost
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ƒεгπαπδσ santiago1532
hola mis seguifernan. mi apodo es ƒεπαπδσ. tengo 10 años :p. mi series favoritas son : dragón ball z ●●●●●● para los que ven la serie entenderan porque esas 6 bolas y bob esponja. mi cumpleaños es el 18 de Octubre. mis youtubers favoritos son : fernanfloo, elrubiusomg. bueno ya saben unas cositas de mi si quieren saber mas de mi siganme. Adiós mis seguifernan ♥♥♥
yerai yerai9998
SUPER mat mathiaschaillot
Salut tout le monde!! Je m´appele SUPER mat (sur miversse) Ma passion:les jeux video enfin ces inpeu logique sinon je joue a la 3DS depuis 2011 et je suis Donneure:★★ simpas:★★★ bon joueur:★★★★ Ma chaine youtube:Mat Gamer Chaillot 17 abo, je vous conseille de regarder mes message vous ne le regreterai pas sinon a plus^_^ AU JAI FAILLI OUBLIER!!xD bon je lai fai expre Abonner vous
Miischi Michelle-14
Hi Leute, •Name: Michelle •Alter: 13 •ABFF: мιγακυCнαπ •Lieblingstier: Katzen ‹3 •Hobbys: Musik hören,lesen,Animes kucken,zocken... •Spiele: Pokemon,ACNL,TDL,Zelda, MK,Splatoon,MH4U,Bravely Default und mehr ^^ So das wars.........oder ? Nein? Hmmm Aso ! Hier hast du Brot xD
Sakurabyss AliceParsy2
˙°•★Łα dεмθηε εςτ łà!! :D †(`ˇ′)†☆•°˙ °•Insta→sakurabyss_13 θτακμ dε мαηgαs Jθμε α MH,Hατsμηε mikμ ^¬^ Dεεssε dμ dεssiη sμr pαpiεr =D <3 Yαηdεrε Siмμlαtor/Цηdεrταłε (˙ˇ˙˛)Dédi α: ★New-Phenix мθη grαηd frèrε déмθη à мwα `•w•´☆ ★Mαttis мoη cθpαiη (˙˘˙)#Love you, oηly you!!☆ ★Astras☆ ★#еиака★ lα kuρiηe☆ ▲objectif:200 αβθs!▼ "Délire chelou et ça va pour tout, délire normal et ça va très mal" (>˙˘˙)>
Red ColouredVersion1
"Luigi, look! It's from Bowser!" "Dear pesky plumbers, The Koopalings and I have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom! The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa Hotels. I dare you to find her if you can!" "We gotta find the princess!" "And you gotta help us!" "If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book."
Gamesake Console.Survivor
MOST HYPED FOR -Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Dec 1st) -Octopath Traveler (2018) -Dragon Quest Builders (2018) -Travis Strikes Again (TBA) -Fire Emblem (TBA) -Pokémon Switch (TBA) -Metroid Prime 4 (TBA) -Dragon Quest XI (Japan only?) FAVORITE GAMES -Dead or Alive -Dragon Quest -Fire Emblem -Jet Set Radio -Zelda I avoid Wii U chat. Skyping with my family is awkward enough!
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
ちゃわむ Nejimaki10
バレ凸S+99済♪ マガジンスペシャル読切掲載経験ありー♪ 連載漫画家目指して頑張り中ー♪ とにかくネームをかきまくるのみ♪ ♡オススメ漫画(家)♡ ハンターハンター・ダンジョン飯・中山敦支・漫画☆太郎・福島聡・榎本俊二・ワールドイズマイン・こえの形・王ごんた ♡オススメドラマ♡ 古畑・トリック・ケイゾク・スペック・IWGP・リーガルハイ ♡オススメアニメ♡ アイアンジャイアント・マインドゲーム・エウレカ・グレンラガン・キルラキル・FLCL・アラジン・ヘラクレス・ラマになった・かぐや姫・インサイドヘッド ♡オススメゲーム♡ スプラトゥーン・ロンパ・SIREN・GTA5・lastofus・スト5・スマブラ・キラー7・朧村正・グラビティデイズ・大神・428・街・ガンジョン・INSIDE
Αεsταs Mother-Icy
S⇒Express⇒ EveryNowAndAgain
Mk8 Tips ♪You've got to know ♪When to hold'em ♪Know when to throw'em ♪Know when to hop-away ♪know when to gun ♪You never count your points ♪When you're sitting at the start line ♪There'll be time enough for countin ♪When the racin's done ♪Now every racer knows ♪The secret to survivin ♪Is knowing what to throw away ♪And knowing what to keep ♪Cause every race has a winner ♪And every race a loser!
Devyn Girl_Gone_Glitch
«Adriano» GamerSans324
Hola... Me llamo Adriano,tenho 11años... Naci en 2005 Mis juegos preferidos son: Super mario maker, Splatoon,Poken tourturnament,Super smash bros y Minecraft. Mis videoconsolas son: Wii U,Psvita,Wii mini y la nintendo switch. Acepto wii u chat ;) Adios...
michelle☆ miedosa
Big Mamma. rockondude
Big Mamma here and i'm ready to roll I hope you'd like to come for a stroll Only for a walk no need to fret Its not like i've got a brick to hit You in the head. Oh you think i have, well thats pretty mean Instead of a brick i've got a tin of baked beans Oh you like that now so your coming for a stoll OMG.. LOOK OUT FOR THAT HOLE. LOL I started to cry only coz i've got a brick ready to fly. BM
*はっぱ* doragon-gon
こんにちは!!*はっぱ*デス! ヨロ!! フォローしてね!120%返します!!あと… ゼル伝、アンダーテール、 好きな人フォローしてね! ^言^楽しくね?ok? 天月好きです!(#´∀`#) ここまで見たならフォロー! お願い!
Cοοκιe•°☆ diegokrre
Hola mis cookies ^•^! Pues bueno me llamo Claudia pero vosotros me podeis llamar Cooκie.º•☆ ˙˘˙ ~¡NO!,no me podeis comer òwó ~Mi cumple es el 15 de Julio :3 ~Me encantan las foquitas (•˛~) ~Porfi no me copieis los dibujicos ~Os quiero mucho No mires T.T Se que sigues leyendo :D Niaaaaa Sigan a estas personas Pau (chipigirl54)y Neko-San son unas artistas
Bréyonce warriorcatlover7
Breanna here! Bree for short. 15 years old Joined 12/24/14! :D Mood: Blessed ^^ Status: Taken X3 ♥12.10.16♥ Goal: 350 followers I have Type 1 Diabetes :) Fav youtubers: Markiplier, Matthias, MunchingOrange and Venturiantale I love TØP, Bvb and Maroon 5 :D I ♥ anime! ♥Andy Biersack♥ Sports: Track and Volleyball ♡Patriots fan!♡ Online! :D Hope you enjoy my account!
Daysie BatmanofHyrule9
ShadeMnroe Monroe47
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Francis Smokingspoon
Mst3k fanatic. I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings. Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon. I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it. Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.
Java javaholic
lots art to see. Viva la Mambo #5 #Parodius Sorry but I don't accept friend requests from minors (under 18) Coffee is love. All is coffee.
I R WIZARD Benjithedog
Am Orgiginal Smesher. IGGY is best koopaling. Ive got a dog named Benji. Explaining my ID. I R WIZARD ur argument is invalid... also feel free to Add me, don't be shy! I am: I enjoy many things in this world. I have a deep dedication to the DK RAP. Favorite Game: Nuclear Throne. Favorite Character Ever: DOC LOUIS Favorite user: ME of course. MAYBE ill wii U chat.... if you're a good buddy
timbo moothemagiccow
I crave Yeahs! If you want a Yeah, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to 999 Yeah Pl, Yeahkima, Yeahlabama
10k=Leave! Lucky-Enchant-V7
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はっち himamariha
どうも[はっち]です。 自己紹介 年齢12~13 中1 部活 男子ソフトテニス部 出身 神戸(それまで......) iphoneが欲しい 一本シャフトのラケットが欲しい 自分の部屋が欲しい 暇が欲しい DESW!!
Kenzyn XxItZiGgYxX
hi bro
King Twitt xartyou
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Cosmic CosmicFusion
Hello I'm CosmicFusion and my 10 favorite games are Fallout 3, Elder scrolls 5: skyrim, The last of us, The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, Portal 2, Bioshock infinite, SuperSmashBros, Farcry 3, Uncharted 2, Terraria
Landon DeathofDoom
Top 20 Games: 20.Sonic Chronicles 19.Oracle of Ages 18.PMD:EoS 17.TWEWY 16.Splatoon 15.Bravely Default 14.The Last Story 13.Super Paper Mario 12.Paper Mario: TTYD 11.Smash 4 10.Kingdom Hearts 1/BBS 9.Twilight Princess/Majora's Mask 8.Mario Kart 8 7.Mario Galaxy 1/2 6.Xenoblade Chronicles 5.Sonic 1 4.999/VLR 3.BiS 2.Pokemon Platinum 1.Xenoblade Chronicles X Zelda is life. Sarcasm <3
michael 10 Batman4017
hello my name is michael i test some things in games because something funny will come out sometimes
Chloe Chloeisbay
Hi please follow me and I will follow you and please friend me if you can :-):) i play splatoon and minecraft
Kailey.S kaileymarie2015
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Starfruit eeveedude632
Colgo13 Colgo13
Mario Kart 8 Eat Your Deluxe Greens: 5359-5217-0539 Hoping for rare drops in MH4U... Skidding on peels in Mario Kart 8... Defending my Splat Zone... Check out my brother's profile - NNID: Rikmeister []xxx[]-o-o-o-o-[]xxx[]
out of my mind
This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but...
out of my mind
This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but it says nothing.