Manda!'s Friends
10k=Leave! Lucky-Enchant-V7
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Ali 1Ali-StAir6
Hello everybody \(^o^)/ 35y.o. Nintendo player..been playing since I was a first console was the GameBoy closely followed by the NES..back Σ(‘◉ ◉’) ..and I'm still an enthusiast! Zelda is my favourite THE saga. Metroid/Castlevania/Yoshi/Toad(& Daisy) fan,but not blind fanboy...there's a big difference! Owned: NES,GB,GBColor,SNES,GBA,GBAsp,NDS,Wii,3DS,WiiU‚n
Dylan NamelessDrifter
Y Helo Thar! There is only Zuul! Fan of: Earthbound/Mother, Chrono Trigger, Kirby, Metal Gear, Earthworm Jim, Red Dead, Elderscrolls, Mana, All Fighting Games annnd Mole Mania~ Really all Nintendo! SNES Life! ‹3 Metal ‹3 Soul <3 Comedies <3 Horror ♪♪I hope to be [adultswim] bound♪♪ How many cups of sugar would it take to reach the Moon? ♪♭←(DE)(AD) Comics →♭♪ ATL <(’³‛)>
Utu™ ACC_R2D2
<Inserte información personal que a nadie le importa aquí> <Insert personal information that nobody cares for here>
Ryan CaptainMario_777
Hi, I'm Ryan Sorry I'm a bit inactive at the moment. Just lots of school stuff... :/ I like Mario, Kirby, Zelda and other stuff. So called nutcase of the Monster Hunter series. O_O I make puns sometimes. I'm also a bit shy. Constructive criticism is accepted. I'll only accept Friend Requests from people that I know. No Wii U Chat. My Alt: CaptainMario_222 #FREETHEMILK
Dj-Pickle Dj-Pickle
Starting 8 November it's the big Giveaway... sign up for all manner of crazy shenanigans... Oh no that's right, Nintendo are pulling the plug...
Simon Cox-Hazelton
I'm an English teacher living in Italy. I've been a big Nintendo fan since the 80s. Big fan of: Zelda, all Mario games, StarFox, Metriod, Castlevania, Animal Crossing and a lot more! ☆☆☆ I'm an Amiibo fan ☆☆☆ Own: Switch, WiiU, GameCube, N64, 3DS, Gameboy color, Ds, PSP, Panasonic 3DO, Mega Drive, Nes, Xbox 360, PS 2, 3 & 4. Owned: C64, Atari, ZX Spectrum, Snes, Sega Master System!
Jules michael50
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!
Joe maxsonnage
I rarely check here now. But I still do occasionally. I hope you're all ok
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
◆◆◆i'm an ancient terrestrial◆◆◆ ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ thank you to the people who stop by my posts,even if its just to yeah comments/draws (much appreciated) been here since the beginning at I'll be here in the end. Sorry I won't be going with you to quitter or grace look etc. So let's make the best of it until they throw us out.
out of my mind
This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but...
out of my mind
This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but it says nothing.