Sky's Followers
Dragon NightmareMewtu
Hallo Ich Mag Pokemon Und Donkey Kong Spyro Skylanders Und Starfox Und One piece Und Auch Naruto Und Dragonball Z Und Sonic Und Super Mario So Wie Metroid Das Sind Die Spiele Und Animes Die Ich Mag Und Ich Mag Auch Meine Freunde :)
Jay Dawg Jquan_Hood
THA SQUAD Jcoolwitty & Tizzin_Boss search it up. New account Fø Mø Mariø Maker. Thought I go for a cuter mii but hey what the heck do I kno. All I got is the world in my pocket. Its All jus Trail & Error, We live'N' We learn and don't repeat what Y'all 'ready Xperienced Quavo My HeadHoncho Samuel L Jackson My Dad R. Kelly My Brotha Rihanna My sista Madea My Granny Nicki Minaj My Momma
ang ang7878
November 7 rozo999
Taylor S JujuBear07
Hi, I'm Taylor Swift and I love to sing!!!! My favorite song I wrote was" Look what you made me do". Lots of people love me!!!! I was one of the choosen babies to have a special stuffed animal! Thank you for following me!!
HC|Bö$$ómè dslkfjvftklntri
Welp, miiverse is dead very soon. Doesn't matter anymore about anything here. I enjoyed this service and sad to see it pass but I hope someday soon another service will exist that's new and improved. If you're reading this, comment #ripmiiverse on any of my posts, please and thank you. Why bother write up much. Thanks for the fun times, miiverse will be missed.
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
★-FIRE-★ gioandx
j SackBoy01
RP Part 0 (newcomers.)
UHC/アカネコ~♪ harumann
こんにちは\(^∀^ ) ほぼ毎日ゲームやってる暇人だよーww好きな食べ物はまぁほぼ全部ですww性別は♂だお 僕のことはアカネコってよんでね! 好きな実況者は じゃぱぱさん トムマルさん じゅんの実況 らっだぁさん HIKAKINさん ふうはやさん ふたばさん TheFatRatです。 みなさんといっしょに仲良く遊びたいです。 マイクラやマリカ8などやってます! 好きなアニメは進撃の巨人でーーーす あと第2期放送決定のおそ松さんが楽しみ!! 好きな曲はScarlet Roseと 六兆年と一夜物語と 前前前世です! 嫌いな人は自分です......はい あと荒らしも フォロー1000人いったけどなんもないやw せーのアデュー! \(⌒∀⌒)/ ミーバース終わるまでにフォローしてくれ!m(T_T)m
`º•g•°′ UminekoBatman_5
ayeeee watsupp my name is Vanessa. →I DO NOT allow Wii-U chat, sorry← i love to post funny stuff, inspiring & sad rap songs. ★ Since Miiverse ends on November, i wanna support more ppl on here. I have been here since July 2016 and i loved yall for always being with me. Why are ya still heaa? Oh well then... Bye fam.
Savagegirl Nevaehsabetta
hi this is my 4th ACOUNTE please friend me if u follow me ill follow u back get suspended alot love to talk fav song desaparecido( SLOWLY ) im a big deal im a christen no wiiu chat should i change my name on Miiverse √ off miiverse YEABOMER Srry
Jay Elite Jcoolwitty
I.C.Y = Intelligent Cool and Young I be that Pretty Boy who gets along wit errabody. I'm Aka ( Also known as ) Dr.Love ~ I The Real O.G. Wit tha Hood. Gotta Bad day? I'll turn it around for ya, I Embellished There I'll turn it into a Square so I'm Always in yo corner. Pick Yo own Battle, I be that Gucci for sure 100/// I be in my late teens, Writen music lyrics and playin skemes. :)
DJConnor LyraPonyGirl
Soccer Pony
ITS ĶĘĚŅĂŃ Flawlesscoco
jazael ninjago6647
i like playing with you guys in minecaft
Jacob H jharrington15
Hi. I'm age 16 Birth: 4/4/01 Sisters: Audrey, Brianna, Gracie Please follow me! 5 days left My favorite Koopalings: Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, Bowser junior, and Morton. I am a fan of Sonic, Mario, Bowser, and the Koopalings. I don't video chat. I take friend requests. I like roleplays. Friends: zion, JoshM.(20), etc.
Random seanlovesmullets
hello im kyla i love yoshi's wooly world. i will follow the miiverse code of conduct and respect all of miiverse
˘~Bones~˘ Tranquility1
Good luck in all you do. To follow is to never know who you truly are. a true leader is one who walks his own path. the rest are followers of the unknown. be true to yourself. because you are the only one you need to look up to. :D
Cj jkawesome150
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone
Max jeff3427
hey my name is max my favorite youtuber is logan paul i am a part of the logang im a maverick i will manely post about badge arcade but sometimes i will post about other games my goal is 10000 if i can make it to that followers thanks for following also if u folow me i wil folow you i yeah more than post comment more than yeah and follow more than i comment
Filipe☆★:) Filipe.gamer123
Ola amigos eu sou o Filipe e seja bem vindos ao meu perfil. -------------------------------♪ hi friends im Filipe and welcome to my profile. here you can see what i like play and another things -------------------------------------♪ ★my favourite games: resident evil4, minecraft, just dance, Zelda, splatoon, porzito zero, bayoneta 2★
danielleao danielleao3674
ςς☆Mavs titos_c
Hey Name:Maverick ( My nickname is Mavs ) Gender:♂ Relationship:Currently ♥.....Single.....♥:( Age:13 Things i dislike: Negative people, Hackers and people that like to squidbag in Splatoon Things i like:Positive people, Music, Animals and School Games i play a lot: Splatoon, Minecraft, Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 I hope you will find me as a nice person Fave song: DISS TRACK ED By NetNoBody Bye.....
りくと nkkn1110
よろしくお願いします\>_< /
Josh samaniego713
Emani Claudeen2007
9 years old has three siblings favorite color:purple loves chocolate watches youtube alot loves to read and write has the game called animal crossing new leaf i'm a 3ds gamer i'm about be a 4th grader this school year. real name:Emani. follow HelloKittyLeilan follow Manns2011 also plz Plays Roblox Speaks spanish a little THAT IS ALL THE STUFF ABOUT ME.
XBLOX1234 viper77355
Alfred Alfred.worton10
i love super smash bros and you guys and guys i am trying to get 100 followers if you follow me i will follow you
Michael weegeeisloop
I love Rpg and Roleplaying thats all u need to know a
pandamarc marc06
hi my name is marc here some things you should know about me 1: I am 11 years old 2: I like minecraft,splatoon,mario kart 8 and super smash bros
Hey guys , im layton and i like to battle in minecraft , splatoon and mario kart 8 if you have any of thease games you can friend request me !!! i hate roark ('-') (^o^)(^o^)(^o^)
Kittygirl★ EvanescenceFan7
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Hi everyone! I love cats, metal, rock, dubstep, techno, electronic, videogames, anime, reading, and drawing. I also love the bands Evanescence, and Five Finger Death Punch. ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ R.I.P. Miiverse, big thanks to all my followers and friends. I will cherish the memories and fun we had, and won't forget you guys. Stay awesome, and game on! (^o^)
i RedStar926
Ãngel SweetAngel000
Im a very sweet girl, im 13years old. Im turning 14 this Christmas. I am a very nice person and would love to make new friends. I dont play games much, Btw i have a crush
Sev Blackcatguy02
Im Sev, im pretty cool so follow me ;) btw this is my second account. my real account is ''Blackcatguy'' make sure u go follow me on that too
Hi im Kasen. Brown is my skin color. I play Minecraft, Roblox, Dragon Mania Legends, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 7, New Super Mario Bros All series.My favorite food is Chicken Nuggets. I am 9. I do shows called the Dads show and Countdown 20 until November 8th. Yep Miiverse is ending cause everyone cares of the switch. Some Friends i will miss Star Girl, Sienna, Tj Galaxy, Kaidan and Logan. Peace
Venomjam venomjamaica1
They have stolen my wiiu. I bought a new one because Nintendo is my life. Cant wait for the NX. Get N or get the hell OUT!!!!!
Hi. I'm Sky. I love playing MarioKart7. Enjoy playing your games!