Users Sky Is Following
Dragon NightmareMewtu
Hallo Ich Mag Pokemon Und Donkey Kong Spyro Skylanders Und Starfox Und One piece Und Auch Naruto Und Dragonball Z Und Sonic Und Super Mario So Wie Metroid Das Sind Die Spiele Und Animes Die Ich Mag Und Ich Mag Auch Meine Freunde :)
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
HC|Bö$$ómè dslkfjvftklntri
Welp, miiverse is dead very soon. Doesn't matter anymore about anything here. I enjoyed this service and sad to see it pass but I hope someday soon another service will exist that's new and improved. If you're reading this, comment #ripmiiverse on any of my posts, please and thank you. Why bother write up much. Thanks for the fun times, miiverse will be missed.
Taylor S JujuBear07
Hi, I'm Taylor Swift and I love to sing!!!! My favorite song I wrote was" Look what you made me do". Lots of people love me!!!! I was one of the choosen babies to have a special stuffed animal! Thank you for following me!!
November 7 rozo999
Kittygirl★ EvanescenceFan7
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Hi everyone! I love cats, metal, rock, dubstep, techno, electronic, videogames, anime, reading, and drawing. I also love the bands Evanescence, and Five Finger Death Punch. ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ R.I.P. Miiverse, big thanks to all my followers and friends. I will cherish the memories and fun we had, and won't forget you guys. Stay awesome, and game on! (^o^)
i RedStar926
Ãngel SweetAngel000
Im a very sweet girl, im 13years old. Im turning 14 this Christmas. I am a very nice person and would love to make new friends. I dont play games much, Btw i have a crush
Hi im Kasen. Brown is my skin color. I play Minecraft, Roblox, Dragon Mania Legends, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 7, New Super Mario Bros All series.My favorite food is Chicken Nuggets. I am 9. I do shows called the Dads show and Countdown 20 until November 8th. Yep Miiverse is ending cause everyone cares of the switch. Some Friends i will miss Star Girl, Sienna, Tj Galaxy, Kaidan and Logan. Peace
Venomjam venomjamaica1
They have stolen my wiiu. I bought a new one because Nintendo is my life. Cant wait for the NX. Get N or get the hell OUT!!!!!
ŰΒJosmarĎΜ GoodKid2000
Lia Gboy737
Rap music is my life im 17 Cheerleader and vollyball player Lesbian and *Drum Roll* Single
HermioneG. ScarHeadPotter
Since Miiverse is Ending I Just wanted to Say Thank you Guys For Evrerything,My friends,My followers and most important My Miiverse Family! Honorable Mentions, Tad&★Maddy МмкJonah Nerve And Many Others Though It Ends Tomorrow The Amazing Family Of Miiverse Will Stick Together In the real World And Though We Might Not Find Each Other We Will Still Be Bonded By Our Miiverse Family. Goodbye Everyone
Ella crankyella
~☆ Theirs no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find ☆~ ♡Single♡ I do not accept blank or random friend requests.
Jonathan Jon50ice
Hi my name is Jonathan. I love Nintendo and play their games all the time. I have a 3DS, Wii U and a Switch. Some of my favorite games are Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Pikmin 3 and ARMS.
MAKINZE thoesmixgurls04
youtube770 pacman3656
Š.Ç★Łīνγμ mayhem7776
Hi!Here is some info about me! :-> ★I am a Youtuber!! ★I am nice ★Little sis is Skyler,Follow her please! :-> ★Be kind to one another! ★I love my friends! ★Boyfriend:♥Youtuber♥ ★BFF'S:So many that I can't name all! ;-) ★I love the holidays and my birthday's ★I love to draw!! ★Thanks for all the followers!!! :-D ★I love Anime ★My favorite game on here is Minecraft!! See you all later!! Bye :->
Makinze Thoesmixgurls03
(need more followers) (♥★sunset★♥) Amaig▲ *be sure to comment and give YEAHS on our post thx allat *hugs and kisses* me!... OMG thank you guys for all of my followers and if you comment and give yeahs I will be sure to give A TBH!!!!!!!!!!!! (excitement)! thx and be sure to give this girl credit ..... OMG HELPING THE ADMINISTRATION TOOOOOOODAAAAAY PROUD OF THE ACOUSTICS OF MY CAREER!
Goku SS Bomber1583
Octavius Swagger212190
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gayil avigayil1
hey! age:13! i love: cleveland cavaliers [basketball], KING JAMES, and music follow4follow #defendtheland
SuperMario rwgoalie46
*cry* Hey...Leave if you want. You'll just find a depressed person that has no one...Why is my life like this? *cries louder* Why?!?!? Does anyone even care? *tries to stop but can't* My best friend left me! Are you going to too? I need a miracle right now! Is anyone going to help me? Is anyone going to try to make me feel better? Status: More depressed than I ever have been...
out ofpost OrangeDigit
hi im nagisa i have a freind named mami tomoe. i made a contract with kyuubey when i was 6 this is were i put oc's in 4 rp's oc 1 name: zoe age: 17 family: bebe,[bebe isnt an oc but ill still put her as 1] and ashara hair: red braid all the way to her whrists. eyes: purple wears: white dress that reaches her knees/ school uniform oc 2 name: ashara age: 15 sport: soccer eyes: blue
greensquid wommygamergirl23
oh am really happpy about splatoon 2
??Unown??? Unown100477
WE DID IT WE REACHED ARE GOAL 100 followers! Hi im the unown user Here at miverse! My name tells you that ha ha (^o^)!!! Follow me if you want i promiss im kind and I follow you back may take 2 days though, I dont play often. (=^_^=) Meow meow. Evreything about me is unown well not evreything lol. This is my second user .I have another user but not telling bc im unown figure me out. new goal 200
ηχ√mικεψ shula3
Best Friends: IamKalex,thecnos5000,richy1974,epicbutterale247 Favorite Game: Splatoon Favorite Weapons in splatoon: Octoshot Replica, Custom E-Liter3k Scope ηχ leader Rank:S+98
★ƒαΙсoπ★ 13legodude
Follower of the one true king † Joined ƒluƒƒy 9 - 21 - 17 ======================== Currently- Offline[√] Online[]
Paul slycooper136
Fenton phccrc
hi my name is fenton im a nice kid but im mad sometimes
CSA~junior gabywii
splatoon and splatoon 2 are my favorite games! and these are my best friends, CSA~lar, CSA~jack, awesome, salvador, redstone/mlg, samuel, and goincain, make sure to follow them, im part of the CSA~clan. i also has the switch and splatoon 2. my birthday is 7/6
Ðóππι ΟĞŚ redcar45
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£andrew and424
Name:Andrew favorite games:animal crossing,ssb,mk7 and steel diver sub wars Proud member of £eviathan fav movie:star wars fav hobbie:legos and reading Im A strong christian Ask to be friends I am very friendly. friends:shreaker,bella,hope in god,ally,red, kaden, ray,rayla,Noah, Dylan,JJ, and jacjason. Believe on the l0rd JC and you will be saved.
Puppy! AskMaple63
I love anime, my favorite anime is Hetalia. I like to draw. I will follow any Hetalia fan I find... My follow list is filled with 700+ Hetalians you should follow (most are great drawers :3 ). Now I sound like a advertiser... I don't have a religion. Lord Hima saved us all! Bask in his glory!!!
Hi. I'm Sky. I love playing MarioKart7. Enjoy playing your games!