Anthony's Followers
DieBecci BrakelmannIsBack
Hi! Please follow my main-profile, DieBecci (TheSonicfan360). I don't really do anything on this account, it's just a "backup"-account if I get banned again.
gamer yooo Bornertdidier
Mater MaterMooreSave
Hi everybody! Welcome to the Nintendo experience.
Jaz DarkKnight15x
Whats Up! This Is Jazzy! Im a very cool person to hang out with! I will be playing games like Terraria , Batman Arkham Origins, Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Splatoon, and Injustice! I Have Some Of The BEST FRIENDS In The World! AshLionpro, rolipoli123, CGSBOY, and Guineapig2005. I Also Loved The Lego Batman Movie And Guarians of the galaxy Vol. 1 and 2! BATMAN OUT *drops the mic.*
Nate123 kosmos66
stampycat summer.preston
tom tomgrelet
salut les amies , je m'appelle tom, mon jeu préféré est INAZUMA ELEVEN GO BRASIER (que pour les videos) est si vous êtes du même avie abonner vous à moi merci
Blaze [D] Shura22h22
Adieu les gens c'est la fin de miiverse ›♥‹ Team DIVINA POUR TOUJOURS ^♥^
Lazar2 Zz0zzzzzzzzzz0zZ
Akito [D] Akito22h22
*Prends le micro devant le peuple* Je suis Akito Magala... *lâche le micro avec style* c'est suffisant comme description XD Team : Divina
ilias008 belassel008
Hi. Please follow: @3dsvsthewiiuwiiu @miyukiluckystar @DogyBro @MatthewS17 @grim16 @realYeahAngel @veryscrappy @CarlyPandaCake15 @mariofan112004 @BroLookatThis @Nate123 @DMcNeil2 @Hichem_Kawaii @malatheangel @GageAwesome08 Yeah lots of my posts and follow YOU will be here. Profile updates on my favourited post. Cya!
Comic TheComic21
Hi I'm Kyle. I'm 13 yrs. old. I started miiverse on 4-7-17 I usually build stuff in Minecraft and post it twice a week. You can friend me if you want just don't be mean. I like followers and friends so don't be afraid to follow/friend me. That's it Ttyl
るいるい Rui000310
Profile comment hidden by admin.
むとう ieyuka.928
めんどくさいので、コメント省略しました。 ヒカル面白い まどねすも
Tiny TinyPep
dogy DogyBro
Hi! im Dogy! i play mario kart, splatoon, super smash bros, animal crossing, and more!!! Please follow me i will (most likely) follow back. I accept all friend requests. ♥♥♥
Cristian manuelpineda
¡hola!darle a segir cada vez que lo veas y se vuena gente mientras mas sigais mas segidores tendreis
Eugene EugeneAK907
My name is Eugene and I'm 26. Favorite video game series: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon, SSB, and some others. If you need help in a Zelda game, you've come to right person! I do follow for follows.
SofaFish fishsofa
Jacob Luigi1601
This user's profile comment is private.
jaden W lilbear115
Hello, my name is Jaden E. Williams. I enjoy creating comic books and crafting ideas for future stories.
Winter Jj jj080400
Sup. And welcome to my profile and nice to you!! My name is Jahliel You can call me by nickname jj. Sometimes i like to spend time on Miiverse and go! The story about my life about me! NO WII U CHAT OK?! .Im skinny .Gender boy .High School 19 years. .(Games) Batman Lego 3 BG, Super Mario Maker, Sonic Boom, and mincruft ♡Well that's all for today, <3
Davemeiste DavidTheTurtle
Hi everyone if you still play minecraft and need for speed friend request me thank you.
しゅん shun2852
▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽ しゅんだぉ。ゲーム大好きです。みなさんよろしく! あっ!兄弟であげてるよ!だから、桃ってかいてあったら姉だよ一(小5です○○県の○○○小です)
StoneCold TheFutureisbleak
Eyez GreenPudding7
Hello, I like many games on the Wii U but Minecraft is my favourite. Feel free to send me friend request but only if you have a mic. I rarely use Wii U chat. Plz follow / Yeah my posts so I know who wants to be friends , thanks you guys for the support I'm thinking on starting a youtube channel soon. DEUCES ! If you get that reference, pat on the back to you.
Dawnable dawn445
Hey! Dawn here, and I'm just one of those gamer folks. I like puzzles, adventure and lots of other things. I get boring and bored from time to time. Also, please don't Wii U chat/call me. I'm not a talkative person.
Nick zwunder
This user's profile comment is private.
Kayla KJLucky
hello people from around the world i do dance which its advandced and i do advance advance advance gymnastics i do jazz and hip hop which is also advanced i do any sport you can think of (Except football) I <3 <3 <3 <3 POKEMON
da slayer! DASLAYERu812
my name is brandon hite im a 6th grader and i am a huge huge pokemon fan my faverote pokemon is mega charzard x and timber i could not post to you about emiene because i ran out of posts.
Cadeyarmin Cadeyarmin
Hi I'm the creater of minecraft .Have you played it?I have been playing it for a long time.
Danny DANNYBOY7890
Yo, Danny here. Well, I'm ranting. Fave games are: Smash Bros Ocarina of Time 3D Mario Maker Scribblenauts Unlimited Stickman Basketball 17 Super Mario 64 Mario Kart DS I main Lucas, Robin, and Jigglypuff Started Miiverse April 18, 2016
Κιττεηz•ßÐ brook8507
Since miiverse is ending, I wont be active much longer. Srry. But i will draw occasionally. G-day
blakm yohankoumer123xX
salu cest akkachi jáis 12 je vis france selui qui sabon a moi je maiitra plus de ouai
WolvesRule WolvesRule224
Hey guys WolvesRule224 here and I like to play with my friends on MK8 and Minecraft. Best friends (in order): Ryolite, jgavara, kerv0411, and muffinzzz_rulez. I like to be friends with everyone, so be free to friend me. I like to scroll through miiverse, Play MC, and play Splatoon! I am good at building in mc. I like PVP but I'm not the best at it tho. BYE MIIVERSE WE'LL MISS YOU!!!
drew thunderflash2
hello im thunderflash2 check my page out and follow me thx :-)
RY★Stitch★ Hironatushima29
wesh tout l'monde ça va j'espère que ça va devenez mon ami mrc beaucoup 230 abo
geek gamer beltboy
hay my name will not be said I have super mario maker splatoon mariokart 8 super smash bros and new super mario bros U. I can do wii u chat. just to let you know im pretty good at splatoon. I just got lost reavers I'm looking for a splatoon clan right now so if your in a clan, please friend me so I can be in a clan. no using cuss words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got the Wii U on March 28, 2015
Wii U games I got: Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo ...
Got the Wii U on March 28, 2015
Wii U games I got: Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Land, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Mario Party 10, Super Smash Bros, & Minecraft
★Finally got a Nintendo Switch★