Anthony's Friends
aiden joemama1584
ρκ ωоомγ Woomy-chan
benjachick JimmyIOI
I like Minecraft and terraria. Friend me if you would like to play.
lukas happyfruitpunch
hi my name is lukas, a.k.a happyfruitpunch.i had first got the wiiu on july19 2015.favorite youtubers, dantdm,stampylongnose,gamerchad,pewtiepie,thinknoodles,bigbstatz,and skydoesminecraft. games i have is minecraft,splatoon,supermariomaker,mariokart8,and pikmin3.i usually play minecraft the most.
Deven SplatterGamer123
Hi everyone! My name's Deven. I'm 13 years old and I like Splatoon, Minecraft, and any Pokémon game. I'm online just about every day, and I love to play with my friends! :D No random friend requests!
bendy real deniampro
Harriet Black_Lollypopz
I Do Rp's And Cringy Art Im A 13 Year Old Sagittarius Birthstone Turquoise Likes Watching Youtube And Playing Stuff So Byeeeee o-o My Cookie!
Evan TheBlockDestroy
Hi im evan a mincraft pro I have a group named Mario Pros and play Pokemon moon Animal Crossing new leaf MK8 and minecraft
xXkomaster jenniferjoanne
hola soy jorge in minecraft game i love gamers and specialy for other people
bowser Phionexfox
BNLBreona torydaebre
Hi! My name is Breona. ☆ Gender : ☆ ♀ I am a Cancer in the Horoscope. My Bday is June 27, and I love drawing, playing the piano, and singing. 2nd Account: BNLBreona18
мρ★Homie YoshiFan00000
Hi! Call me Josh or Homie idc. Im the leader of the мр Clan. Which stands for Mystic Power. I use a lot of weapons and i am a Lvl 50 S. Clan members are мр★Layla мр★Lan мр★Joker I love splatoon private battles and squads. Dont be mean to my friends or you will get a piece of me. Currently i am a smart 7th grader with 4.0 GPA and lots of friends. I am very funny & nice! Lets hang sometime. Cya!
Brian BRBeginner
My Name is Brian and i'm here to make some Nice Friends in The Wii U World! I like Playing Splatoon and other Fun Wii U Games. I DON'T DO WII U CHATS!!!
Kristopher Kristhekid
What's Up Miiveres? Is Kris the gamer! Im suppose to have info about me. But this is better info! The sky is blue P.R. has a financial drop And last but not least: A tomato is a vegetable
BabyPanda emilyprincess123
Hey everyone!please follow me and send friend requests,who knows,i might just accept them!Thanks (^o^)
Mario ronaldo488
hola amigos
ChrisGamer SunsetCoast_76
Hey! I'm Christopher and I mostly play Splatoon. I only take any friend requests, Splatoon friends/gamers, and private battle requests. Here is my level and rank in Splatoon- Level 50 S 30. See ya soon and maybe sometime/someday we can play Splatoon together.
Michael MichaelHollis987
hello guys
SuperDrew2 puddy973
Jerry Lilly_da_derp
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Lightning4 Lightning6475
Alex Dagger_Thrower37
wierdo zachsiara68
Hi im wierdo and I love music tv and video games. Please do not cuss it is not right. my favorite game is splatoon and super mario maker goodbye and always follow your heart miiverse.
Tiny TinyPep
JakeSavage jacobpick
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Xx_Eli_xX eli_is_gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin.
TO⇔Reece12 ReeceRules2
I like Nintendo games. I eat food. I sleep. I hate school with a passion. I mainly sit on my bed all day, which is really sad. Switch just came out, and I'll still be on here until the end of 2017. Let's face it the Wii U will probably be completely dead by then but there's always hope.
◆Pan◆(TT) OctoSuperSonic12
Oh hi welcome!! Came here for ssb or splatoon, or Pokken tournament? Than add me silly!
SM★benkim benjamin0634
Hello!!! My name is Ben I LOVE Nintendo and cant wait to get the Switch! (if i can) Some of my favorite games include Splatoon and mostly Minecraft! My goal is to get 100 followers! followers 10 completed 20 completed 30 completed 40 completed 50 completed 60 completed 70 completed 80 can we make it? 90 goal :100
#diego ¥€ consoledieali
yo les gens svp abonner vous et demander moi en amie pour jouer a splatoon
dariousf22 squidkid123456
Oясα ƒεялί LuigiDaisy12
[SPT]Chris Fireball_Player0
My name is Chris I play games alot, but I will never get good at them I have 6 amiibos I have many games on my 3DS and Wii U and Wii I would like to get 75 followers by May 2017! But idk if it will happen... I really don't understand why we aren't aloud to say our NNID, we just click our profile to see them!
BadJuju0 ð SeaEnemies
Hi, I really like these games: Splatoon, Tomodachi Life, Tri force heros (and other zelda games), Yo-Kai watch, Animal Crossing, Dragon Vale, Pokèmon (XY, heart gold, etc.), and Minecraft! -I don't Wii U chat
LegacyAdam AdamDGames
Gunnar GWJman13
Hi, im Gunnar! I like Minecraft redstone and playing with friends! Any lover of redstone is okay in my books, but if your disrespectful, yell in-game, grief, lie about redstone or are AFK all the time, dont even bother requesting me. If you use in-game chat, GREAT! if not thats ok but i do prefer people i can talk to. Hope we can be friends! -Gunnar
Beast beast_network15
Welcome to my profile I accept all friend requests if u freind request me then follow me I do wii u chat saturdays and sundays 2:30 to 3:45 if you want to play online with me you have to have bayonneta 2,lego movie video game and Minecraft
☆K9★ jay-jay12ID
Hello im Fizz but u can call me K9 I am the Alpha/leader of SSK0(Smash Splat Kart 0) Request if ya wanna join. Im a chill guy and love games im 14 and Wii u chat. Check out my bro lenn
★Brianna★ villatoroprinces
Λndısıt AndiNNID
Thank you for everything... --- » YouTube: Andisit [Games and Music] » 2nd Miiverse profile: Andireas (AndisBackup) » Closedverse: AndiCV --- →Joined September 5th, 2015← and enjoyed every minute of it.
★Jåşмïпε★ Jasminethecat00
♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ I'm a female who loves playing video games.≧ω≦ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ☆PlayStation ☆Trophy Huntress (PS3/PS4) ☆Nintendo ☆Anime ☆Manga ☆Music ☆Art ☆YouTube ☆Instagram ☆Kitties ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I do NOT use Wii U chat,so please don't try to call me. ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Blueberry DoctorWario1
Hi everyone! Its me! Blueberry! If im not messaging or commenting back its because im banned...Or maybe just busy at the moment or sometimes its just my parents on the WiiU and not me...if they are on netflix or something like that its not me...... BUT, Feel free to send me buddy requests any time! ill get to those eventually! i hope.... welp, all for now! *eyes turn to stars* Buh-Bye!!! (^o^)
eric ericvalencia1234
hi everyone my name is jr valencia can you guys be my friend!
Ceven Moon lolyugootadodi
hello im Ceven i only post drawings and i don't use wii u chat. Dont get cook stay off the hook
SF~Alexia Cupcake0315
Hi my name is Alexia and I am a 15 year old that loves to play Splatoon 24/7. I have over 1000hrs because I have no life. SF stands for Squid Force (not the brand -.-) Level 50 Rank S Playing Splatoon 2 (reason why I am not on the Wii U as much) I'll Wii U chat only if I am in the mood Rest In Peace Birdie 2009-3/2/2017 ♥
Uncle G ShrekIsGod666
Hi everyone Uncle Grandpa here! I love friendly debates about games! ^-^ You follow me, I'll follow you!
LijK Woomy sierra001
Hi! Welcome to my profile! Here are some things about me. Games: normally on Splatoon, Youtube, Miiverse, or Hulu. Friend list rules: As long as you don't call me on Wii U Chat, if we talk often, and you don't annoy me too much, then you should be fine. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Bu-bye~ :D When I got the Wii U: March 24, 2015 First day of Miiverse: October 4th, 2015
Deven deven4363
Profile comment hidden by admin.
jose jr ortizjose
i hope people like my posts
Knightmare Jasonc4u
Hello I'm Thunder I play Makrio kart 8, super smash bros. wiiu and other games. But I will mostly play Mk8. I don't really do squid partys, sorry. But if I accidentally go to a squid party, I won't ruin it. You can send me a friend request if you want me to be your friend. I don't do wiiu chat, sorry.
Eman Cobra447
hello im cobra i like to play minecraft and pokemon i will play with anyone on minecrafti appreciate all yeahs and follows thanks for reading and stay frosty [shout out to dabom321 manbug11 and superanikyev for always being there] [execpt manbug hasnt been on in a month]
Dαгκζмᆆ JamorasGaming
This user's profile comment is private.
Melon Melon0812
I'm a watermelon, but you can't tell because you aren't.
Colin COLIN_0426
Hi, I'm Colin I play: Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros for Wii U, and Nintendo Land. In Splatoon my favorite weapons are: Roller:Krak-on Roller Charger: Eliter 3K Scope Shooters: 96 Gal. Deco, N-Zap 89,Octoshot Replica Brush: InkBrush Blaster: Luna Blaster Mode in Splatoon: Rainmaker Characters in MK8: Iggy,Yoshi,Morton,Lemmy (My other worse/smash account is Jerome)
David yourmama7
Thing About Me. Age: 15 Real Name: David Why do I call myself "Gobaww?": My baby brother calls me that for some reason. My favorite video games from best to least: Kingdom Hearts Tekken Batman Arkham Series SSB4 Splatoon Super Mario Maker
****** Obro55
Hey I'm αƒω●ςρззþ Im the leader of αƒω● if you want to join look in my discussion to recruit members. I am currently training with a charger. I have all Splatoon amiibos and I'm captain of my forensics team. If you are part of another clan. Fight me BRO. I'm currently a junior in college!. I'm also S+ for Ranked Battle. Online [*] Offline []ufdeewsfyhgfdefhjk
Trace WaltDisney333
Hello everybody I am a big fan of Nintendo and love their games and amibo characters. I post at random times but I usually post on Splatoon. I come on almost everday so I try to post. I am a christen so do not give Jesus a bad name. I love Legend of Zelda A goal of mine is to get 500 followers!!! So follow me if you want and i will follow you back like my post if you want. :)
Draco blaze215
Whats up guys its Draco here. heres alittle about myself. favorite games: pokemon omega ruby, pkmn Y,,ssb4,Pokken tournament Main characters i play: bowser,dark pit,pit,roy,charizard,zero suit samus, Cloud, Corrin, Greninja catch yall later, bye
∞γδιδ∞ргσ∞ momoftwo82
Ow my face... ;-; Anyways, hello! I'm Camryn! Just an ordinary gamer.I like to play things like Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, and more! I suggest following/friending these people: DillonWasHere, FatimaAliBatoul0 Also, im in 7th Grade, almost 13 years old! Oh! If you got an IPhone, get Miiverse Amino and Miiverse will live on! :D That's all from me! Have a great day! :D
Hi/Hola Miiverse, Here are 10 FACTS:1.Your reading this. 2.Your probably saying/thinking that is a dumb fact. 4.You didn't notice that i skipped 3. 5.Your checking it now. 6.Your smiling. 7.Your still reading this. 8.You know all you have read is true. 10.You didn't notice i skipped 9. 11.Your checking it now. If you follow me, I follow you back.
political bearcub4
bye everyone looking at jy post because miiverese is closing down soon so see you guys later :-(
WolfMaster 123sonicrocker
Brandon bioticwolf94
Hi, I'm Brandon. I just got my Wii U 12/03/14. Talk to me if you want. I won't try to hurt :)
¹¹К ςamΏ hhchewbacca777
Hi I'm Sam ♥ Shiny Charizard Want to become a competitive smash player once I beat the game 100% Also want the highest Race Ranking in MK8 I also love playing pokemon hit me up if you want to battle!(Loving Sun) Beginner in Pokkén Tournament but I'm on my way♥Gengar & Charizard (Time to waste my life) \(^~^)/ Basketball is fun wish i knew how to iceskate so i can play hockey and love gokarting.
αяα Anari wwerhj
Duh hellooo!! I'm supposed to tell you about myself? Well I play Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and Splatoon here. On my other account (Anari_Is_Here), I play Minecraft and use Miiverse more. Mained Captain Falcon, trying to pick up Mario. Best kart combo, Luigi, B-Dasher, Slim Tires, and Cloud Glider. Aerospray RG is my personal favorite for turf war. Peace and stay ChadTriggered
μη•тгιску MageSword49
ronnie gamebros74
we are the game brothers hear us roar
Jonah mariorocks9999
Hey Im Mariorocks9999 I like splatoon,mario maker, Triforce heroes, Fire emblem Fates Conquest, and Minecraft also YO-KAI WATCH 1 and 2
deadpool harrypotter1964
Galaxy yoshifan200
i am a die hard megaman gamer and super smash bros gamer. also i am know as galaxy as the pegasus the hedgehog as the dragon pharaoh cause my fan fanction character of the sonic games. and i do like to use wiiu chat so chat on me on wiiu chat anytime. also i am i fan of mlp fim!
Brian Backup_Gamer
sixto sixdude
geek gamer beltboy
hay my name will not be said I have super mario maker splatoon mariokart 8 super smash bros and new super mario bros U. I can do wii u chat. just to let you know im pretty good at splatoon. I just got lost reavers I'm looking for a splatoon clan right now so if your in a clan, please friend me so I can be in a clan. no using cuss words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gavin fire2365
hello my favorite games are. Minecraft:Im good at battle. Splatoon:Im Really Good! Mario kart:VROOM VROOM!! Smash bros:Didnt play in a while. Star wars the force awakens:Eh Lego city undercover:Im good at driving. Nintendo World:LOVE IT!!!! The legend of Zelda the wind waker:Never finished the game :I Yoshi's Wooly World: Who is bad at this? Me Well I have minecraft storymode on PS4.
CHARA redboots22
weegee is supr col# 360noscope and memes
GKnight GavinKoenig
Welcome to my channel...wait that's youtube...umm...*TAKE 2* Welcome to my profile I'm a guy that can't wait for Zelda Wii u,animal crossing U, Pikmin 4and splatoon dlc Favorite ssb fighter:Link Favorite weapon type in splatoon:Roller/aerospray/nes-zap `95 Favorite Game:Zelda T.P. Well... I guess this is good bye...tell my next post/journal entry!
inkanator mariomadness
hey felllow friends of the world! on this account, I post funny stuff, usually about splatoon (happy first birthday [a few months ago]) I also play stuff like pokkén tournament, and other fighting games, platformers, exploration, and RPG games. I also got this console on Dec. 25, 2012, if you were wondering. And finally, (at this time) I'm into pokemon! in my opinion, it is a fun game/franchise!!!
★Starless☆ trainboy
Hiya it's me Starless and welcome to my profile. There isn't alot you need to know about me but here is some stuff.
Got the Wii U on March 28, 2015
Wii U games I got: Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo ...
Got the Wii U on March 28, 2015
Wii U games I got: Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Land, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Mario Party 10, Super Smash Bros, & Minecraft
★Finally got a Nintendo Switch★