Users Lauren Is Following
RobertsYT JustDance2014Men
Hello My Name Is Menelik,♂ I love playing games such as Splatoon and Fire Emblem Fates Thank-you all for 1900 Followers and also i just wanna say thank-you for the wonderful times here lots of fun :) (I Don't Miiverse Date ) R.I.P Miiverse 2012-2017
Cordova cordovamaster
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♩♪♬" It's kinda funny how life can change, Can flip 180 in a matter of days, Sometimes love works in mysterious ways, One day you wake up, Gone without a trace, I refuse to give up, I refuse to give in, You're my everything, I don't wanna give up, I don't wanna give in, oh! So Everybody Sings! ONE LOVE - for the mother's pride! ONE LOVE - for the times we cried! ONE LOVE - gotta stay alive! "♩♪♬
あやか/ayaka ayaka-ayato1224
スプラで会えたらよろしくネ!! 後、フレンドにフォローよろしく!! じゃ~ね~♪ 荒らしたらトマト投げるよぉ^_^
Emma dsh.FEfates
'Sup, don't mind my ludicrous amount of saved screenshots, i'm trying to re–write the ending scenes.
Jessica Jessica.Weaver
Im super fun and anyone can follow me dont forget to follow my brother his name is HarleyWeaver
Nadia nad5858
Thanks for 500+ followers! I play MK8,Super Smash Brothers, Splatoon ,Super Mario 3D World Injustice Gods Among Us and New Super mario bros. U. I Wii U Chat on weekends. If you follow me I will follow you. I hope you have a good day!♥ I don't have Mindcraft:-(, sorry! I do not Wii U Chat with grown-ups, sorry!
Katelynn kshaw5950
Hi, i'm Katelynn. I love playing Tererria and animal crossing new leaf. Favorite game: Animal crossing Favorite consoles: 3dsXL + WiiU
Hey there! •Name:Aiden •Age:15 •Likes: Food, gaming, drawing ,animals, and my friends •I play: Pokemon Sun, ACNL, Pokemon Shuffle, and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe •I take drawing requests Please follow: yungbreezy Alli ШЩ/ßÐ Hannah MemeWizard
Reagan Reagan1322
Hi! My name is Reagan. I'm a 13yr Christian and I'm from Mississippi. I play:The Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild, Pikmin 3, and Jurassic world!
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Jessi NGC1300
I'm Jessi and I am a shiny hunter. My favorite game is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, but I play a variety of games, including Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, anything Ace Attorney, and DOOM! I'm a college graduate with a degree in physics. I LOVE physics. I am one of the biggest Ike fangirls you will ever meet. Beware. ;)
queenazane queenazaneet
Hi yall I like to make new friends !!
Naruto AustinDuve
Hello, my REAL name is Austin. I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in the USA. I am 22 years old, and I am a big Nintendo fan. If you see any of my posts, be sure to Yeah or comment. If you are playing a game that I have played, I can help you out if you need it. I will get along with anyone younger or older than me. Best of luck with gaming! By the way, I don't play online.
Emma funtwila
Hi my name is Twila I hope to make friends I love ItsFunneh and Miiverse Thats it I look at ACNL stuff so that's it I don't do wii u chat sorry bye
MemeLauren Lollyislol1009
Hi, I'm Lauren, I'm a fan of Anime, Vocaloid, FNaF, Pusheen and more! Fav games are: All Vocaloid games, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, Disney Magical World 1 and 2, Crash Bandicoot series, ALL FNAF GAMES FINISHED EVERYTHING FROM THE FIVE GAMES TO 2020 MODE... I'm obsessed with Fnaf! Sooo, bye! Because I have nothing else to say.
くるみ kuruumi
プロフィール♪ 中3、14才 テニス部です! *らいく* 終焉ノ栞→C太、B子 カゲプロ→アヤノ、シンタロー、エネ、カノ アニメ→魔法科高校の劣等生、ノゲノラ、化物語、ソードアートオンライン等! ボカロ→IA、GUMI、リン、レン♪ ハニワ→もちた、あかり´∀` 東方→フラン、チルノ 大好きです~! 好きな曲→在来ヒーローズ、終焉ノ栞、完全犯罪ラブレター、おこちゃま戦争、心拍数、鎖の少女、おじゃま虫、千本桜、人生リセットボタン、六兆年と一夜物語、セツナトリップ、カゲロウデイズ、ヘッドフォンアクター、夕景イエスタデイ、オツキミリサイタル、チルドレンレコード、アヤノの幸福理論、ロスタイムメモリー、透明アンサー、今好きになる、告白予行練習、病名恋ワズライ、ハートの主張、ヤキモチの答え、初恋の絵本、金曜日のおはよう、三角ジェラシー等…! フォロー絶対かえすよ!! 受験がんばる…w
Tawny GloomyBear94
Hello, my name is Tawny and I'm just a 22 year old gamer girl. I'm a huge Legend of Zelda and Pokemon fan!! But I love Nintendo in general! I grew up on it and it will always be my favorite! I also enjoy Anime, Music and Art! Feel free to follow and or add me as a friend :)
きょうりゅう oja.goya
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Phobos zanyvase840
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Izzy CimmerianDottir
Hi guys!
tano elpinchitano
Pao Paola429
hi,my name is Paola.i am 11 years old.i love videogames. i really love hastune miku games.i like to cook,play with my sisters and birthday is may 4,i know is wrong.have a wonderful day
Asriel hideo0925
こんにゃくわーどうも(猫ぽん酢)です これからマイクラ投稿メインネタがつきるとお絵かきちょこちょこしようと思います! ■投稿スタイルは、○○○○をすると本ネタを、題名に、してコメント欄に、投稿外何があったか. コメ読み.雑談.本ネタと言う感じに投稿します 投稿数により投稿できなかったことがあった場合後日お伝えします ■好きなゲームは、 -マイクラ-pvp大好き -大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ -スプラットューン- -にゃんこ大戦争- などです。 ■所属チームは、チームMMBとNKMに、加入してます ■ちなみにマルチは、うるさい人などがいて以前僕が不快な気持ちになり リアトモとしかマルチは、してません。 ■では、シーユーネクストゲームアディオス くっぴーです
Sari Sarhiya22
κοππίснίωα! Name's Sari, my friends sometimes call me that! My favorite games are, Splatoon MC, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, etc! I like anime, my favorites are Madoka Magica, Attack On Titan, One Punch Man, SAO, and Dragon Ball Super! That's all Byee! •ω•
Ali California_Ali
I like goats.
Enrique EnriqueJuarezV
Saca la reta Papu D: Super Smash Bros for Wii u/3DS , Mario Kart 8 y Mario Kart 7
BrandMMVI Brandon0930
Hi! I'm BrandMMVI, A Gamer On The Wii, Wii U & 3DS! The Games I LOVE To Play Are, 1. Splatoon 2. Super Smash Bros. For Wii U 3. Minecraft Wii U Edition 4. Lego Dimensions 5. Super Mario 3D World ( Btw, I'm Not Old Enough To Take Friend Requests. ) Hope You Like My Profile, See You Soon, Bai! (Goodbye Miiverse...)
Valerie 4Meatballz
Hey Miiverse users! Valeries my name and game? ...Hmm well I don't know! But I'm Valerie, I love playing games and my Wii U is probably my favorite system I own! If you follow me, I will follow you back. I love talking to you all, so friend and message me! I'm also up to playing Smash bros online, I love demolishing new challengers >:) ;P ;)
pj/jordan 1F90C0ACEE
EYO NINTENDO FANS! :-p My name is PJ/JORDAN and heres some things you need to know about me! I play saxophone ♪♪♭ @ I play icehockey @ good artist but dont really do art on wii u :'-( @ Favorite games on wii u(^o^) ssb4, splat, mk8,@ I dont do WII U chat srry :'( Any ways BAI!# GO STAT!
STAR StarButterfly102
Hi, I'm Star, and I like puppies.
Brock cfburke
thanks 4 the 370 followers and the 1000+players following me! /\______/\ | ' ' ) | | | | ~~~|________) might as well friend me before you leave. yolo.
Luna Vixen Soulfox2
Xion XD Riku51cloud
Xion XD is here and ready to make the last of our Miiverse days the best! I have been on longer then most and probably not as most as the rest of you, but I have had fun. As we come to a close I plan to make it as much as a party as I can! My favorites are below this comment. Lets have fun! (We're done for.)
justin joshymaster
Name: Justin Wii U Games: Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros. , Splatoon, Runbow Favorite Game(s): SSB4, Sun Favorite Pokemon: Lucario :) Age: 13 Consoles I Own: Wii U, 3DS, Playstation 3, Somewhat A PS4 Favorite Tv Shows: Dragonball Z, Pokemon XY And Pokemon XYZ Thats all Guys! Thanks for being my Friends, Following Me, And Playing With Me Thanks Alot And Have Fun Gaming!
Zelda Zeldaneko
Hai dere! ;D My fave games are zelda, final fantasy, and kingdom hearts. I also love anime! My fave genres are shounen and horror. I love drawing, too. :3 Follow me for drawings and random posts! x3
BraydenXP gemma-puppy
Joined Miiverse on December 25th, 2013, Still Active. Creator of the "YOSHI VS DONKEY KONG" Series. My MK8 Main is Yoshi. Other games I like are SFM, FNaF World, and MK7. ☆High School★
Aaron3K WarioMan3K
Contra, Bomberman, and even the Mario games rock! Oh, and the Wario franchise, too. :3 Pit/Phosphora 4EVER! (always wanted to say that) Sorry, Palutena and Viridi, but if they wanna be together, let 'em be together. PS: Although 9-Volt is a WarioWare character, I portray Phosphora (from Kid Icarus: Uprising, no doubt) as his guardian angel, be it in my stories or otherwise. :)
Bird Playz kingmadx
★Rin☆ k-a-r-i-n-t0610
後6日で、ミバが終わるんだね……。 愛してるよ。 ずーっと ずーっと 一緒にいてほしい。 愛してるよ。大好きだから。 女の子は強がって言えないの 恥ずかしくて言葉がつまっちゃうわ だから歌にしたから聴いててね 大好きなんだよ。誰にも渡さないから。
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