Lauren's Friends
Emma funtwila
Hi my name is Twila I hope to make friends I love ItsFunneh and Miiverse Thats it I look at ACNL stuff so that's it I don't do wii u chat sorry bye
Eric LaoAlpha
I'm good at playing Nintendo games such as Zelda, Kirby, Super Mario, and Star Fox. I accept only friend requests from people who are very nice and caring. Feel free to follow me
Valerie 4Meatballz
Hey Miiverse users! Valeries my name and game? ...Hmm well I don't know! But I'm Valerie, I love playing games and my Wii U is probably my favorite system I own! If you follow me, I will follow you back. I love talking to you all, so friend and message me! I'm also up to playing Smash bros online, I love demolishing new challengers >:) ;P ;)
ÐÂŔĶ★Lynn KawaiiLynn
Hello! Thanks For Tapping My Face! ● Mαςτεг оƒ ςηοω ● EREN (Suprise) ις βæ♥ ● ι аm а ηιηdгоιd ● Mу ηιηjа ηαmе ις L.Y.N.N.
Poke GamingAwesomness
☆★Hey its Poke here ^-^ ★☆ You'll find out i do Random Things everywhere.. I play Spyro and Pokemon Alot... PBG,Jontron,Caddy,Moosey,Ando,&Chad r gr8 MEMES Best Memes/Friends: Izzy,Kailyn,Riley,Layla,Angel exc (None r on here) I haz Braces now ;-; Also I do stuff IRL (No Suprise XD) Also known as Taco ~ ~ ~ ~ ***** "Nobody can fix me if I'm part of the problem" ~Believe by Hollywood Undead
Eri Myo Eri-Wonderland
20 years old . Erika Wonderland is my name. Video games are my life . Add me I love friends. My favorite games are horror type , final fantasy & Zelda. Have a good day sweetie.
Tsubasa Sunnyme60
The type of girl who is completely random all the time and wants cake. :D Favorite Mario Kart 8 characters: Lemmy, the Baby characters, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Pink Gold Peach, and all others Favorite Super Smash characters: Pit, Zelda, Peach, Palutena, Pittoo, Lemmy, Villager, Sonic, Wii Fit Trainer, Lucas, and all others. I'll get more games soon...
Rose Puzzle13
This account is no longer active. Thankyou for all the memories and friends I made here. I'll never forget you guys. Joined: Sept.18 2015 ~ Left: Sept. 18 2016 "If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."- Quote Goodbye.
david jm6952
member of angles of darkness
leonel silentgun
jogar e jogar
NekoGirl★ baconlover2478
Mellow i'm NekoGirl★ as you can probably tell by my username I LUV CATS or any animal in general. I enjoy a lot of video games and I also enjoy playing with friends. Feel free to follow me,message me or friend me, but I DO NOT do wii u chat so plz don't try to do wii u chat with me sorry :( . Anyways I hope you enjoy playing your video games everyone! ♥♥^–^♥♥ Bye!!!!♡
Rolins deazia18
Hi my is deazia
shawn kuyonn
Hello I host many competitive tournaments and give out prizes aa well as compete myself. Please add me (kuyonn) for my latest games and competitions :)
Erv Ervalicious
Alex RealitySpin
I frankly love the Wii U, its a great system, although i want a link game and more rpg's :D
Emil Emil.v.2.0
Hi! I am Emil and to be honest I am not such a big nintendo gamer and that is why you might not see so much content on my page, but I will try to putt up more and more content as time moves on, and I just hope that I can share at least a bit entertainment on this page. Have a good day! :-D
Hey Max Is My Name..... mean lvl 0% nice lvl 0% i don't know anymore lvl 100% i'm a lonely loner who frees his mind Xbox gamertag: stevevbills17 Gta Tryhard with my girlfriend i rarely get on the verse or wii in school rn i lost everything when i lost her i'm done forgotten for good bye people....
Laslow RikuSora25
Heather myhouse101
hi out there!
Meagan meagzlol
Hi my name is Meagan i am a video game freak but i dont come on here during the week only on the weekends but i love my friends on here \(^o^)/
Mike mikeg115
Hey I'm Mike Imma 18 yr old that loves Zelda And 90s Nickelodeon shows. I snowboard for Capita Snowboards and I skate Girl skateboards. I'm from Connecticut, not the best place there is but its fun to snowboard at the resorts anyways lol Feel free to play anytime and if u want to wii u chat let me know Peeeace
Floreeuh x_mixtape
I'm an ex-serious gamer turned casual with the weight of real life responsibilities. Work full time and play games when I can. Favorite games are: LOZ: OoT LOZ: Wind Waker Original SSB SSB Brawl The Walking Dead Games (360) Mass Effect 3 (PS3) MK9 (PS3) Street Fighter Mario 3D World & most Nintendo arcade games My WiiU and PS4 are fresh from xmas. Add me for screen names/co-ops & stuff.
*SPANISH* Hola mi nombre es césar, hablo ingles y español, Te Amo Fernanda (Jun Pherae) 4ever *ENGLISH* Hi I'm césar, I speak english & spanish, I♡U fernanda (Jun Pherae) 4ever
Irving fansp1
Tania ^.^ azucena46
This user's profile comment is private.
Brandon brandonjw23
JoRge jorgeca
hola :] soy jorge y soy de mexicali bc
Akira C. Cuttlesquid
cuttlesquid here also known as Akira. I'm a well rounded gamer who enjoys everything from zelda, mario and sonic to final fantasy, fps and rpgs! plus I can get compeitive sometimes haha. willing to give advice too :)
knight joe immortalblade222
hey peeps, i'm knight joe, i like smash and platforming games!
kandykat:) camiVOCALS101
CAMI VOCALS Thx 4 poking my face!!heres some stuffs u need 2 know about me... ★ I ♥ to sing ☆ Hobbie: polymer clay charm making ★ I ♡ to play with my crazy & playful dog Buddy ☆ I ♥ food, dessert, restaurants & fastfood (i am not fat) ★ I ♡ 2 bake & cook anything as long as it tastes good ★ I ♥ going on vacation ☆ fear of public speakin ˘ ~ ˘ ° ¬ ° - ● ‹ ● Cami
ryan Ryguy554
25 year old gamer here who still loves nintendo ever since he was a kid! currently owns a playstation 4 and wii u. add me if you have ps4 too.
☆ Claire ☆ clairedoll
Hello my name is Claire from central Texas USA. I am new to wii U as of Nov. 9th 2014. So far its cute, fun, & fresh from xbox live. We enjoy it very much. My only complaint is the absence of a tetris title!! I also love to draw so I'm hoping to make artist friends on here! Thanks for visiting!
Lightning SmashkingSSB4
Hello, my name is Dejohn. I'm a really nice and cool. But i have alot of stuff i like. so you can ask me basically anything. who wants to face me! i have SSB4 face me. Oh and i have a youtube channel. favorite characters: Mario, Sonic, Link, Toon Link, Luigi, Robin, Pac-man, Dark Pit, Mega-man, Dr.Mario, Ike, Ness, Greninja, Lucario, Mewtwo, Bowser, Fox thanks for the 150+ follows
Clysse MattUncleMatt
Hi, name's Matthew! I'm a 24yr old Christian, game lover! Fave games: -Zelda -Kingdom Hearts -Final Fantasy -Resident Evil -Fire Emblem -Smash Bros Fave films: -LoTR & Hobbit -All Star Wars -Harry Potter -Indiana Jones -Adventure movies Fave shows: -Deffs Supernatural! -Walking Dead -Dexter -Psych -Arrested Development -Fringe -Community I'ma writer & dreamer & love all music so Chat me up! :D
Asuna TacoTaco74
Hey there! Jusstt your average gamer looking for content and friends! pm me sometime!
pretty theresetedeme123
Thomas Youtube161
Hello everyone. I seem to be playing Splatoon alot more lately. Im usually in turf war and I sometimes do ranked. My favorite waepon is the Wasabi Splattershot I also do Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2, Pokemon, and Pokken Tournament. I always accept friend requests so feel free to do so.
Oliver oliveguy
Hullo there! I'm a huge Mario fan and I'm willing to help out anyone in need.
Tiana Tiana0
Hello! Nice to meet you (^_^) Obviously I LOVE the Legend Of Zelda series. However; I'm trying to expand my gaming and become more open minded to RPG's and Strategy games. (i don't use Wii U chat) so please do not try to contact me on there..... HAVE A NICE DAY
Nate SSBprojectm
Lay4jumper Lay4jumper
Lauren laurkienz
Brian Briansly96
Hi everyone im Brian who loves to play nintendo games mostly mario kart 8 and smash 4 for both versions. When smash 4 comes out il be playing a lot of that game on both version either for fun or competitive. So if you want to play either mario kart 8 or smash 4 lets be friends. i play smash for wii u a lot.
Benji genin_marno
s'up!! wanna play?
Zelda lynhii-2
THE BANDIT DrumFiller21
Hey everyone, about me: I am 20 years old, I love to play video games, love to play drums and guitar. I'm hoping to form a band one day and go big in the music industry. I mainly listen to Punk, Pop Punk, Metalcore and Post Hardcore. If anyone wants to play, add me. I usually play any Mario game, but mainly Super Smash Bros. I'm pretty chill, so hit me up.
Jessi★N6 bluecat15
(No blank F.R's plz)Hi everyone! Jessica here a master gamer who loves video games and might possibly be addicted (according to my mom XD) And yeah i have played all kinds of games like Mario, Sonic,and Legend of Zelda :-) hope u guys like me and maybe follow me and enjoy my pictures and random posts.^^ and I also have had playstation 1 and 3 and even x box and Wii and Wii U and a Blue+New 3DS. :3
Patrick105 Patrick105Player
SUPER SMASH BROTHER 4 WII U and 3DS (will anyone be down to go battle) ^_^ \ Now about me im Patrick a really respectful person that doesn't mess with people just loves to always have fun ^_^ but theres many more things about me i just cant think right now .... :p love to chat & videochat if you'll be down
oldskul stevron
Stv, here. dear next friend,behold the biggest nintendo junkie in th world.I luv travelling, connect with different pple, chocolate, beauty, like games, real games the old school ones from th 90s.old stuff , they were the best and they still are top experiences to for life.always leading inovation & fun. if life was meant to be lived once and fully then enjoy every single second.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Nocturnal NocturnalAngel
Angel from Chicago love gaming been a hardcore gamer since i was a kid , love collecting the classics and reliving those memories , just looking to chat , play , and compete , also to make new friends = )
Jen RyanAndCarl
cody petdonabbcod
my name is petra pronounced patra and i love this game!
The Killer Cleydius
My Top Characters in oder Link Toon Link Zelda Sheik Zero Suit Samus Samus Rosalina Greninja Lucario Mewtwo Young Link (Mii Swordsman) Killer (Mii Swordsman ) Cleydius (Mii Gunner) Nabooru (Brawler) Impa (Brawler) Villager Kirby Robin Lucina Marth Ike (For Now)
Valerie valeriesunny
Welcome: I'm Valerie. ^•~♥ I speak english and spanish, but mostly spanish. ^^’ Joined miiverse in 2014.♥ I'm very nice and friendly.♥ Started gaming in 2005.♥ I'm a big fan of Sega and Nintendo.♥ I don't Wii u chat. I don't accept random friend request. I have a second miiverse account:Valeriesunny2 ^•^/
James Stanley-Koopa
F-Zero and Metroid Wii U please?! Also Mario Maker looks rad. 26 year old from Ontario, Canada. Friend me if you wanna Smash!
Mathew mathewhhyyjook
Hannah msgirl
Hello. I am the most awkward person ever, but I am welcome to RP.
Emily Emily_Castrov
Hello everyone! My name is Emily. I don't post often, but anyone that follows me will be followed back, and friend requests will be accepted.(I don't really use Wii U Chat, though). Hand-drawn artwork and Super Mario 3D World posts on this profile belong to jennilee_me, so check her out!
Carrie snoorks
hello my name is Carrie.I'm 41 years old.I'm a quiet,shy,honest good hearted person.I like to play Zelda,Mario Animal Crossing games.I've been a gamer since I was 10 years old.I like to talk about movies,video games.I have all the Animal Crossing games alot of Zelda and Mario games.I will talk to any Zelda,Mario,Animal Crossing players.
Richard SageNaruto21
KillerBeeBaby21 All other consoles/systems! I'll miss you all later my Pokemon squad and the very amazing artist that drew for our shiny giveaways.
Galaxy yoshifan200
i am a die hard megaman gamer and super smash bros gamer. also i am know as galaxy as the pegasus the hedgehog as the dragon pharaoh cause my fan fanction character of the sonic games. and i do like to use wiiu chat so chat on me on wiiu chat anytime. also i am i fan of mlp fim!
Red Red214
●Im 18 years old ●Im from Dallas, Texas ●Add me so we can play together. ●Games for Wii U:Smash Bros. ●Games for 3DS:Pokemon Y, Smash Bros. ●Favorite Character/Pokemon: Lucario
Moschi1986 Moschi1986
It's time to settle it in Smash! Searching for Friends to play online :-) Mk8, Smash etc.
Steve S.Harper095
hello i'm Steve i remember it so you don't have to [no reference intended], i'm a fan of mario , sonic , kirby and zelda,this is just awesome, i'm a mario kart and smash bros veteran and a retired pokemon player [last game: platinum version] i accept friend request and followers
Franco FrancoGonzalez
The Main Character! Name: Franco Class: Freelancer Element: Light Age: 20 Country: Chile Language: Spanish, English (50%+) Music: Soundtrack Games: Zelda, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Enjoys: Videogames, running, daydreaming. Hates: Alcohol, crowds, needles. Sm4sh Main: ZSS⇔Mario Currently playing: Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem Fates, and FFXV Willing to make friends. See ya!
Jessica figureskating99
I'm a figure skater.
Sora kh2fmfan
Played and beat every zelda game except cdi games. Big fan of Zelda and Kingdom hearts :D Kingdom hearts 1.5 - Complete Kingdom hearts 2.5 - Complete Zelda Oot And MM - Complete 100% Zelda oracle games- Complete Zelda WW - Complete Zelda 1 & 2 - Complete Zelda ALTTP- Complete 100% Zelda ALBW- Complete 100% Zelda Tp & SS - Complete Zelda ST & PH - Complete Zelda Link's Awakening- Complete :D
NintenLeo Leoo01
Hello, my name is Leonardo. I'm 16 years old and here to tell you the things I love to do: -video games (obviously) -arts and crafts -being with my family -drawing -playing with my two green conures Things I hate: -being lonely -being shy -too much noises That's all I have to say! Friend me if you want. I hope you like some of my posts. Bye-bye p.s. no wii u chats
Madison houstontexansfan
Hi i'm Madison! i'm 17 year old hardcore Olimar main and a big fan of The Pikmin series,Yo-kai Watch,and Pokemon. Olimar for life boi! Sorry about that XD My ssb4 mains: 1.Olimar 2.Fox 3.Greninja 4.Peach 5.Pit/Dark Pit 6.Palutena 7.Mega Man 8.Ness Secondary's: Marth,Jigglypuff,Corrin,Mario,and Duck Hunt Thirds:Lucas,Wii fit Trainer,and Toon Link Favorite Yo-kai's:Whisper and Komasan. That is all!
Justin StayySmackeddJus
19 from New York love to play zelda mario sonic COD & anything challenging :D
Salma 060305se
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Silver5115 Silver5115
For those who will follow me until the end: I thank you for supporting me throughout my time on Miiverse, and I bid you farewell.
Sean Adair RaviorStygian
Metal Gear Solid 4 Wii U Edition would be pretty hype. VR Missions! Top 5 Favorite Games: 1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 2. Resident Evil 4 3. Star Fox 64 4. Mega Man Legends 5. Mass Effect
Robo X gamingreg
Shαdοωχ Somari793
Hello Everybody My Name Is Shαdοωχ And I'm Just A Funny Guy Who Likes To Play Video Games And Making Funny Moments Around The World And Also At The Same Time I'm A Friendly Guy Who Has A Disorder And Doesn't Mind Friend Requests,Followers And Wii U Chat Too And Finally In Sometimes Whenever I Feel Like It I'll Create Any Game Tournament That I'll Post On My Miiverse So Anyone Could Join The Fun !!
Reni Reni250
Hey there! I'm a nice gal/ girl that likes games.. Follow and friend me if you want. ^^ <3 GAMES: Wii U: - Splatoon* -Super Mario 3D World -Mario Kart 8 -Nintendo Land - Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper -Hyrule Warriors -Super Smash Bros 3DS: -Super Smash Bros - Pokemon X,Y,Ruby, Sapphire - Animal Crossing - Harvest Moon: L.V., ANB, TTT. ask for more
Ricky RickSantiago
Marsen BeavisRules5
Hello everyone My name is Mario and I am 23 years old. My all time favorite game is donkey kong country with mario rpg being a close second. I enjoy listening to music and I'm also a musician. I work a lot on my yt channel if you care to check it out. It's called MarsensDomain. I make vids talking about Nintendo.
Francisco pikmin2010
Hi, Im Francisco Luna, Im a 18 year old boy and enjoy sending me posts of games of Nintendo. Pikmin/Mario/Kirby/Super Smash Bros. I am also looking for friends that uses Wii U chat.
Mr.G&W Mr.G-W
This user's profile comment is private.
Eric SonicKing5210
Cyber Cyberman65
This user's profile comment is private.