Sonku's Followers
Kεviп♪ RickiNNID
Heyy! I'm Kevin. I draw and game like you and I'm Christian. LoZ is awesome. ′· ω ·`)
Owen Cannoncool234
Hello my name is Owen. My nickname is Cannoncool234. I got it when I was making an account on Quizlet for school, and there was a penguin commercial on TV. I hit generate random account name, and that's what it came up with. I love to draw and play video games. I love anime and manga, and I like to draw it. Check out Angel, Daniel EDC, and Yugibro!
ひめちゃん aramichiharu
プリンセス姫スイートTV見てください! フォロワーも、ヨロシクお願いします♪ できるだけ、みんなに、フォローしたいと思いますので、ヨロシク! ちなみに、五年生デス! 愛媛県の、名古屋市に、住んでいます 私入れて、四人家族デス! 好きな、アニメキャラは、おそ松さんの、トトコちゃんデス! 好きなYouTubeさんは、 1位ヒカキンさん 2位はじめしゃちょーさん 3位フィッシャーズさん デス!以上で、ひめちゃんの紹介を、終わりにします フォロワーヨロシクお願いします♪
Jordan rodriguezrulez
I love Super Smash Bros. My main is Cloud My wii u goal is to have 100 friends on my friend list. right now : 60/100 Just remembered Miiverse is leaving Now I'm really sad T T
Daniel TruesonicjrXY
i want new frends and i am frendy :)
Alibaba™ CaptainQuint75
heyooo i'm back from a short break :0 anywayyy... Check these peeps out: °•memesenpai⇒★★idol child★★ °•Kani⇒creativity boi ˙˘˙ °•Hope~♪⇒smol art child★☆ °•_DERP_⇒meme machine •—• °•Bia⇒anime picasso ♪♪ °•Anne Chovy⇒mp100 friendo ϋ °•Emma¦:)⇒sweet art child ♡♡♡•°
yamamoto yamamototakeshi8
i love my sweet wife julia my nickname is sexy, baseball-brain and baseball-idiot my fav female anime characters name is eucliwood hellscythe my fav music is hatsune miku my fav games is senran kagura, pokken tournament, pokemon and zelda games my fav anime is KHR, ka wa zombie desu and ultra maniac my fav color is blue my fav foods is sushi my fav drink is milk please not need Wii U chat
bluerain82 julia8082
my name is julia alex yamamoto my nickname is bluerain, yamamoto, takeshi–chan and blue–chan my fav anime male characters name is tyl yamamoto takeshi my fav music is vocaloid my fav animals is wolf my fav birds is hawk my fav games is pokemon, zelda games and tomoachi life my fav movies is action movies my fav cartoon characters name is danny phantom my fav games characters name is link
Amedeo AfWgTP5
Addio mancherai....perchè nn aprire un nome su instagram con scritto "save Miiverse” avanti facciamolo!!!!!
κarolina ² Stella212
Ciao,io sono un amministratore di miiverse…solo che non si vede perché,ecco,mi hanno licenziato.Seguitemi perché ne vale la pena e forse,ma dico FORSE vi pagherò…e ciao. SCHERZAVO! Sono κarolina ² o kairy se preferite! Seguitemi perché pubblico bei disegni,credo… ☆Seguite anche Flavia,Gaia,Martina e giulia★☆★ (bff)☆ NON COPIATEMI! Yeeah! Ciaooo! ^υ^
xicor 12winner34
James pzampiello
This is it... The end... How could I let this happen? Good bye Miiverse. It's been fun...
Fineas netgear735
Hi guys welcome to my profile my name is Fineas I'm 13 yrs old Well now in a few weeks time miiverse will end I am starting a youtube channel the name: FCDM Europe it has a romanian soccer ball on the profile picture plz friend request or follow me l will accept my aim is to get over 100 followers thanks bye:)) we will miss you miiverse:(
spoopy-kun Weirdowantgum
hi my name is Taka-kun im 13 this is second main account cause i literarly destroyed my 3ds so about me i like anime such as Bleach,highschool DxD,SAO (Sword Art Online) Yugioh and more i like the Sonic franchise and i like the Zelda series too i also like drawing i dislike haters,trolls,mean people, and downers inspirational qoute: when life gives you lemons YOU SQUIRT IT BACK INTO LIFES EYES!
Jaliya.W jaliyawilson
♪Sonic Forces-Fist Bump♪ Wazup! Jaliya Here! Posts: 19 Online: Offline:♪ Watching Sonic X Series! Pink Posey's My Sista! Extreme Mario&Sonic Lover. Sticks The Badger is Me. Sonic Is My Representer! Speed Is My Life! I Love To Run! Bff's: Atumn, Tallshadow, GlaDOS, Sarah, and Nintenerd. Final Post: Yesterday... Welp, It was fun! Seeya soon. I'll still comment and reply.
Downy Shinxey
Mii: Downy the Fantail Pigeon (OC)~ Hi. You can usually find me posting about games, and whatever randomness comes to mind. Things I like include Sonic, Pokemon, Kirby, Zelda, and Animal Crossing. Proud member of the Grammar Police. I change my Mii sometimes. Je peux parler un peu de français. Yo puedo hablar un poco de español.
Dash Lunar ssboom6
Name: Dashy Eclipse Lunar Gender:♀ (originally ♂) married to: Eclipse number of kids: too many! my miiverse sister: PBG★Kathy Congratulations to MiMi ^–^ for being my 150th follower! Hi Eclipse!
Dominic hyperssonic
plz follow me i want to get to 1000 followers befor miiverse ends go follow these guys ( these are there username ) alexia533 and paperyoshi )
Eclipse PinkiePie2010
Welp...I guess this is it....goodbye everyone...and thank you for everything. You all have been amazing... @Wackieyjackie is mah name you know what I'm sayin'?! *tweet tweet* Hi there little birdie! ;]
Pipe starfalconshy
Scar kaceyalexander11
Miiverse is going to come to the end. Following me if you don't want to missed. I'm going to miss you guys so much. So many memories we having so much fun. I am enjoying this with you guys. Help me to save Miiverse. Thank you guys for follow me. And don't worry. Best Friends Forevermore.
Vïķтоя 2 Viktorious_27
Hello! In case you are confused, I am Viktor. My main account is Victastic_28. This is still me. In case you're wondering, the purpose of this account is a backup just incase something happens to my main account. So if you see less posts from this account, do not be surprised. I will make my main account a follower and friend incase you wanna follow/friend it too! That's all for now. Bye...
Dab Dabestjoshy
Some say everything has an end, but the good memories will last forever. Thank you, Miiverse. :) Salutations! I like to draw a bunch, I spend most of my free days lazing on a seat staring at a screen. I still enjoy my , but my Nintendo Switch is consuming my time. Feel free to chat with me. = Birthday: 04/04 Age: 15 Thanks for visiting my profile! Smell ya later! (^ο^)/
fernafloo ferna2
まっさる puma_syacho
こんにちはまっさるです よろしくお願いします。主にマイクラをやってます アニメはドラゴンボールやボルトなどみてます フォローしてくれたら100%返します。
Shade aventuras2000
animate sal de tu caparazon y vive una gran aventura!!!!:)
Cherise XxFireMudkipzxX
Hi. Just someone whos 12 that draws whatever. I like Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, Undertale, and FNAF Silver and Larry are my life Go follow ★Matthew★
Lia Chan sternschnuppe77
☆Follow me if you like my pictures and my fanfictions☆ *Sonic Fan 4ever!^^* My Story‛s: Shadlia Neo Forces Unleashed My favourite OCs: Lia the Wolf Zenon the hedgehog Shira the cat Thunder the hedgehog Layla the Wolf Jessie-Ca the echidna & Shadver the hedgehog
UraraPower UsakyPower
,:Greetings I am Urara the demon fox: ・:I appreciate all the yeahs:・ & ・:thanks for following me:・ It was great to be here #GoodbyeMiiverse
ChrisGamer el_chug3DS
YO WADUP HOMIES I'm Christian! For some who don't know... But to the people that do know You may remember me having a Miiverse Profile Welp it is! I COME BACK FROM DA DEAD :3 Friend meh Get me a soda
best gamer bestgamingbro12
hey yo bro steven this is my new account now but btw im in 9th grade and im at blair high school now and my favorie games i love is in communites so i hope you love my post and follow me for more on instrigram #bestgamingbro2020 will survive
Goopley Goopley123
hi everyone this is my second account and its only ment for the purpose of friending you guys :) note:i probably won't post any drawings on this account at all so there is not really a point im following this one go follow my other account 'goopley' also im not gonna exepet random friend requests from everyone only people i already kinda know from miiverse (but thats a lot XD)
******* XxBRUGHCODxX
Profile comment hidden by admin Jυςτ κιδδιηg τ н ı ς ω α τ ι τ н ι η κ α β ο υ τ м ı ı ν ε ®ε ς ε t( ~˛~ )t ♥~ н ε γ ο ~♥ (~ • ω • ~) ♥ τhε ηαmε ις Jя ♥ ¬µ¬ ƒ®iends: •SunnyD•·. best sis •ω• •мιяαηδα ← she bae ♥ •Ahmad ish my homie ewe нοω а®ε ©нυ (δгσþ мγ сσσκıε ση δα ƒισσг) гıþ ıƒ υ ωαητ мо®ε ıηƒσ®мατιση ƒσιισω мε ↑ αηδ αδδ мε ı δσητ τακε βιαηκ ƒ®ıεηδ ®εqυεςτ ©γα ι:
Joscelyn joselyn17
I play Sonic Boom Fire and Ice and all sonics games and I play Miro cars and all Miro game and I play Monster high.
RoseTheCat RoseyTutu1
Hi im Rose and here are some facts about me. Name: You Should Know... Age: IDK..jk 13 Gender: Girl! Friends: People who are on my friends list...not u! jk Single Not really anything important about me...hmm lets see?...OH? I LOVE DRAWING...But not for fame. Please if you friend request me dont just put hi or wanna be friends and no blank request... No wii u chat sorry!Thanks Well bye stranger!
Zephyyh omgDOGEUauuhh
Guys... STEVEN UNIVERSEH IS MY LIFEH! (I love Lapis(waifu) and Peridotoo(AHAHAH PERIDOT-TOO XDD))
<∞xGIOx∞> giovannilyon
Solo chiamate urgenti... Addio a tutti mi raccomando solo chiamate urgenti ...drin drin!... -Mi sono rotto una gamba!- -Ti sebra una chiamata urgente!!!!!- ...drin drin!... -C'è un centesimo per terra- -Questa si che è una chiamata urgente- Nella vita disegno manga o semplici fumetti comici guardo film horror mangio i kebab... e mi bevo il sushi! Io vi voi no si puo dire... [X] miei!
ςιгίηκαιθτ supersonicboom11
Danny 2nd dannymoran101205
Hello I am Danny 3ds this is my 2th 3DS account. Hola, Soy Danny esta es mi Segundo 3DS cuenta. Yo hablo inglés y español un poco (voy a aprender español todos los días el mexicano) Thank you for 4 friends and 162 followers. Gracias por 4 amigos y 162 Seguidores. I spoke English a lot and Spanish a little.
Thank you for an amazing journey everyone. I'll miss you, Miiverse