Sonku's Friends
Jordan rodriguezrulez
I love Super Smash Bros. My main is Cloud My wii u goal is to have 100 friends on my friend list. right now : 60/100 Just remembered Miiverse is leaving Now I'm really sad T T
★Aura Aura-Slush
Heyo Cherios! xP Just a random girl here that loves to draw and game for a living! I love meeting new people and making new friends. So feel free to talk! ^^ ''Even though this virtual world is different to our reality. The friendship we all share here is real.'' Need advise? Come to me! Here to complain? Keep it to yourself.... plz.
Henry 2PAC_Rules
★Dr.Mario☆ Mari0AmyBlaze
Mario: Hello. It's-a me, Mario. They are Amy Rose and Blaze The Cat. Blaze & Amy: Hi. Mario: Here are the things we like: Games: M&S A T O.G, O.W.G, LONDON 2012 O.G, SOCHI 2014 O.W.G & Rio 2016 O.G MK8D Mario Sports Mix Super Mario Odyssey Mario Super Sluggers Super Mario Run SJF M+RKB C3 S&tBK SSB SRZG MP9 & 10 NFSMWU SBRoL Couple: BlazAmy Show: SB, TG, TGT Team: Fire Hammer Fighters
7-11 3D EthanR27
End of Miiverse Notice: Hey guys, As Miiverse comes to a close here, I would like to thank you all who joined me in my adventures while I was active on Splatoon and beyond, even for those who keep going over at our Switch systems. As a final regard, I hope that you friend me here on Wii U if you want to keep the fun going on Switch, as I will appear under "Friend Suggestions" after doing so.
S. Klonoa Super_Klonoa_U
A Sonic and Klonoa fan, and the creator of Super Rainbow Dash.
Kıara Shadow9963
Haiii! (/^▽^)/ Just a random lil tsundere gurl who loves music, anime, k-pop, drawings, animals and mah friends NO REGRETS Go2: TitaniaScarlet97 (mostly active there) (≧∇≦)/
Ozy Silver_05831
Gabe Blazethecat7125
This is my second profile, because I'm permanently banned on my first for the time being. My original Nintendo Network ID was "GabeMahan" for my first Miiverse profile. Plus, I also have a 3DS.
Anthony sonicmaster25
I like sonic
Ashley Amyrosefan
Hi im Ashley Im Just a gal who grew up playing video games :3 I enjoy Mario and Sonic games but My fav video game character is Sonic the Hedgehog! I also enjoy drawing a lot Some video games i grew up playing: -Super Monkey Ball -Sonic Adventure 2 -Crash Bandicoot -Spyro -Super Mario Sunshine -Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time -Donkey Kong 64 -Banjo Kazooie
Rocky FuyukiTakara
Ello. Not much to say about me, i just play video games and draw. I draw pretty much any game i play so my drawings vary from time to time.
īшíιíġħī DRAGONSWORD1751
Hello humans,(At least,I THINK that's what you are)I'm Twilight! Here's some info about me, If you care to read! ^^ * Favorite game series: Portal, LoZ, Fire Emblem, Metroid, and Mario! * D3vi4nt Art: DRAGONSWORD1751 Please check it out! ^^ * Jesus is mah life! ^o^ * Main OCs: Nadiana and Twi~ * If ya ask me personal stuffs, you will be reported/blocked... óuò God bless ya, human!!!
Sero vithim
Hey ! I'm Sero :Y Megaman/MMX, splatoon, shovel knight, earthbound, sonic, monster hunter, LoZ, smash,pokemon, mario kart, n' digimon are some of the things I enjoy ˙˘˙)
Emil V-Star
Hi Emil here, just an aspiring game designer. Occasional artist and writer.
Dd fpsdalek
Thank you for an amazing journey everyone. I'll miss you, Miiverse