Users Tim Is Following
real wolf goatsoap
i am wonderwolf, i play video games and draw sometimes. im mostly a retro pc gamer and pc fps player, but i love some nintendo games. specially metroid and zelda. some times i draw redraws and if you want sources ill provide them
Ruben SodiumMeister
im Ruben(Ruby is fine to) i draw stuff i love most games and despise most fandoms undertale and fnaf are good examples edit:i dont like fnaf anymore stop sending me weird pictures if u cant tell by my mii i identify as a pringle if ur name is bowser or warwick feel free to make out with me edit:also if your name is wolf thorn then you may also make out with me.
Jam JaimePie
A chimera approaches. Name: Jam Age: 22 Gender: Male Furry Trash Here you'll find me drawing whatever junk comes to mind.
Mr. Gipson G_Army_Leader
kuruuuuuuu diggitydarndaddy
TheLeftPla Materusu04
Hey, its Matty here, I took over this account mwahahaha... Btw, I am taken by a really cute fox,ok? (its sundae *wink* *wink*) Btw, If I get permabanned, dont worry, just follow me on my second account (SweetyMattyWolfy) ^^ I only take requests on my requests post, and even If you request it, it doesnt mean that I'll make it,ok? So dont be pushy... -_- I won't draw anymore, see yall nev
Fox Foxden1
Hi I'm dumb and weird My friends are amazing, and I love 'em~ If you like dumb gross lazy terrible art then welcome. Please feed me! I want my belly to get big. :3c
Panda ZanoPanda
★Yo Back on miiverse. I'm busy. So I rarely draw. I do not do requests. Thank you for the follows, much appreciated. ☆Deluxe
Liam JayJayBeem
Just the living, breathing, real life counterpart of Dipper Pines. No biggy. I like chocolate milk.
Roy saverbat1
hi! please be nice. 22 years old i draw o.cs gay,single & alone. i play smash. my main is charizard. i like muscular guys. alot of my characters r muscular including roy. muscles r the best way to catch my attention lol ik its sad follower goal 1000 followers MV fam: younger bro Zeta big bro izzy lil bro geeky kuma son RORO lil sis pastel no random friend requests. i must know u alittle
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Thunderψ ThunderWolf689
Status: Taken :3 Goal: 500 followers Yeah bombs are welcome! Do your worst! :p I am British Friends: Amia O. Ashaun Brandon/Wolf B. Chandler Cinnamon (little buddy :3) Co11 Foxen Hikaru Honko JohnFase3 Ken-->Santa Kuma Louis Rex Dragon Roy Yūgen follow them all! *Requests always open*
PkDreemurr lucariogaming64
•°*˘•★Yo☆˙•º* I'm PkDreemurr and Welcome to my page, you can call me PK if you like. I play games like EarthBound, Xenoblade, Pokemon, Splatoon and Smash Bros. I'm mostly a devoted Furry Artist here and I appriciate any support I get from my drawings. So if you enjoy my drawings, please consider following. ^w^. See ya!~★
Ken⇒Santa seisei0930
閲覧Thanks(#´'ϋ'`#)♭ オシラセ↓Info おづけんあるんよ☆ミ 絶対戻って来るので気長に待ってて下さるとウレシイナ できればフォローも外さないで戴けるとウレシイ お気に入りに共感増えてたら超ウレシイナ I'll be mostly offline to study for an exam. Sorry~ ∧ ノ_ ノ l ノ `_ . . ヾ ハ そ ` _ ` 」 ノ リ 、レ レ r―┘ / ⌒ ` ヽ _ 7 ` ヽ イ ノ | 、 _ ノ イ_ 」 〈 、 ` ー - | | モフる? 、 ヽ、 ヘ i」 | 人 、 、 ア ノ回 ノ | 萌牙 釼(もえが けん)です ※サンタではありませn… 獣人が好きです♡ ケモナーってやつです(*´艸`*)
ac Kurushel
Silvermoon sleepykitty7
Welcome to my nightmare! (=^ω^=) Adult Animal Crossing fan, mad about Marshal. I like cats, horror movies and drawing. Please visit my town Windsong's dream address: 6D00-000F-62F6. There's a surprise by the trainstation! I guess I'll have to get used to drawing on Colors!3d now that miiverse is ending. Maybe we'll meet on colorslive!/the colors! gallery? I shouldn't be too hard to find there! :D
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
Eugenio Eugenio.Nin
Bowsergirl BowserYoshi-girl
I'll stay on Miiverse as long as I can till the very end. ;w; Goodbye to all of my friends and followers that I can't keep in touch with on the Wii U or 3DS. I hope to find you again on the Switch (whenever I can buy one) or anywhere else. Keep me in your heart because I already have a place in mines for yours♥~ I LOVE BOWSER!♥♥♥ He is my most favorite character ever! Yoshi is my 2nd fav! ^u^
WolfKnight Wolfknight
Crimson CrimsonKanga
-CONFIRMED TRASH AHEAD- Hiya! Im just a guy who plays games and draws MANY buff guys. Trigger Warning: Huge Muscles ahead...
SageWolf7 blaze2628
Hiya,Im Sage I love art and spugeti....cant spell as u can see ^^' I'm 17 5'3 ft tall and around 105pounds I love dubstep,remix,electronica,and etc. I have another acount on here for my 2dsi my real bday is 5/23 Proud furry and mlp (dont judge me) Im gemini,tiger,and birth stone is emerald o.c.: (main)Sage Kat♀ Katie♀ SnuggleFlight♀ Blaze♂ #sudomemo #hatena mood:im better
Lary Hilary973
ナズプ—ηαζσμρ noisettte
twilight lunacan
Friendship Is Magic Full Name: Twilight Sparkle Hobbies: Talking to friends, Reading books, Making Art Best Friends: Rainbow Dash, Rosalina, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Baymax, Cresselia, Fluttershy, Applejack, Link, Zelda, Celestia, Luna, Suru, Rockman, Cadance, Blythe Baxter, Timothy, Amber, Frisk, Sans, Hala, Poison Ivy, Star Butterfly, Taffy, Sunset Shimmer, Samurai Jack, Shantae, (Good Bye Miiverse!)
yo, avery, 16. i don't bite, just don't bite me first please. I draw (poorly) when i'm not busy... But i'm busy a lot. However, thanks so much for the kindness everyone ♡ I'm really into smash (Falco main, and Peach, Bowser, Mewtwo) If we're mutuals feel free to friend request me! have a nice day if you add me on miitomo be aware i'm super vulgar and have poor taste lmao
- SmashScrub
My name is "SmashScrub." I'm just your average scrub who likes to Sm4sh! And draw. I'm not the best artist around, and I don't visit here often, but I do like to post a drawing here and there when I'm feeling up to it. *I don't accept random/blank friend requests, and I don't use Wii U chat. I'll do my best to respond to comments.* Thanks for the follows.
arturoware ArturOWarE
Drawing funny faces on a 3DS for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for passing by :D
Christina pokechick128
im awsome, I'm also a brony, a Pokemon fan, a sonic fan, a smash bro fan,a kingdom hearts fan, a minecraft fan,a Lego ninjago fan, a artist. i even like creepypasts like sonic.exe, or cupcakes
Thunder☆ luchiboli
A tiny lodge in the west wood, oh what a lovely view Some would say that I should travel, 'cause what else can I do? You've been the driver to my road, you've been the eye to my suppose It's clear you're giving all you have and that I'm just giving you cr4p... A tiny lodge in the west wood, well I have seen better views You say that I should travel, well that's what I'm gonna do...
Noah ChainChompBro
Writing stick handler and licensed Invisible Boatmobile driver. Powered by cartoons, video games and lotsa spaghetti.
Wolf WolfBeast95
I'm Wolf I love wolves & werewolves ☆ = All time favourite Favourite game franchises: -Okami ☆ -The Elder scrolls ☆ -Banjo Kazooie ☆ - Mario ☆ -The Legend of Zelda ☆ -Sly Cooper ☆ -Crash Bandicoot ☆ -Resident Evil ☆ -Silent hill ☆ -Tekken ☆ -Phoenix Wright -Darkstalkers -Smash Bros. -Animal Crossing -StarFox -Metroid -Pokemon -Monster Hunter
Tim, Dr. Hooves, Doodle, or Milton. Call me whatevs.
Adult abstinent ♂♂ gamer artist.
Sorry no ra...
Tim, Dr. Hooves, Doodle, or Milton. Call me whatevs.
Adult abstinent ♂♂ gamer artist.
Sorry no random friend requests.
Stuff I draw: MLP/brony, Buff furries, Zelda, Pokemon, Dungeons & Dragons. I pretty much love anything cute, fluffy and colorful.