Tim's Friends
Roy saverbat1
hi! please be nice. 22 years old i draw o.cs gay,single & alone. i play smash. my main is charizard. i like muscular guys. alot of my characters r muscular including roy. muscles r the best way to catch my attention lol ik its sad follower goal 1000 followers MV fam: younger bro Zeta big bro izzy lil bro geeky kuma son RORO lil sis pastel no random friend requests. i must know u alittle
GenZelda2 GenZelda2
GenZelda here! And welcome to my profile! :D I am huge Undertale fan, I am obcessed with Gaster and him being Dadster, Asriel is my baby. I'm probably the biggest Volga fangirl out there and my OTP is Volana (VolgaXLana). My favorite movie is Dragon Heart and my favorite author is J. R. Tolkien. I'm also an artist too. Dragons are my thing. So follow me if you want to, I won't beg for follows.
Wolf WolfBeast95
I'm Wolf I love wolves & werewolves ☆ = All time favourite Favourite game franchises: -Okami ☆ -The Elder scrolls ☆ -Banjo Kazooie ☆ - Mario ☆ -The Legend of Zelda ☆ -Sly Cooper ☆ -Crash Bandicoot ☆ -Resident Evil ☆ -Silent hill ☆ -Tekken ☆ -Phoenix Wright -Darkstalkers -Smash Bros. -Animal Crossing -StarFox -Metroid -Pokemon -Monster Hunter
DANIO Detendo45
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Flash SpiritOfTwilight
Hello. I'm Twilight Princess Issi, Lightning Flash, White Heroin, Wielder of the Lambent of Light. Twilight Heroin Asuna. I share an inventory with Twili Kirito-kun..Black Swordsman..I'll protect him no matter what danger we face. We are a team..We will always be together..I'm sure we will be in many battles...But I'll never give up...And Twili won't give up either. Be careful Twili ^_^ SWITCH!
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
hello im the hero of goddess incarnation the twili hero..if you know who i am congrats your smart i will keep fighting for the people i love and who trust me i am the blackswordsman...in darkness i rise and fall...i bring ruin and destuction...i am the fell hero/dragon hehehe half twili and half hylian...alone Grima blood..black able to use twilight master sword,tomes and twilight magic bff ISSI
Byro gantaigarashiDMW
i love games ^o^
Issi☆ NightFuryMidna
☆I'm The Twilight Princess Issi☆ Check out my posts! 600 Followers, thanks everyone! :D My favorite anime is SAO. I'm a sηίper in Splatσσп >:] Midna is the best TLOZ character! My favorite Zelda games in order: TP, ST, OoT, WW, SS, MM. ☆<~KoB~>☆
Ana Grolbanana
dA: Cristella deVon Twooter: @camil_estelle (΅˙ˇ˙)/ Hullo! I'm a silly goose who loves to draw. Feel free to look through all my stuff; thank you for stopping by! All follows greatly appreciated! ♀ | 19 | Asexual | Taken You are a beautiful person and we're all here for a reason; love yourself and others. Pals: Sushi, Dank, Sasu, and Tin!♪
Zanzona Zanzona
Proud Nintendo player! I love all Nintendo games, but right now, Mario, Zelda and Animal Crossing are my top spots. I love making new friends so don't hesitate to speak to me :) My other interests include - writing books, reading books ( mostly fantasy) and listening to music. Who wants to challenge me at Mario Kart 8? ;)
RyuAsh TheQueenOfKoopas
Greetings! I am the Queen of Koopas. My koopa name is kind of a mystery. Now for lord Bowser...he's friendly and sweet once you get to know him. He kidnapped me and my heart long ago. ♡ I love and protect the Koopa Troop daily by his side. I'm shy and spend free time drawing and playing many games. By the way, I do not Wii U chat. Obvious reasons. Thanks for stopping by~ ^-^
PkDreemurr lucariogaming64
•°*˘•★Yo☆˙•º* I'm PkDreemurr and Welcome to my page, you can call me PK if you like. I play games like EarthBound, Xenoblade, Pokemon, Splatoon and Smash Bros. I'm mostly a devoted Furry Artist here and I appriciate any support I get from my drawings. So if you enjoy my drawings, please consider following. ^w^. See ya!~★
Jorge Naruga418
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
Jesus mariobros220
i am the Hero King of legend.... Minna, Miteite Kure! HOPE WILL NEVER DIE! I CHALLENGE MY FATE! In darkness there is a light ...in light darkness find a balance from both light and dark...that is the way of the twilight So this place is ending soon thanks everyone for a wonderful few years here i guess ill be a bit more active until the Final Day Thank you my friends It was fun while it lasted
Liam JayJayBeem
Just the living, breathing, real life counterpart of Dipper Pines. No biggy. I like chocolate milk.
owlie owlgurl
Kaity 2.0 Kaity1999
JayPlay G.O.T.CrazyGamer
I've experienced the afterlife and becoming a zombie to return to Miiverse... Time to waste time. I'm Jay, just a 17 year old gamer addict that loves to make friends! Anyone who becomes friends with me better be ready for some fun!
Jace JaceDecimat
Christian Cptoth
angie~ Linkfan4eva
Recent graduate! I'm back, finished and ready to game! :D Breath of the Wild hype strong ▲IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE▲ Take this and fight with me ¬l========> (\_(\ (=' :') ~♥ MH4, Splatoon,SSB4, MK8 (,( 0 ) #vaati4smash Lazy~Anime~Food If I could be a fish I would be Koi *Drawing requests closed* RoS co-leader
Eduardo DraggyStar
Welcome to my profile, I have no words to say! Real life Brother: BlueGreenAngel Likes: funny blogs, drawing, dragons, furries, animations, friends support, Role Play and Nintendo related. Dislikes: Trouble maker, gamer face rubbers (who act like who's better than you in not nice way), people in jealousy, naughty kids, people who begs lot, haters, and people who want to be for money and drama.
ac Kurushel
Max Chimpanzebra
Hello. I draw occasionally, and sometimes post glitches. Enjoy! My favourite video game series are LoZ and DK. Some of my favourite video game characters are Ganondorf, Donkey Kong and Bowser. Sm4sh mains: Donkey Kong, Bowser, Ganondorf, King Dedede, and Jigglypuff "A delayed game, is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." ~Shigeru Miyamoto
Meagan Meagor
Hello, and welcome to my profile page. I'm a big fan of Pokemon, Zelda, Smash Bros, Tales, and Dragon Quest. I'm also a RPG fanatic. My first video game console was the N64. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since I got the N64 and proud to be one. Have a good day! ^_^/ I don't do Wii U chat with people I don't know well and I don't Miiverse date.
James jengelke
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Courtnay CJluvsMJ27
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)
This comment has been taken by Kaito Kid. He should return it once he deems it fake. It seems Kaito Kid gave my profile comment back. He stuck it in one of my drawers. I'll keep it as a souvenir. With that out of the way, hi! I'm Michael! (AKA Mariotag. I'll probably change my Mii to reflect that better.) ...and I've little keeping me here now...
Tim, Dr. Hooves, Doodle, or Milton. Call me whatevs.
Adult abstinent ♂♂ gamer artist.
Sorry no ra...
Tim, Dr. Hooves, Doodle, or Milton. Call me whatevs.
Adult abstinent ♂♂ gamer artist.
Sorry no random friend requests.
Stuff I draw: MLP/brony, Buff furries, Zelda, Pokemon, Dungeons & Dragons. I pretty much love anything cute, fluffy and colorful.