Users Savage Is Following
GREG WOUT.vanaert
あきと RURI333HRIRU777H
Luke LukeG890074
Scotty sbnash
unstoperbl funandgaes
callie/mar yeniagamerprohec
hola yo soy CALLIE/MAR y soy otaku me gusta el sushi y las ensaladas * mis mejores amigos son iri chaves, SIPILONGO,TYDoge,laika me encanta Splatoon
Chara reesesdad16
Heni J-Manner01
Hello..... my name is heni...... i'm working for error's absent, so yeah..... while he's gone i'm here...... Why are you still here....? Fine.... i am a smol bean with a sword, my shirt is half white and half black, next i have a scarf and dust's hoodie......Also my pet is soba.... Angry mode: Immortal, half demon full devil,dark has all the powers in all AUs and their souls
ashey 20wiiu16
i been doing good so yeah i am the champion
xRizzo_ TheRealCraftxx
i speak english and spanish Im not from canada btw
Only1gam3r Bryan_Playz
Hi guys TheDailyVideo here i like a girl Minecraft and likes me.What should i do?
stampy Stampylongnose
.·•●αιαяγс AlarycLyons
friend me all followers or scrolling through community for weekly gameplay , super smash bros 4 wii u , mario kart 8 , minecraft , etc.
duckeyduck joshbelfour22222
Herobrine Herobrjne
Hey everybody! I have a dog that's a chuwawa that's named Trouble. When I grow up I want to beat usian bolt in a race! Everyone is my BFF and I don't have a girlfriend. I have brother's and sister's and they are not near me at all! I don't know there names either. Oh and also Have a nice day!
★»кеνΐп«★ almamtz
Hi Love UHC Im Good At Parkor so think twice before challenge ME and im A BOY!♀ mic is always on!
☆Logan☆ 150947
Ello, my name is Logan (Golden) Pszalgowski. "Achievements in Gaming": •Did a TAS in Super Mario World •39K in •67K in •Over 4000 stars in Super Mario Maker •Owning a Realm with my brother, Aidan, in Minecraft PC. Other Shtuff: •13 Years Old •Loves Pop'ems \(^o^)/ •Had a dog that died ó_ò •Enjoys Gaming, Fishing, Eating, and Talking Bye! BTW Check out my SMM account!
spexru Zezmii
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aodhan aodhanmacc
hi do you want to play me in mario kart?
Ceiran heartsong2006
Hello there welcome to game universe from super smash bros to yoshi and legend of zelda this place has it all!!!also I LOVE LEGEND Of ZELDA SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And FIRE EMBLEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW my mains in smash 4 are link, corrin,roy,marth/lucina,robin, and bayonetta and finnally i have a switch!Also i have minecraft, puyo puyo tetris, and splatoon 2 on the switch!
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
υмм★кιегдл imweirdandproud
Hey, I'm Kieran. School and homework take a lot of time. I'm in Pre-algebra so I get lots of homework. I'm not online too much anymore during the week, but weekends I still am my old self. SMM: 8K★s MK8: 5K √R
ロナルド super.doldo640
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Gavin Sketchy_Gamer24
Michael m3km3k
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fredrik fredrikk39
Hi. My name is Brandon. Feel free to friend request me at any time. I love minecraft. If you're i...
Hi. My name is Brandon. Feel free to friend request me at any time. I love minecraft. If you're into minecraft you'll want to play with me. Oh, and also, I am very nice. HAVE A NICE DAY EVERYONE!