Savage's Friends
izzycat izzydog2263
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
GAMEKNIGHT officiallyhooked
bee bill159
hi everybody im bill and i love minecraft and i got tons of friends
Katie KatieKat90
hi im katie and i love gaming
JakeTheE jake21edokpolo
hey guys jake here and i like playing games and im aiming for 200 followers so if we do hit it thx to all you of my followers and thx Hobby videogames Favorite food Mc' favorite game Super Smash Bros Favorite Desert Yogurt Smoothie Ice Cream
duckeyduck joshbelfour22222
This user's profile comment is private.
§§☆DarkSky cowgirlpa
hi my name is david i love cookies and i hope to be as good as cludlswrough some day [hope i spelled that right] i love splatoon and play it every day my goels are 1 to get 300 flowers and make ever one happy free cookies for everyone if you follow me i will follow you back cookie out
.·•●αιαяγс AlarycLyons
friend me all followers or scrolling through community for weekly gameplay , super smash bros 4 wii u , mario kart 8 , minecraft , etc.
HalfZombie inkolingo
Profile comment hidden by admin. Ah, just kidding! I'm HalfZombie. I really like to play Minecraft. Wanna join Miiverse Police? I have room for fr1ends on iwatcheverymove. Follow me if you want. I like candy and pasta. «ºNo Wii U Chatº» «ºNo random fr1end requestsº»
IronMaster IronMaster412
Andres Pipe1109
Hello I Am Andres And These Are All My Favroite Things: Favriote Game:SPLATOON Favriote Youtube Channel:SMG4 Favriote Console:Nintendo Switch(I Dont Have One Though)
unstoperbl funandgaes
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
callie/mar yeniagamerprohec
hola yo soy CALLIE/MAR y soy otaku me gusta el sushi y las ensaladas * mis mejores amigos son iri chaves, SIPILONGO,TYDoge,laika me encanta Splatoon
jordan bhudakd
Josh 4shank
david Zon3Hex
my brother is a merine i cant see him for 4 years
colin RaceMeBro
Mitchell Mitchell898
fredrik fredrikk39
Gabriel josealeman
Hi. My name is Brandon. Feel free to friend request me at any time. I love minecraft. If you're i...
Hi. My name is Brandon. Feel free to friend request me at any time. I love minecraft. If you're into minecraft you'll want to play with me. Oh, and also, I am very nice. HAVE A NICE DAY EVERYONE!