Blu's Followers
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
TheWarrior Flamebro99
Hello!Im Flame heres some stuff about me Games:Minecraft,CubeSift,and more! Friend :Go take a peek! What i like:Warrior,FNAF,BATIM,Duck season,LPS. Why i love Miiveres:Well it lets people minds run wild.People that cant friend each other can cumunicate , laugh , and tell there fellings. WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERES AND OTHER PEOPLE!
Oгioп Pyroli_Noctali
>ω< ————————————————— ●Hello welcome to my account, I am a friendly boy French who loves drawing,reading and pokemon! :) ☆2 account: ★Oгισп~ (ID: 3DSNNetwork)☆ A big thank you to my subscriber!;)>ω< Special dedication to Lyα and ★Ryn★ and others! •↑Please feel my favorite message!↑ •I hope to be able to draw soon and please be indulgent!:/ Δ ΔΔ ↑And follow me!!!↑ —————————————————
tristan DF tristantintin
hi im thirteen and id like to know how some people can draw so well. Im part of the DIAM'S FIRE TEAM! (^-^) our team is gigantic! notre team est gigantesque! (☆–☆)
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Landon DeathofDoom
Top 20 Games: 20.Sonic Chronicles 19.Oracle of Ages 18.PMD:EoS 17.TWEWY 16.Splatoon 15.Bravely Default 14.The Last Story 13.Super Paper Mario 12.Paper Mario: TTYD 11.Smash 4 10.Kingdom Hearts 1/BBS 9.Twilight Princess/Majora's Mask 8.Mario Kart 8 7.Mario Galaxy 1/2 6.Xenoblade Chronicles 5.Sonic 1 4.999/VLR 3.BiS 2.Pokemon Platinum 1.Xenoblade Chronicles X Zelda is life. Sarcasm <3
Zero pixelkirby0702
тнıς ассоυпτ ıς ςнагεď ßетшεεп з ďıffεгεпт ррıς· ~νοιdεмогт, ετнап, & маgς· εηjоγ γоцг ςтау· :3
Raphaëlle Zatan13
¤ Parle/Speak: Français/English ¤ Study Biochemistry. ¤ I ♥ my little bros, my friends, tLoZ, RP(when I'm in the mood), dragons, monsters, to draw & to read mangas/Fanfics. Learning new things is nice too. I HATE LIES. I take drawing requests. Ø »NO Wii U Chat & BLANK Friend Request«
Lovie loveinworld7
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
Enrique KiksterNIP
Andrea iamawesome620
Hi, everyone my name is Andrea and I am 16. Mario is super awesome!!! I just love all mario games. Mario kart, Mario party 9, and Super Smash Bros. GO MARIO!!! I am also the queen of boredom. I love BTS!!! Follow me I'll follow you.
Ichijyou DemonnPrincess
リンクと私の記念日:3月14日 ★ サバンナ:11/16 Our Anniversary:3/14 ★ Savannah:11/16 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 一人のリンクしか存在しないと信じています。 全然死ななくて、ずっと生きています。 私の強くて勇敢で生きている騎士❤ とても深い意味からこれを信じています。 これは「理論」ではありません。私はただこれを信じています。 I believe there is only one Link. One who has never died, has always been alive. My living, strong, courageous knight❤ I have deep reasons for believing this. This is not a "theory". I just simply believe it.
Ghirahim Naomi454
No comment.
TJ gutarkid2003
Name: Caillou Age: 4 Power: Grow some more each day Likes: Exploring Dislikes: Being grounded
Miphank RealKokiriguy
I'm just your friendly neighborhood kid who no one understands. I don't even understand myself It's a non-stop grind, you gotta eat, sleep, and E X C R E T E Miiverse
ike man izaakq03
Hello... Welcome to my profile. MUHAHAHAHAAA!!! *cough* Sorry, it's dusty in here, well anyways here's my profile. I do like to draw during now and then, and other things too. My favorite games are Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Splatoon, and MK8... and a few others. So yeah, here's my profile, and have a nice day. And potatos... Sorry I felt like saying more... Yeeah... uhh... Alright then.
sam bonnbonn1
hi im sam i like fnaf undertale mlp and more i have an oc named summer she is a wolf oh my friends are lightning terra Kibry marblesoda and ... Kyle. my favorite undertale character is sans dont just follow me cuz i do follow 4 a follow P.S DON'T FORGET INVADER SEL SHE IS AMAZING her art is amazing too and if you like this profile you will LOVE hers Sick: yup :(
Terell Terell321
Yellow guys this is my miiverse for my 3ds but i have a wiiu account it is terell621 so be sure to follow bai
HeadMints HappySploobShop
It's a mystery. Hey. You can call me Mints. I like a good round of MK8 and SSBB here and there, so feel free to ask! Talk to me if you like, please, don't be shy!
Arvette Astral-Hikari
Welcome to my profile, peeps. I am Hikari, but not my real name. I am a huge fan of Link, BoTW Zelda and Ganondorf, 1st Account: Arvette/Ganondorf-Hikari Follow: chocolate♪
brad aaronbb29
Pedro PHCRohr
Hi, I'm Pedro, I'm 12 year old and I'm from Brazil! •Favorite food: Meat Favorite Pokemon: Infernape (pls Mega Infernape 4 Sun & Moon) •Favorite Anime: Boku No Hero Academya •Achievement: Defeat all Mega Man 2 bosses WITHOUT taking damage. That's all folks!.. Wait are you reading this in first place?
Nathan nathan4800
splatoon is so cool
Anné-chan Anne-sama
.• Ocupada viendo Dragon Ball, por favor regrese más tarde :D •. ¡15° primavera en camino, yupi! ♥
Shuji hamtaroluver42
I want to be a mangaka, but that doesn't mean I am too busy for games •ω• Also I've played ALL the Legend of Zelda games so I am an expert on it! Feel free to ask! I also tend to draw reactions of my game play through various games, most of the time Zelda games! Check them out too! Currently Reacting: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Link to the Past. Favorite Characters: Vaati, Link, Sheik~♪
Olive ШЩ pumpkinbutter
★☆Welcome to my profile!☆★ I am a member of ШЩ. I usually post about acnl. I like to doodle Thanks for visiting
Jiro jiro1975
American gaymer who loves Japanese gaming and culture. Formerly known as 'Bryan', 'hero1975' on North American miiverse.
Konoe xKonoex
chutney peanutluver
Hi I am your BRO I'm a 25yr old artist/animator/musician who works at Guitar Center. If you like funny cartoons. my page is full of them.
Pauline hermionePLR
Hello everybody ! こんにちは! 안녕하세요 ! Ciao ! Hola ! Je m'appelle Pauline et j'ai 17ans J'adore les manga, les films Harry Potter, Marvel, la Kpop et les animaux! Je passe ma vie à si... I can speak english y un poco español :) EVA Mia amica u're wonderful! Follow her pls '' LadyEva03 '' I hope to not say goodbye to all I appreciate here. If u want to speak: Instā: pauline.l.r
Nic IceHydra
Leo KlionorK
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Erynfall² kriskhan
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Chris L. Yospirati
Im a soul. Broken. Struck by sadness, shyness, and loneliness. I wish to belong. To enjoy with friends and to love what I do. I wonder what I wait for> What I am? I want to be Whole. If such a possibility exists where its not a bad thing for this to happen...
sirena Bunny.1Lucky
Hola,soy Sirena meda gusto que hayan entrado a mi perfil.Me gustan los juegos como Sonic y Mario Kart.Si les gusta lo que ago siganme.Are lo mejor que pueda para ustedes.
Nibelung Valesti!
I like Glaceon, Ganondorf, Samus, long walks on the beach, and cats. I don't p...
Nibelung Valesti!
I like Glaceon, Ganondorf, Samus, long walks on the beach, and cats. I don't play many Nintendo franchises other than Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, and 2d Metroid.