Blu's Friends
Chris L. Yospirati
Im a soul. Broken. Struck by sadness, shyness, and loneliness. I wish to belong. To enjoy with friends and to love what I do. I wonder what I wait for> What I am? I want to be Whole. If such a possibility exists where its not a bad thing for this to happen...
Steph Elfie_Iori
derik bum198
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Mark KronosWarrior
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Steven tribalarts
generic Apothecary2
Tyr Tyrathius
Adrian yo_adrian91
Wario Mexiun
Hello my name is Danny. I love video games and have been playing video games ever since i was 4 or 5 (im 27 now). I cant live without video games, i also love comics, anime, manga and old cartoons. I work on a farm 3 days a week but i live in a town myself.
James Jamesborg99
Dan Emir_Parkreiner
Ninjarap Ninjarap20x6
Silverwolf loupargent2012
Shawn Neo_Mametchi
Steaphon J0lt_C0la
Vee Lady_Vanellope
Happy Gaming!
Lance Fryopus
NiNjJa DeL edwint525
Sirk Sirk_Onivaric
Prim Kirasaki
Hyrule Warriors! Sweet!
AllDayLo BeeLo626
FOOD!!!! Also Sanic, I love me some Sanic doge!
Jesse VGadept
Yin Yinoko
CarJ XxCarJxX
derek ShadowCaster45
Άρης9090 ares9090
"Drake" Gargomon251
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Brannie starstolen
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Aldo SanchezAldo
⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐ Mysterious, kind and fair. Living somewhere beyond the stars. Legend says Aldo comes to visit his Miiverse home every 100 years... ⭐Animal Crossing New Leaf Town Dream Address: [5D00-0019-4581] ⭐Chatting with [k·] powers... ⭐Thank you for everything, Miiverse. Even if I'm gone, I'm always watching over you. ⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐
Daverd Daverd
I <3 Nintendo
Cattleist Cattleist
mellohello Mellohello
Hey all! 26 y/o artist and music producer. Happy to make friends!
Sinister26 pcx226
Jayboat Jayboat
soymilkman soymilkman
Tony mrtonymoore
Curtis Ivoryoshi
Strutzy Strutzy22
Blues PrototypeFate
Oh god, how did this get here? I am not good with Computer.
Hedonism ChuggyG
Joey C JoeyCarp
im awesome period
Nibelung Valesti!
I like Glaceon, Ganondorf, Samus, long walks on the beach, and cats. I don't p...
Nibelung Valesti!
I like Glaceon, Ganondorf, Samus, long walks on the beach, and cats. I don't play many Nintendo franchises other than Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, and 2d Metroid.