Stephanie's Followers
Mel moontap0
Daimon SoulFox863
Check my other profile ArcticBound863, My mii is Daimon and the mii looks really similar to the one that's on here. I love Freedom Planet, That will help you find it way quicker. If you followed this account then follow the other account. FRIENDS FRIEND MY OTHER ACCOUNT! Latest Follow
3 nachiyuhai1022
こんにちは。こんばんは。おはよー。中1です! 学校では、3って呼ばれるおー 宜しく 趣味は、 サッカー ゲーム 名前を、なー から、3にかえました!! 1週間に1かいか、二回しか開けないので!! そこんとこよろしくです!
ほね naow179_10pqm
Miiverse終了後→青鳥 ゲーセンで音ゲーやってる人です ∇現役中学生∇ ∇SMMteams∇ SMK、§TKK§、†JM†、Ω、K+X、KTK、GT、WOA、卍、жS、coco、^^;、chi.☆、D.M、OJT、BULE、MVS 今までアザした!!!!!
Fabian MarioGamerFabo27
Hello my name is Fabian. Play my levels please! THANKS SO MUCH FOR OVER 1150 STARS! ON SMM TNANKS FOR 690+ FOLLWERS!
Pasta Puppyboris
It's me... Regular old Pasta, used to be PN€★Pasta☆, but it's just me. I don't need anybody else now. I have 2 friends here, who I will greatly miss, but goodbye and thank you everyone. I will stay living here with an empty hole in me where you all used to exist. So again, until the end, thank you. Peace, Pasta.
§мφφ†ħίε max2002wiiu
Hello. I'm Nin★M@× and I like Smash bros. I'm really insane. I make Mario Maker levels. Friend me. I am also on the 3DS. Look for Max20023ds. I will do splatfests. Why do i even bother anymore?
Koopa Jr Koopa-Jr2
greets crowd with practiced smile "hello everone and welcome to the bowser castle public tour” "All around you, you will find pools of boiling hot lava!” "the lava is was originally supposed to be diverted to moats outside but due to a plumbing issue during construction the owner desided on a change, ahhh!! the tour paused abruptly as the tour guide dramatically falls to her death!!
stacy mjrfamily
Hi there! This seems cool so I'm doing it, so yeah! Hope everybody has fun.
BuffyBoo SuperBuffalo007
Update 05292016: As of late, I have been pretty inactive. I don't really buy 3DS/WiiU games that often. Update 03062016: I THINK I'M BACK?!? Update 12272015: I'm going to start using this account mainly for posting user-created levels and other things, so in a way I'll still use Miiverse but scarcely.
Ali veadaaliaminah
Uhh... hey guys? Well I'm just some 13 year old boy who goes on this cringey site to draw cancer and spout out some of those stanky danky memes. I'll except follows and friend requests and I'll chat with you guys, but I'm nitpicky with video chatting. I like a wide verity of games ranging from old to new, my favorite being the Mother/Earthbound series. So yeah, thats my profile! Eat muffins skrub
Jonathan Cyan_Gadget
Gaming on Nintendo since 1992! Proud collecter of retro titles! I'm pretty laid-back and I love to help out my fellow gamers. I love all kinds of Nintendo games, from Animal Crossing to Zelda! Chat me up sometime on Miiverse and feel free to follow me! Thanks for checking my profile and happy gaming!
jordan thecreeperking09
hi im thecreeperking09 but my friends call me jordan. i got my wii u when i was 10 and the frist game i had was super smash bros and i like the game! ps. i love you all!
snake wolf baballama
pansy99 pansy1980
BwarkCase bananas1215
Welcome to my profile! Favorite Pokemon (in order): Popplio, Goomy, Froakie. Currently Tranformed into: Popplio I wear a green hoodie with a fennec fox on it and wear black glasses with black pants. Yes, I am an object show fan. Hotel Bigley room number-726 *ON HIATUS*
bella demortii
Just female human who likes WC and HP along with Pokemon. I also love Toucans and dogs. You probably know me as Livy or bella or Wolf ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sapphire lavakitty13
Hey! Even though miiverse ends, there is still Miitomo that you can get! Its for phones and ipads! (tablets too) I reccomend it!
Molkidor J3sus101
Drift Board n' Sword Aim This is my rifle and this is my gun, this one's for shooting and this one's for fun.
Hi. I like bows and particle accelerators!