Stephanie's Post

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


09/10/2017 12:03 PM

Up & Over (1309-0000-035C-C212)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


08/27/2017 10:36 PM

Bouncy Castle (269C-0000-0358-033E)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


07/16/2017 11:51 AM

Not exactly happy with how I did the first part, but that electric guitar remix in the second part though...

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


07/16/2017 11:30 AM

Open Closed

Power-Up Shipments

Just want to put my level out there. I thought it was easier than others I've made, but so far no one's cleared the first platforms. Mario found an airship full of...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


07/15/2017 3:48 PM

Power-Up Shipments (9E5D-0000-0345-A001)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


07/10/2017 1:08 AM

Yoshi Ate A Bowling Ball! (F9CF-0000-0343-8A7E)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


07/04/2017 12:06 AM

Pink Coin Rush! (482D-0000-0341-1EB6)

Play Journal Entries Scribblenauts Unlimited


01/28/2017 11:49 AM

Got my 2nd degree blue belt last month!

Play Journal Entries Scribblenauts Unlimited


12/08/2016 5:34 PM


Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


11/09/2016 3:00 PM

Open Closed

My first music level!

It's the ending song to Dr. Mario. My grandfather used to play the original NES version every night. This one's for you, Papa! I want to hear some of your music le...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


11/09/2016 2:54 PM

Dr. Mario Lv HI-20 Ending ♪auto♪ (E85F-0000-02B9-E790)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


11/05/2016 12:08 AM

It's not that often I find a level I'm so impressed with, I share it on Miiverse. But this one is worth checking out!

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/29/2016 12:50 PM

This level! ♪♪♪★★★

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/23/2016 1:39 AM

Oh, please. I know I'm playing the easy difficulty, but I think there should be a different category for people who actually make an effort, like the "supply basement" level I played this round. In...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


10/22/2016 2:50 PM

A Year Of Pink Coins - part 2 (5712-0000-02B0-2C86)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


10/19/2016 8:01 PM

A Year Of Pink Coins - part 1 (C432-0000-02AE-91C3)

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


10/10/2016 6:13 PM

Open Closed

Is this level too long?

I worry that most players will run out of time before finding all 10 pink coins- and the timer is maxed out. Regardless of the checkpoint flags I put up, players m...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/07/2016 11:42 PM

This level, though... LOL

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/04/2016 10:08 PM

My latest level depicts the Tacoma Narrows Bridges in Tacoma, Washington, USA. The first bridge that was built collapsed four months after opening day. The second replaced the first one, and the th...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


10/04/2016 9:42 PM

The Three Tacoma Narrows Bridges (4652-0000-02A6-59A8)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/04/2016 7:50 PM

When a track goes horizontal and vertical when you're trying to make a diagonal track... Super Mario Maker problems.