Users TurfMaster Is Following
shower gel insurance_lizard
Wanona 3Dwinnie
Isaac icerack0987
Hello everyone! I like to play all sorts of games! im 15 years old and i like playing video games! I've been playing video games since i was a little kid and thx to all of my friends and followers *brofist* (^-^) (hablo español)
Brandon MrTrac
Thanks for the memories! Let's cherish our final months! :') <3 Stuff V V V Dee Aye! Mr - Trac The Cord! Mr Trac # 3 5 1 7 (no spaces)
luna novarose
*luna. heya! luna, lilly and parappa here. *lilly. welcome to our profile. *parappa. we hold rp, drawing requests and ask blogs! luna. hope you enjoy!
Anthonу AnthonyColoma
Hi and Hello !IMPORTANT! Since Miiverse is ending, I don't want to lose the friends I've made. I also want to keep in contact with as much people as possible, even if we aren't close/never interact with each other. So look at Following List. Thanks. Anyways, please remember me as the weirdo who loves Paper Mario and Stephanie from LazyTown. Love you all. <3
Puff Man Puff-Man-52
Well once Miiverse shuts down I'll probably never see most of you again, but if we do cross paths again whether its on the Switch or somewhere else my name will still be Puff Man so you know its me. A list of some of my favorite games are Ocarina of time, Hatsune Miku project diva f2nd, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Platinum and Portal 2. I also like listening to vocaloid music.
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Jotaro Strife_CHAOS437
I am the OG meme man, hailing from the dark corners of the TF2 server browser. Being a Heavy main is a hard job these days. I know that I draw terribly: I don't care. DIOOOOOOO is out of commission atm. For the last time, yes this is a JoJo reference. rerorerorero
1-800-Яγαй Ezack284597onl
Bans:2 Awkward Weird Awkward name: REDGSX Join date: Christmas 2014 Clans: MКЯ, LÐ Mario Kart N00b. Kirby N00b. Mario Intermediate. Minecraft PVP God, never tried playing on Wii U though. I draw on Fri/Sat/Sun Breakfast is the key to success Video game addict. Doritos. I do follow for follow because I'm nice like that. Bye Now!
YuRhy ka1su2te3ra4
Profile comment hidden by admin.
EdgeMartyr VeryEdgyNNID115
If you see any drawings on this profile. They were either drawn by my girlfriend, or they were drawn [poorly] by me. You'll see probably see a quality-gap in alot of the very few drawings on this profile. I don't use this New 3DS XL profile that much, but I'll still be playing on other consoles, like my PS4. Name - Brad Proud Attack Helicopter Alt - RandomReturns115 Praise Kek, MAGA 4 life!
PAOMario mariomegaman13
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
CosmicGAZ CosmicGAZ553
It all started on Christmas Day 2012 when 11 year old me got a Wii U Now I'm 16 and making weird drawings of characters from cartoons and games What an upgrade... Check comment of my fav post for where I'll be after the end I also use my Mii name everywhere else, like the bluebird Good bye Miiverse You shall be Missed doing nothing is an activity
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
˜˙°°°☆ Turf War Inkling ☆ººº˙¨
Tal funfunisland77
Things to know :: • My favourite games are Splatoon and Zelda <3 • I'm usually pretty nice, but I'm also impatient. • My presence on Miiverse is sporadic, and I may take days or weeks to respond to messages. Or I'll reply instantly. Something, y'know. Splatoon :: I enjoy chargers in Splatoon the most, but rollers and the berry splattershot pro are among my favourites as well.
Sui-Feng FongShwei69
Hey, everybody. What's up? Here's a few of my interests: favorite genres: rpg, adventure, fighting favorite games: Xenoblade, BotW, Suikoden II, Skies of Arcadia: Legends, Kingdom Hearts 2, Tales of Berseria favorite anime: The Legend of Korra, ATLA, Seirei no Moribito, Journey to Agartha, El-Hazard, Patlabor, Scrapped Princess Also wanna say thanks for all the yeahs, so far, I appreciate it.
Johnny Somecallmejohnny
Review writing, animating, game playing, fun-loving person.
Gordo knave560
For the few days, i've been playing Disney Infinity, Batman 3 Beyond Gotham and Lego Marvel Super Heros. I am so physched for the DLC for BotW to come out, cause it will be the awesomest! I like to talk about stuff Zelda related the most and like to dye stuff, so tell me anything and clothes so i can dye them!
Sam Cro samsoncronik
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
HylianEVAN EvanMocan
Welp Miiverse is ending... farewell... ill always treasure the moments of miiverse... the fun times i had... u guys being there for me... u guys were more than freinds... u guys are my best friends and saying goodbye is like saying goodbye to my family... So stay strong hylian and i promise this wont be the last time u see me.
ほむほむ end.end.endy
°•Derek•º DerekTheRedPanda
DιζςσΓ: DerekTheRedPanda#3034 SρlλΤσσηλmιησ: DerekTheRedPanda Hey! The little RedPanda is here!!(・∀・) (13Y.ORedPanda/Me;16Y.O) Roxac is my BestFriend and hi is like my brother(Roxac onee-sama)(>▽<) I like draw Sonic and Sonic characters and other^^ Bye bye!!(^_^)
ςpς★Kayla purplefreak777
To think I'll cease to exist on here. Hmm. This was a beautiful place, of course excluding the last-min trolls. I accept death with grace, and will move on, like all the other average users. Tbh, I love Miiverse, k? I made really good friends on here, and it was fun journaling my Nintendo experience. Gosh, I now realize how dearly I'll miss this place... But let's stay strong and good. Farewell...
Doggy Dan DingleDan86
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.
Omar LikeOMyGodStarBu
Hello there, Im Omar :D Here are somethings you sould know about me: I love the Paranormal, Nintendo is the best, in my opinion, I play Splatoon 24/7, I love making new friends. Im color blind so, dont ask me whats my favorite color :P. Here are some AMAZING people you should follow. Sage Jess JrPlaysMlg Octo Julian And Adding... Bye Sage May Rest In Peace
Soup SOUP1011
It ain't how long you live, but it's what you accomplish with your life that matters. Bye y'all.
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
KinTaMarny losb-s62
どうもKinTaMarnyです Miiverseサービス終了に伴い、 大規模なユーザーの移民が行われております 私もTwitterやpixivにアカウントを持っておりますので そちらに来られた際は、 どうぞよろしくお願いします
SadCharley Weatherman360
Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rejected. I may take teen requests also. Member of AO. Best friend, Maxi. Love you dear♡♥. Other awesome sis. Donna, Maud, Sis, Thesesa, Karen, Alice,Rosie, Gail, Puzzlegirl ♡♥ Awesome bro. Balitor, Ku, Ron, All AO members, Steven, GRIFFIN, JS, Opa, Scott, Craig, Vamp and many more. Love you all ♡♥
i don't like whiners,cry babies who start stuuuuuuuff on miiverse then hit the report button or block button. i don't like the admin people who read reports without reading the whole content of the chat. i don't like admin because they are third world who know nothing about human rights and hide behind an addressless presence. we see their handy work but cannot dispute it. I LOVE MOST ZELDA GAMES!
Mon2na RedGreenYellow
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.) Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts. If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch. NEATO BURRITO BLOB-OMB BLACK AND YELLOW HELLO
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright?
* Adult gamer who respects all videogam...
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright?
* Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences
* I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations
* Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized
* I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.