TurfMaster's Friends
˜˙°°°☆ Turf War Inkling ☆ººº˙¨
Alexander Johnson172
Hello, and welcome to my user page! I'll be on here making various posts. I play various games like Mario, Kirby, Zelda, and other games. I hope you enjoy seeing some of the crazy things on this page!
Çomphra98 Comphra98
well hello all! i just got my wii u 2017/5/18 it was a 32gb wii u black. and i have mario maker mario kart 8 and smash bros. please send me a friend request ^~^ my fav TV shows r blue exorcist, inuyasha, fairy tail, the games i have is SUPER SMASH BROS. FOR WII U, mario maker, LOZ MM, lego dw, AN MARIO KART 8!!!
ςpς★Kayla purplefreak777
To think I'll cease to exist on here. Hmm. This was a beautiful place, of course excluding the last-min trolls. I accept death with grace, and will move on, like all the other average users. Tbh, I love Miiverse, k? I made really good friends on here, and it was fun journaling my Nintendo experience. Gosh, I now realize how dearly I'll miss this place... But let's stay strong and good. Farewell...
Ashley princessjanay94
Hello, my name is Ashley, I'm new, lets be friends, i'm from Florida, where are you all from?
★Mewtwo☆ StrawberryRusher
♡♥♡Hi! The name's Liang, but you can call me PR, I love all bears, seals, snails, and dolphins. I love Japanese/Chinese/French cultures, I use Miiverse here and there, so be Sure To Follow Me! Also Follow @StrawberryClouse or give her a like! Be sure To follow my sis too! @CranberryWerts And that wasn't a good intro, Kon'nichiwa genkidesuka? So sad there isn't Letters here, so I write in this bye!
Guydo√Mkγ Markus-Cst
Hallo. Mein Lieblingspiel ist Splatoon. Wer mit mir spielen will der muss sich mit mir anfreunden. Viel Spaß und mit freundlichen Grüßen euer...
Frisk Frisk302
Hello Everyone =)
Novi Dan NoviDan8
Greetings :) ★Turf War Inkling From London, UK☆ ☆Splatoon 1 and 2 Addict ★ ★Wii U/Switch☆ Discord: Novidan8 #0787 ★Splat you soon★ :)
Sage cicisassygirl123
this account will not be used all the time and sadly Sage is no longer with us and to all of his friends stay strong for him -Jess♡
Marlene☆☆★ Lennymalet83
bye miiverse 2nd acc of SleepyDerp go follow her best friends for life:Max☆☆☆★ GrapeSoda★ (aka Derpy) and FormGhost (aka Schwinnie) fav games:Splatoon™ Terraria™ Kirby™ and more now stop stalking me stalker why are you still here just quit it ... this is not funny go away please stop reading my bio GO AWAY
Omar LikeOMyGodStarBu
Hello there, Im Omar :D Here are somethings you sould know about me: I love the Paranormal, Nintendo is the best, in my opinion, I play Splatoon 24/7, I love making new friends. Im color blind so, dont ask me whats my favorite color :P. Here are some AMAZING people you should follow. Sage Jess JrPlaysMlg Octo Julian And Adding... Bye Sage May Rest In Peace
Abby Abby32469
Kittykat Kittykat3929
StarMatter stuffofstars
hey, Im starmatter. I like splatoon and art academy and ssb and i am ticked off that i dont have the switch
TAD★santi mio1639
hola me llamo santiago y me gusta mucho la swicht y wiiu si no me conecto es porque voy a jugar en swicht me encanta splatoon no los dejare amigos nintenderos y suscribanse a mi canal el pro gamer de los juegos
LSquid~ink jds092704
welp i play splatoon often so send a fr if ya wanna play :p i like ta have fun, favorite sports are (bball,football,baseball) fav weapon in splatoon:| ANY weapon xD still kina mad i dont have a switch but the BEST part about not having a switch is i get some quality alone time wif MY gf;) all by myself mm mm mmm! so scrumptious i get all of her;) follow her if u havent.. bye bye (^o^)
SSS★Juan Juan.PL56
Ursa whisperstar13
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. "That's what mothers are like; if you mess with their babies...they'll bite you back!"
Rosa W11_h4v3_fun
Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been helping her big brother on his adventures ever since I could hold a sword. After all, he is my big brother, and he needs all the help he can get. I've been an artist most of my life and Link is definetly one if the things I draw the most. Sometimes he doesn't like posing for me though. Farewell...
Yoshi egg! allovescake
Hi my name is alex yoshi fan is my mum i am new to miiverse smash is my favourite wii u game i also like playing mk8 with my mum send me a friends request to play i will be geting splatoon soon!!!!!!
Gummy GumdropGummy
nick600 lmb529
Profile comment hidden by admin.
CoolCarter eric118
well, bye miiverse, friend if u want so maybe we can talk, and dont forget, they arent closing nintendo network so we can still play online. Hope to talk soon
Mimi stormalongg
hello, im lauren but u can call me larb !!! feel free to send a friend request, i only accept if ur cool,, :^) (my ds account is yandere_axel, i mostly post stupid doodles on there) pls squid party with me im very lonely
TwiDraGen FireEmblemU
Friend me if would like to play Hunger Games, Capture the Flag, or Sky Wars Minecraft.
jeremy8714 Jeremysalt
Profile comment hidden by admin.
SadCharley Weatherman360
Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rejected. I may take teen requests also. Member of AO. Best friend, Maxi. Love you dear♡♥. Other awesome sis. Donna, Maud, Sis, Thesesa, Karen, Alice,Rosie, Gail, Puzzlegirl ♡♥ Awesome bro. Balitor, Ku, Ron, All AO members, Steven, GRIFFIN, JS, Opa, Scott, Craig, Vamp and many more. Love you all ♡♥
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
Alex Tails_Alex
im a hage nintendo fan my frist nintendo console was the N64 my 2nd was the gamecube and my 3rd is the wii u
Re-ill Juug_Man_illy
Moon★Troll taylord2607
Hi I like to TROLL people and I like playing hide and seek in splatoon + turf war I make posts where there are glitches or just random funny stuff I hope we can play splatoon some time ... see you there! I also join clans. Clan(s) Moon★ [SPLT] Golden greifers (I'm leader $_$)
Tori midnightkitty219
Isakard jmschirmer
Undyne jujupeaches2005
Hi, I likes to plays stuffs. :-]
Hunter... TheBestUserEver
Miiverse is a social network for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, created by Nintendo System Development and Hatena, and powered by the Nintendo Network. Integrated into almost every game, the Miiverse allows players to interact and share their experiences through their own Miis by way of drawings, text, screenshots, and sometimes game videos. It is also available via any web browser.
HOTDOG™ Rman064
Heyo! Sorry about being a bit inactive lately! My "L analog stick" (if that's what you call it) suddenly broke :(...I never did anything to it, and if you knew me, I handle every electronic like it's unstable dynamite...Meaning very carefully. How it broke? Well, lets just say someone, or a group of people are getting a bit cheap...*Caugh Nintendo Ahem* Good news? Getting it fixed ASAP. Thx!
LOLO Lloyal
A programmer with a passion for music. Grown folks love Nintendo too! Currently playing: -Deus Ex: Human Revolution -Rayman Legends -Splatoon Always down to play Smash or Mario Kart!
Geek Wolf SkyOkamiWolf
Hello Everyone! ^^ Just your friendly neighborhood Geeky Wolf here! Here's just a few things to know about me... Im an artist, geek and gamer Im edgy and a lone wolf ♡♥Wolves, Foxes, Dragons and Dogs♥♡ ♀ Fan of.... TLoZ, Naruto, Overwatch, Undertale, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, EDM, Goth/Emo/Punk Fashion, Fantasy and Mythology, Art ★I Dont Wii U Chat★ ★☆Dont Forget To Follow☆★ Have a G'day! ^^
Jorryn Jaffen
Hello! I'm Jaffo, I don't mind what pronouns you use for me, though I do prefer They/them. I have a lot of o.c.s and I draw a lot too! Have a nice day! ˘³˘
Bodacious… MilesOfCash64
Well shoot my foot, then shoot my face, and call me swiss cheese, somebody visited my account.
Old-Hippie Quiltman
Hi all, my name is Scott. I'm 50yrs old I was a mechanic for over 30 years. I have a brain tumor and haven't worked in 8 years. I game a lot just to keep my sanity!! lol see ya online
Max RetrogamerMax2
Hey I'm Max and I am a Christian, Retro Gaming collector, player and expert. My favorite gaming series are: (Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja) (Legend of Zelda) (Super Mario) (Donkey Kong Country) (Mario Party) (Mario Kart) (Super Smash Brothers) Right now I have a Retro Gaming library close to 190 games which is still growing. 70 of them I own are on the N64.
Noahkamel noahlloyd
Green Hill Zone - The Reckoning I'm just another 17-year-old guy that posts things about games and memes. Bad jokes, scribbles I call art, etc. Hopefully we can have some interesting conversations from time to time. Oh, and my friends/followers are great people. Check them out too. I DON'T Wii U Chat. I accept Friend Requests from users I know only. I'm also usually never active.
frank anarchyKaos
Love old school games. Some new games too. I love Metal music as well. \m/ I also own a Switch.
Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
Erik supermanEAT19
Hey. I like video games
ZeldaBoss Skullkid53215
I Am a summoner! TSM Fan, Zelda Fan for life, And I Love League of Legends!!
Mary Kate zeldatardisanime
*lm usualy on my other 3DSes(all called Mary Kate) *catholic† likes: -zelda -anime -drawing -vocaloid -dr. who -cosplaying dislikes: -mlp -justin bieber -1D offline(♥)online(♡)
Mahinamele Mahinamele
Aloha Everybirdie, I'm Mahinamele but please just call Mele. I live in Hawaii and I am 39 yrs old. I enjoy playing video games and hanging out with my cousin Squilliam on here. I'm not really into Wii U Chat so please don't ask. But otherwise like my cousin Squill I am into Zelda and many other Nintendo characters and favorite all time high game at the moment is Splatoon.
★κıτşυηε★ DarkKitsune713
Hai~ I'll actually add more to this later but anyway. ♪I'm 20 ♪ I play mostly Splatoon and SSB4 ♪I accept friend requests ♪ I love drawing and I'm a huge fan of RWBY ♪Wolves are favorite animal ♪I'm a very strange and derpy person, however I wont talk too much.
Z-Lord Z-Lord
Lank's old account. I may sometimes use this for commenting or posting gaming-related topics, but that's about it. I no longer post in Luigi U using this. Please be aware that I won't accept any friend requests from people I don't know.
Tøмίnāтоr bigTdog
How's it going, gamers?! I'm just another Wii U guy who loves Mario, Donkey Kong, and other platformer games, new and old. It's great to be on Miiverse!
kevin nivekrodriguez
SLP◆Scyro CamilleBoulere
Fammy TentacledHorror
Happy Anniversary Ultraman!!~ 50 Years Of Kicking Kaiju(Monster) & Seijin(Alien) Butt!!!~
Thorn Reed Thorn-Reed
I do drawings of Legend of Zelda, Speed Racer, Splatoon, super heroes, Vocaloid, Pokemon, Metroid... just about anything really. Check out some of my art if you wish. Some of my favorite games include: LoZ Ocarina of Time, LoZ Minish Cap, Splatoon, Lunar: Sliver Star Harmony, Portal 1&2, LEGO Indiana Jones 2, and Star Fox Zero. I don't accept random friend requests.
GungaJenny CherrySodaPopRok
MIDNA is love!♥MIDNA is life!♥ ...Please be kind i don't enjoy being on MiiVerse much anymore so its going to be kind of rare to see me here Kk.
Vinny kipnisfamily
This user's profile comment is private.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
K9 MAXIMAX Maximus51
The time is drawing near so I must say I have had a great experience on the wii u. I am not sad because it is the way of life. The old must leave and the new will take over. I have equally been able to find other means to keep in touch with friends. Technology is advanced that there are ways to not loose friendships. Be safe, take care and our gaming together is far from over.
Cheshire Cheshire-yartS
Hi I am Cheshire. Fav Nintendo games: M●THER trilogy, Wario Land 2 & 4, Tales of Phantasia, Clocktower, LttP, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Sweet Home, Mega Man & MMX series, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy I to VI, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 94, the first Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, DKC series, Mario & Luigi 1 and 3, Mario Bros. to NSMBU, Mario64 to SM3DW and nearly every Kirby game. I don't do Wii U chat.
Isaac icerack0987
Hello everyone! I like to play all sorts of games! im 15 years old and i like playing video games! I've been playing video games since i was a little kid and thx to all of my friends and followers *brofist* (^-^) (hablo español)
Capn Ngyes Ecrews
Cap'n of all Ngyes since 2/23/2017 if u ever see me on splatoon note im a squid partier so feel free to party with me or add me i would like to become an artsist on miiverse some day the sqid that inspired me to become a cap'n was good ol Cap'n woomy some of my favorite games are pokemon moon bayonetta 2 and splatoon so see you around p.s We now accept Woomy's into the Ngyes army
SweetCrash SweetCrash
ahoy my name is Bethany i am 15 ive got an obsession with the legend of zelda, mario, pikmin & pokémon series, the odd time ill play other popular series from nintendo like harvest moon and so on. nature | art | cats | nintendo | mcdonaldss| ^and no im not overweight or anything dont think that, im tiny and skinny goah and basically im really weird weird weird weird isaac is a beb :3
Abe Arceus1337
Nekanine Nekanine
Heya! My name is Adam (Or I go by my fursona name Lake. :3) and I'm a dysfunctional 16 yo. My fav game series are Animal Crossing, Zelda, Pikmin, and Mario kart. Constantly playing Mk8 atm so join me when i'm online! (usually when I post that i'm online.) C: If you have any other inquirys please message me!
Allison☆ Wingsoflight2010
I have been playing Nintendo as long as I've had the fine motor skills! I have an original NES (although it's older than me, lol), a SNES & a N64 as well as both Wiis. I love Legend of Zelda games & enjoy Mario games & other titles. I'm smart with a good sense of humor (if a little nerdy;I'm a bit of a stickler for proper English & punctuation) & want to connect with others who share my interests.
bug sayinpower2234
hey guys!!! My name is Bug!! i love zelda, splatoon, pokemon, fairy tail, making new friends, and lots of other things!!!! i only wii chat if i talk to you for a long time!!! stuff about me diagnosed pyro, born ninja, weeb, well thanks for checking out my profile!!! peace
Skelter jonwskelly
USA!!! 19 and ♂, Love soccer, skiing, and camping. Nintendo enthusiast, Zelda and Metroid are the best. I enjoy having discussions, so feel free to start a convo with me! Follow for cool drawings and good talks RoS forever, bois Favorites: Super Metroid Xenoblade Mother 3 Link to the Past Mega Man 3
PixelLord Lordofthepixel
Justin 2.0 Scruffy4
I had a home once... It was called Miiverse... I decided to leave Miiverse... Reality failed me... I'm back... For now... I guess...
vamp jones_ss
hi!! i'm vamp i haven't changed remember life is a game go play and if you get a switch please befriend me so we all can play.
rocket 1937krisattis27
area 51 aReA5151
hey everyone im 19 things i love: lord of the rings, sharks, video games, art, movies music i love: eminem, epic dramatic hybrid beautiful drama powerful uplifiting triumphant orchestral action choral inspirational driving music :p stays true to the legacy of being a hardcore gamer owns wii, wiiu, xbox 360, xbox one, ps3, ps4 'good men mean well.. we just don't always end up doing well'~me
Matthew Bard13
I am but a simple gamer using this social media. But one day I shall prove my existense in the real world. I want to be an author when I grow up, a job where imagination is the limit. I want to tell stories like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Video games, Youtube, movies...they provide me with the inspiration I need to write these stories. If you're like me, follow your heart. Trust me.
JS js1885
hello, name is js, ive owned my wii u since launch. favorite games other than mario & zelda are hitman, castlevania 4, double dragon dead rising and redsteel. i love art, im a huge basketball and football fan. i will NOT accept no more friend requests from anyone under age 20, will NOT eccept fake friend requests (looking for social status? forget it, you WILL be rejected). well thats all, thx.
Oscar OSCAR75
Hi. I'm @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! If you know what I mean. ;) Hola, Soy @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! Y el que quiera entenderlo que lo entienda. ;)
Cranky legendofgood
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles and when the dog bites when the bee stings........
Vincent MrL1333
Hello everyone. On this miiverse I will be posting thoughts to remarks as well as hints to games I have or planning to get down the road. Have fun and stay tuned. If your friends list is full just follow me.
Super★Mii NinjaGaiden
♪When there's something Strange♪ ♪ In your Videogame ♪ ♪Who you gonna Call?♪ ★♪GLITCHBUSTERS!♪★ PS4 - PS3 - Vita - N3DSXL - X360 STAR WARS Edition ▲●X■SONY▲●X■ King of Consoles
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright?
* Adult gamer who respects all videogam...
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright?
* Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences
* I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations
* Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized
* I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.