Caden's Post

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


7 hours ago

Do you remember when this would be all you got and you started to doubt the existence of Princess Peach in the old Mario Bros?

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


7 hours ago


Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


7 hours ago

To victory!

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


7 hours ago

I'm playing a level called "impressivly boring auto level" :p

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


8 hours ago

I may be eating a blue raspberry ring pop, but I'm pretty upset Miiverse has to end. To be honest, I thought it had already ended...but there is no preventing the disaster of 10PM tonight. I would ...

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Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


1 day ago

Playing a course I made...I am now a milisecond from extreme death... Also, I would like to thank all the awesome people in Miiverse for, well, being awesome! R.I.P. Miiverse! I'm kinda bummed that...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


1 day ago

Well, this could quite possibly be my last post on Miiverse...ever. I wanted to say thank you to all of those who have supported me, though you wouldn't know who since I'm using a new account and d...

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In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


2 days ago

Swimming in the Sewer (E7E1-0000-036D-9585)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


2 days ago

SUPER MARIO MAKER IS INSANE! Well, now it is...I don't think it will be for long...R.I.P. Miiverse...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


2 days ago

Cavern of the Winged Creatures (6174-0000-036D-7F28)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


2 days ago

Mini Goomba Pyramid (D883-0000-036D-7E8C)

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2 days ago

This is just the tutorial level!

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


2 days ago

Wait, if Miiverse is ending, then doesn't that mean the end of Super Mario Maker as we know it?! Nintendo, why? Do you have another idea to replace Miiverse or are you just going to end it for us a...