Users Courtnay Is Following
Zach—————— noswalgamer
Hello this is my alt account. my main account is noswal1990
Trevor Diddybound
The creator of the Daily Callie series, and the Daily Squid Sisters series! I like the squid game, but I ESPECIALLY like Callie. Some would say too much, but there's never enough Callie love~!
Scurge Scurge42
Hello. this is my gaming account. i will occasionally be on Miiverse but only 4 making posts from games. R.I.P. Miiverse :'(
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Μs.Βгеееzу kere78
Cord: Keeezy#9796 GramCracker: ChinaIsHere Tubeeee: China Kenshin Snepcheet: ChinaIsThere Birb: China Kensh1n DA: ChinaXKensh1n
Chuggette Chugette
Sal salison
Sal here! An artist, gamer, and game maker. Some of my favorite things are Splatoon, bears, comics, cookies, and jigsaw puzzles. Follow me if you dare! Currently drawing “Ink Or Sink” the second story for my Splatoon comic.
Bia MukuroY
Kaky Sababoohoo
I enjoy playing games. I love AC Games Harvest Moon Pokemon. Love Music. Got to personal meet Kiss backstage. But the Eagles were the best. Live Laugh Love. I'm 68 years young. Gammen Grandmaw.
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Kirby Miss_Zeldaverse
This user's profile comment is private.
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Toad Toad28
Hi, welcome to my profile! :) My name is Nathan, I'm 18 years old. I love to draw, requests are always welcome! I hope you like my drawings. For any questions, feel free to ask. Follows are appreciated :) That's pretty much it, thanks for reading. See ya!
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Alex AlexFoffano
Ania AlternateAnnie
El&Em ElishaEmoniee89
X19 lovelygemini001
my name is Jarvis and i am 20 years old i love zelda and i love mario and i love super smashbros. birthday december 12/26 /1996 sign capricorn favorite colors blue, red ,black, green i am very nice to everyone & i have a heart of gold i love anime & art :) i love my family & friends always be in my heart <:) i have a girlfriend i love u ♥Audrease♥ my heart belongs to Audrease ♥X19 ∞ AJ♪♥ ♥ω♥
#STF•Mαяiσ quinou2004
Salut tout le monde je m'appelle Quentin j'ai 13 ans, je kiffe les jeux vidéos et mangas.Et je suis dans la team #STF alors si vous voulez venir dans la team dite le nous .Mes jeux préférés : Minecraft ★★★★★ Splatoon ★★★★★ Super Smach Bros ★★★★ Pokemon Tournament ★★★★ Voilà j'ai tout dis . Venez dans notre team ;)
Sparky Sparkysnow
Sparky:Hi. I'm a level 43 player who mains the Tentatek Splattershot. Chara:Hello. I am Chara. The demon that- Sparky:Shut up Chara. Go back to ERROR land. Anyways,welcome to my profile,I'll be active everyday. FiorVEE's building an army against the ShulkxMelia ship! Copy and paste her tank all over miiverse! DO NOT BLAME ME! I AM JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS!
みどり«ふーみん» wrbyno100
みばが盛んだった頃は迷惑ユーザーも多くてサブアカがあるだけで悪人扱いされて叩かれたので、それ以来自分が誰のサブかは特に表記してません。でも…わかるよね?ふーみん別アカです この旧3DSは本アカの旧3DSが絵を描くのが限界になった時の引っ越し用に買いましたがNew3DSの登場で宙に浮いた形です。ちなみにその本アカの旧3DSは現在壊れて電源も入りません(危なかった)…ここでは主にスプラのソフトからの投稿やゼルダの絵を描いてます[本アカはNEW3DSに引っ越し済みです。] 2015年11月26日WiiU購入して紐つけ…
Łiv Dragons8Chicken
Jas Jazmataz162
Hi. I'm Jas. 20 years old. I currently have only one 3DS game but I'm planning to get more in the future! This is my second account. Follow this account and my Wii U account too! :3 If you're looking for my Wii U account, just go through my followers and you'll find it (The one with the red shirt).
Jkiddo J-rockid
Hi im Jkiddo im 20♂, im nice, im an otaku, and i like kraft dinner. i mostly do drawings on miiverse so be sure to check them out I'm not taking requests now but I may or may not take suggestions though.
Letty sorykah
Link and Kirby are my precious children and they must be protected at all costs. Thanks for taking a peek at my profile. Here you can view my inconsistent trash. Most drawings are done on a 3DS XL. Yeahs, follows and comments are all greatly appreciated.
★☆τ£яяγ☆★ xXmercurial10Xx
★★★Thank you to everyone who supported me throughout my time in Miiverse, you guys are the best. I won't forget all my close friends or all the awesome memories I had here anytime soon and I'm sorry to all those who I wasn't able to talk to. Well, feel free to go through my post, but just don't scroll through my comments okay ;) jk I'm going to miss you all very much. Goodbye and take care!★★★
Sie Ausdrake
Chris Nyan_cat29
Lolz! I have minecraft server! (shameless plug) anyways, fun is a top priority here! And the only way to achieve that is with gamez! all photos taken with nintendo screen shots in cooperation with Lolz inc. Drawings provided by Willy the walking waffle. Profile produced by Eminem (The candy rapper) -Lolz inc.
うえだきょうじゅ namco765
落書きを無節操にばらまくマン! E&E精神ですよ! 安西先生…休みが欲しいです… 一日一枚描けるかな…? ボカロはリンちゃん一番、めーちゃん二番 *基本的に忙しいので、コメントはあまり期待しないでいただけたらと思います。でも、怖くないよ! *フォローは自分の気に入った方のみしております。フォローはご自由にして頂いて構いませんが、フォロー返しは期待しない様、お願いします。 *申し訳ありませんが、リクエストは受けられません。 *TRICK好きなので、名前はそこから拝借してます。 *SwitchではHN違うの使ってます
Jules risingwiiu
Nice to meet you! Thanks for taking a peek at my profile! Jules | 17 | Christian! I LOVE animation and lots of different games! Would love to get involved in something like that some day. As of now though, I just want to make people happy with some little drawings! Apologies for infrequent updates though.
ふーみん wrbyrobby
★私にコメントする前に読んでね★ ※みばが終わる日まで普通に投稿します I'm Fuumin [ふーみん] Japanese woman. I cannot accept a request now. *1人のコメント多数投稿はとても困ります。特に投稿無視で他のかたと会話したりケンカなどは絶対やめて下さい *WiiUのフレンドリクエストや絵のリクエストは受け付けていません *絵にかかった時間は最初のコメントに書いてます *無言フォローフォロー外し連続共感はご自由に *『絵のアドバイス絵を上手く描くコツを教えてください』という質問は困ります私も皆さんと同じ道具同じ描き方で描いているだけです誰かを指導する立場ではありません *『みば友』『フォロー返し』『個人情報の質問(友人関係も含む)』『タメ口会話希望』『共感又はコメント下さい』にはお答えできません 性別…♀ 年齢…大人 出身…北海道
º°Ezzy°º RupeeShardGirl
aaAAh people can be so great <3 Thankful for all of my incredible friends or simple acquaintances !! y'all are such amazing people ☆ User Since 12/10/13
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
ºRayDangoº RayDangoVago
I don't have the Wii U anymore. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
Etch Destroy_the_Sun
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nin...
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)