Courtnay's Friends
Landon lvfazio06
Name:Landon/Favorite cuz:Laketon#L.A:]
SUNFLOWER sgonzalez91
Gianna GoldenSaga
I like Tacos and Gaming
Lee lee leellee9999
hi i'm bird's siste and i need a boyfriend!!who is funny! and love for how i am
da1chozen da1chozen
I love Nintendo, have always been a massive Zelda fan, Link to the Past is my fav, play all types of games, chrono trigger, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, batman, etc. other facts: big Buffy/Angel fan, smallville, supernatural, etc too. I write alot and I do mean alot lol. I used to draw alot when I was younger. My little nephew also uses my this profile.
Clysse MattUncleMatt
Hi, name's Matthew! I'm a 24yr old Christian, game lover! Fave games: -Zelda -Kingdom Hearts -Final Fantasy -Resident Evil -Fire Emblem -Smash Bros Fave films: -LoTR & Hobbit -All Star Wars -Harry Potter -Indiana Jones -Adventure movies Fave shows: -Deffs Supernatural! -Walking Dead -Dexter -Psych -Arrested Development -Fringe -Community I'ma writer & dreamer & love all music so Chat me up! :D
Einstien DiveBurien
I'm Einstein, a smart old man. ♥♥♥☆☆☆★★★♡♡♡ I love Wii Sports Golf, Mario Kart, Wii Fit U, all the Mario games and talking about gravity waves. Adults only please.
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
7ş!Puffy Derpson42
Hi dere.Undertale lover here.I love video games!I like FNAF.I looove Phoenix Wright.And im bit of a nerd.Kirby,Mario,and Smash Bros. are my favorite serieses.Smash all day is my smash quote.I dont Wii U chat.Mains are Peach,Ness,Robin,Pit,Dark Pit,Lucina,and Lucas!:)I am in the Wolf Pack(WP★) clan.Hope to have fun!Splatoon weapons?NAH!Mix it up! OBJECTION!
Matthew★N1 NobleHeart7
Hello every one! I enjoy games with beautiful relaxing environments such as The Legend of Zelda series, which is my favorite series. Other Nintendo favorites I have are the Mario, DK, Metroid, Pikmin and of course Super Smash Brothers series! And Splatoon! I love the Nintendo consoles. I also really enjoy co op/multiplayer games, so I look forward to playing with/against you. God Bless!
Travis tkles27
Metroid is where its at!
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
Luna 3DS4Ever1414
Hey there! My name is Luna, and I'm another gamer across the web. I am a percussionist in the eighth grade, and my favorite games are Overwatch, FNAF, Splatoon, GTA 5 and much more. ♥Taken♥ Well.... this is the end of my bio, so... see ya!
SarePear SarePear
I'm a Zelda and Golden Sun fanatic! Before you ask, I'm married. I also have a cute baby! I can't wait until he's old enough to play Four Swords Adventures with me!
What's up! It's ya boy DJ Splatta! The King of Splat Style! Splat Crew is a group of friends who dominate each other in fun competition on Splatoon. Splat Crew...See you in Turf War! Splatoon: Mon-Thurs, 5:00-8:00 p.m. ET I watch Anime.
Zbone69 zbone69
$Elvisimo$ Elvisimo
Hello, I am a Nintendo Fanatic, love having fun and meeting new peeps! I've been playing Nintendo Games since the Nintendo. But i'd have to say my favorite system of all time is.....the SUPER NINTENDO!!!!! YES or the Super Famicom as it's know in Japan. I like to draw, bowling..and pretty women ;)
Flameheads Flameheadshero
Tim BarakAbamasnow
Tim, Dr. Hooves, Doodle, or Milton. Call me whatevs. Adult abstinent ♂♂ gamer artist. Sorry no random friend requests. Stuff I draw: MLP/brony, Buff furries, Zelda, Pokemon, Dungeons & Dragons. I pretty much love anything cute, fluffy and colorful.
JayPear JayPear
Hi everybody!
P.0$ P.0MNI
Hello fellow gamers of the world! It's nice to be in such a action packed, adventurous, creative, and puzzling coummunity. My fav all time game story is the Legend of Zelda; I will forever love its dungeons and rupees. I also like Assassin Creed, Kirby, Mario&Luigi, Rayman Legends, Pokemon, Kid Icarus, and much more games. I'm open for wiiU chats and friend requests; just ask before we chat;}
Nintender Ntzbn27
Hi my name is Gabe or Gabriel Im from a place called PuertoRico ITS NOT IN THE U.S.A >:( !QUE VIVA PUERTO RICO! I like to play onlinegames NeedForSpeedMostWantedU,SuperSmashBros ForWiiU,Xeno X MonsterHunter3 Ultimate btw im HR7 MarioMaker,DisneyInfinityAlso I DONT ACCEPT BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS Other facts about me:I like Minecraft,SmashBros and Nintendo
Manda asflores24
29 year old married mom of two. I love playing games with my amazing family. I'm only comfortable vchatting with people I know irl, but I'm always up to meeting new friends! Wind Waker, Nintendo Land, Mario 3D World, Fit U, Sm4sh, and MK8 are some games in my Wii U library. I also have Pokemon Y, FE:A, ACNL for 3DS. Let me know if you want to play multiplayer!
Scurge hates_trollmins
If you don't have Breath of the Wild yet, then something is wrong with you. XD
NinjaMina NinjaMina
Hi NinjaMina here but plz call me Mina i love video games, art(i draw a bit myself), and music. im also a big fan of anime like: Naruto Shippuden Fairy Tail Deadman Wonderland The Devil is a Part-Timer Black Butler my all time favorite game would be Splatoon (it's updated now). wonna be friends? no problem just send a Friend Request! the more the better! Love Ya & Happy Gaming! MAGIC KUNAI!
Meagan Meagor
Hello, and welcome to my profile page. I'm a big fan of Pokemon, Zelda, Smash Bros, Tales, and Dragon Quest. I'm also a RPG fanatic. My first video game console was the N64. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since I got the N64 and proud to be one. Have a good day! ^_^/ I don't do Wii U chat with people I don't know well and I don't Miiverse date.
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
RYAN103-_- Ryan103
2015/ hey ppl. i am a person, a Nintendo one at that. I was born in 1985. Oct Libras R Leaders.i have a ps4 now and quite busy with Next Gen but my 3ds never leaves my pocket/si,i Love Women and Video games and UFC fighting, . i am a father of one! his name is BRYSON. i deleted his account. my hobbies are skateboarding and watching UFC. my games are ZELDA, METROID, DK, then theres my 3DS&PS Vita
Wolfy KraziKid2511
Hi all. I'm super nintenderp. I love Zelda, Mario, Kirby, and especially Smash Bros.
KEvin linkami
been with ninty since the 64 days and dont plan on leaving always looking for friends online. happy playing!
Elizabeth elizawolf
I haven't been playing because I do not know where my Wii U controller is :( ... Hi I'm Elizabeth, here's a little about me. Age: 14. Favorite games: The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Splatoon. Favorite color: yellow. Hobbies: Drawing, writing, and playing video games. Hope you enjoyed my description if you read it.. "Until next time... Stay fresh!"~ Squid Sisters (Splatoon)
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
SupahLeet Kaspersky23
Im a guy from Sweden who loves adventure and videogames! Mostly i spend the days running around in the woods with my magical sword... oh, i also like fishing and picking apples -those might be my MOST favourite things. umm yääää
X19 lovelygemini001
my name is Jarvis and i am 20 years old i love zelda and i love mario and i love super smashbros. birthday december 12/26 /1996 sign capricorn favorite colors blue, red ,black, green i am very nice to everyone & i have a heart of gold i love anime & art :) i love my family & friends always be in my heart <:) i have a girlfriend i love u ♥Audrease♥ my heart belongs to Audrease ♥X19 ∞ AJ♪♥ ♥ω♥
trell lsutigergirl
No wii u chat please! i played video games since i was around 5 years and pokemon is my all time favorite video game of all! you can yeah my posts or following me it's doesn't matter to me at all!
GamerGage gamergage
Hi! I'm Gage! I'm a awesome video gamer that really likes to play Mario Kart 8! Super Smash Bros Wii U! Hyrule Warriors! SSB4 Favorites: Jigglypuff, Toon Link, Lucina, and Lemmy!!! MK8 Favorites: Lemmy, Baby Rosalina, and Link!!!! HW Favorites: Ghirahim, Link, Lana,Young Link, and Agitha, and Twili Midna! I'm always here to make people happy!
kayla epicgamergirl
im awesome,fun and crazy.
Jimbo TheRedDragon
Kowabunga dudes and dudettes! WiiU Smash Bros and Mario Kart are finally here! Now waiting for Zelda!
DTR★secko Secko13
located in southern california. born in 1984. I love to DJ, mix people drinks, play video games and love psychology.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
This comment has been taken by Kaito Kid. He should return it once he deems it fake. It seems Kaito Kid gave my profile comment back. He stuck it in one of my drawers. I'll keep it as a souvenir. With that out of the way, hi! I'm Michael! (AKA Mariotag. I'll probably change my Mii to reflect that better.) ...and I've little keeping me here now...
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nin...
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)