Users conor Is Following
Great, now my face hurts... Anyway, hi! My name is MRB! Welcome to my profile! I have some sad news: Miiverse is ending soon. But I'll stick around and keep posting until then, so let's enjoy it while it lasts. I'll also accept friend requests if you want to continue playing together after the shutdown (except blank ones). I will greatly miss you all. #Miiverse2ForSwitch! P.S. I love Miis!
Jeffrey Tebespursunevr
this is my profile i like minecraft and five nights at freddies follow me because im the best
Too Tall CrashSlySonic777
Hello everyone! I am a Sonic the Hedgehog, Sly Cooper, and Crash Bandicoot fan!
kyle Callum150105
i like mk8
Jonny Scruffles_Reborn
Just a guy who plays games and puts himself down a lot. Born in '96. Kinda shy and awkward around people. I have ideas for a video game I want to make, but whether I'll actually start is another matter. Sometimes I express my thoughts on things here. The original Spyro the Dragon trilogy are my favourite games of all time, and I highly recommend them to anyone who hasn't played them.
ςι●Marty InviteNumero2
Hey! Salut! Welcome to my profile. As you can see, most of my posts (well... almost all) are about Splatoon. Send me a friend request if you want to play (or squid-party too)! Bienvenue sur mon profil. Comme vous pouvez le voir, la plupart de mes posts (pour ne pas dire tous...) sont sur Splatoon. Envoyez-moi une demande d'ami si vous voulez jouer (qu'on s'attaque ou non). YTB : charonflyka
Good Boy! NBOX21
∞Yoshi∞ hennerz777
R.I.P. Miiverse :\ Hi, I'm Henry. I'm 16 years old. I do not wii u chat! No blank friend requests. Favourite Games: Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest/Birthright/Revelation, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Pikmin 3, Tomodachi Life, Mario Maker, Mario Party 8, and Super Mario Galaxy 2 Favourite Characters: 1:Toadette 2:Lucina 3:Yoshi 4:Alph & Pikmin 5:Paratroopa ∞
Smikey Smikey
Serious game collector Owner of VideoGameLegacy Home to reviews, check lists, features, interviews, news & more They'll be a minimum of 150 reviews a year on the website covering all consoles past & present & all companies We won't accept friend requests on this account sorry.
Julio HeroOfShade-Link
I love the Legend of Zelda games! My all time favorite game is Ocarina of Time. I also grew up with Dragon Ball, Spider-Man, Pokémon, and many other franchises. Nintendo and gaming have been a part of my life since I was 2 years old, with some of my first memories being playing the family's old Super Nintendo. I'm 18 years old.
Rhys GloverMist1
Thank you, guys. All of you.
Crystoph Crystoph
Dylan Cheezeo
Hi welcome to my profile feel free to look at my favorite games and look at my recent posts or maybe follow me so(if you own tomodachi life i will follow u) also if u follow me i'll follow u. I have thoughts on getting a youtube channel so yeah BY
Hugh HughQuinn12
The Real Miiverse Account of the youtuber "ThatGamingGuy"
★YTΜεναηs★ 3DMarioGeek
Don't even bother following me on here, because I'm done with Miiverse. It's a huge pile of garbage. If you need me, I'll be on my Nintendo Switch, playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe & Splatoon 2. We can be friends there, if you want. Sayonara, from Miiverse. P.S I heard this place is shutting down on 8/11. YES! GOOD RIDDANCE, MIIVERSE! =D
★awesome☆ epicdude4000
Welcome to my profile comment follow these rule and we'll be friends! I AM THE CREATOR OF WHATS SPECIAL ABOUT YOU! - Check out my post and yeah if u like. -be respectful to EVERYONE. -Bullying/cursing/being mean=block -cool/good drawer/ winner of contest/ friend=follow hope you enjoyed my comment :]:]:]:]:]:]:] leave a follow on your way out! Ultimate Goal Reach 1,000 followers!
conor CONOR2DS
2nd miiverse account. Posts:challenges and random things (i can't think of anything else).
Justin Justin5991
This account is inactive at the moment.
2 in 1 hanzo7
smesh bros pro. fight me. really good fuchsplayer. i can jump like a byrd. punch like a dawg. and kik lik kat.
Didyouknow factdemon
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ρгσ☆Jαкε♂♪ Jakebailey
Hello guys. I'm a 18 year old Nintendo gamer who's been gaming since 2003. I collect playing cards, coins, and amiibo. I currently have 73 amiibo so far as of March 18, 2016. Rules: Be mean or annoying = Blocked Wii U Chat = Unfriended I cannot accept friend requests to strangers.
caleb Sargeant_Awesome
Hi I'm Caleb I'm 16 and love Nintendo especially Super Smash Bros. I am an expert gamer and as proof I've gotten all 201 golden bananas in DK64, have 100% in most lego games, got a medal on every course in Star Fox 64, and have 100% in every SSB game including ssb4.
★★TamALE★★ 0carinaPlaya
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Paulo Fire-King
Hi everyone. I'm a Mario and Pokemon fan. I hope to spend some time on Miiverse and I don't use Wii U chat.
Redrose. rosiered
Hi im Rosered and im looking forward to miiverse .I cant video chat ,I like mario ,zelda nintendoland,and music BFFS: DEHLIA FAITH EVA ALISHA LILY NULLY ARTIST OF THE DAY: GANDOOR IM A HUGE FAN OF DEMI LOVATO MY FAVE COMEDY IS SONNY WITH A CHANCE THAT'S IS ALL FROM ROSE BYE!!!!!
Eva FreezyKirby
"Maybe it tastes like chicken?" I will not accept friend requests unless I know you well enough. Yo, welcome to my derpy profile! I've got everything, from drawings to memes to comics which I guess is technically a drawing to other stuff! Feel free to comment on my posts. Or not. I don't really care. I'm part of the clan Warrior Foxes. It's for Splatoon. Talk to RainbowFox if you want to join.
Plant pi123124
What's up? I'm The Plant Commander. My Top Ten Favourite Video Games! #10- Yoshi's Story #9- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater #8- Shadow Of The Colossus #7- EarthBound #6- Super Mario Sunshine #5- Mother 3 #4- Metroid Prime #3- Xenoblade Chronicles #2- Pikmin 3 #1- The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Creation jacobts
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
BatMan D DanielT123
The dark knight is here to save miiverse and gotham city. Feel free to follow yeah or comment.Cool and good people Bob, Swag, Danny, hukk hope ya get unbanned bro,ichgo, gabe and mainly all my friends.Bye guys *throws some pellet and jumps out window*Im okay.!!!!
Jamie JamieGAllacher
I decided to rewrite my profile description but I couldn't think of anything to say
I am... ¬ ¬
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