conor's Friends
Pablo UgaldePablo111
Yeah, I'm the same Pablo from Costa Rica but with an account set in Canada. Nothing else to say.
Jeffrey Tebespursunevr
this is my profile i like minecraft and five nights at freddies follow me because im the best
Ag Jeff ★☆ Jeff-Yang
Profile Age:13 Male Bday April 17 2003 My fav friends Yofan, Mew~chan and EVERYBODY ELSE I was born autistic i have another account called SOF∞Jeffy Part of sp clan and SOF clan Pika pi
kyle Callum150105
i like mk8
Master 11ppuj
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Draco☆ JTheSnivy
I guess this is it. Thanks guys for everything. ~ YukiDraco, [7thNovember2017] Pssst,findmehere@YukiDracoAUS,YukiDraco#8417 Over 3 years here, and I had fun. Thank you guys very much for this crazy wild ride. Take care you lot.
Ricky Richi-Ray
Level 20 Fan of Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, and Smash. Occasional drawer Semi-active on here due to college.
Hugh HughQuinn12
The Real Miiverse Account of the youtuber "ThatGamingGuy"
Hey, everyone! I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan who's owned every Nintendo system since the N64. My favorite game franchises are Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong. I'm also a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan. A few ground rules: -I don't accept random or blank friend requests. -Please try to stay at least relatively on topic on my posts. -All troll comments WILL BE DELETED.
2 in 1 hanzo7
smesh bros pro. fight me. really good fuchsplayer. i can jump like a byrd. punch like a dawg. and kik lik kat.
Jamie JamieGAllacher
I decided to rewrite my profile description but I couldn't think of anything to say
ρгσ☆Jαкε♂♪ Jakebailey
Hello guys. I'm a 18 year old Nintendo gamer who's been gaming since 2003. I collect playing cards, coins, and amiibo. I currently have 73 amiibo so far as of March 18, 2016. Rules: Be mean or annoying = Blocked Wii U Chat = Unfriended I cannot accept friend requests to strangers.
I am... ¬ ¬
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