goku's Friends
luv urself Esmene2001
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Kim #97652 kimkim321
Nya~ oh- hiii! My name is kimkim (kitkat kim) but my real name is Catherine. I come from underfell but i am quite nice so no need to be afraid to talk to me! I'm not a fan of haters, fighting or yeahbombers. but i LOVE undertale, meat, and meeting others. My friend, Kumu, Will be joining me through my adventures! We'll be seeing you around! ps. I don't steal, I recreate.
Sparky ImJustMe88
Just started playing Splatoon. Love it! I love to play older games. Friend request me to play Splatoon.
жMΔGMΑ€ΔTж magmacat3456
RoqueMxM♪★ ZerefDragneel12
HolaSoyRoque^^ MeGustaElAnimeDeCualquierGenero VivoEnGuadalajara NoLeTengoFobiaAnada Años16 SiMeSiguesTeSigo(MePuedesAgregar) JuegosFavoritos:Splatoon,MarioKart
Vincen Agent_3_Vincen
Sup, the name's Vincen. I'm an inkling OC, don't have much too put on here since I was just created about a month ago. Friend/follow if you want, I'm on most of the time. See ya. Just a heads up my creator is 20, they don't Wii U chat or voice chat in Minecraft. THERE IS A HIGH CHANCE I WILL QUIT MIIVERSE DUE TO ADMINS ATTACKING ME!
jackie 2 bonniemlg
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GGaming360 Miggs60
Ð♪Ŕ&ƒ♪Crow Flamerzz15
Hey part of the clan R&ƒ well..... actually the leader XD MEMBERS:Co.|Eevee,Ninja,Co.|Tyson,Admin|Airon,Admin|Joe,Admin|Dalton,Nelson,Courtney and a lot more.... HOBBIES: Splatoon S+ Sports Smash▲▼▲ Basketball We do Clan Wars,Tournaments And also S And S+ squad If u want to be in squad message me Thank u for reading Have A GREAT Day♥
skul awesome2475
hi my name is Brayden and i play the wii u and the 3ds!i play splatoon almlost everyday! my fav games are pokemon moon and y and splatoon and finnaly pokken tournament!Feel free to add me!!if u see matsu with the red sunglasses thats my other acount.
Cameron☆ superSonic7214
Name Cameron I like friend request My favorite pokemon Greninja Any game I have is in my favorite games list One more thing BRING BACK SPLATFEST NINTENDO
SwagZ★Derp TheSwaggiestTom
SwagBoy Here! Three Rules! 1.Do not delete my profile 2.Play Minecraft 3.Friend me if you do Have fun looking at my profile :]
LAVONTE kennethLavonteda
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Vegeta Mark80751
tyrese tyresebrown2001
hi whats up my neam is tyrese im 15 years old i love to play video games everyday and im from aruba so that it have fune don't stop never give up later oh yeah if you wont to play with me you send me a friend request and i will accept it guz im very kind and good so you wanna play super smashbros or play mariokart8 or splatoon massage me me will play alright so later bros peace out
Jotari131★ Starchiko1
hi! im a normal person here and i like to draw here and see everyones drawings and posts. I like anime, animals, drawing, and more! some stuff i like~> jojos bizarre adventure, splatoon,undertale,and drawing! :) If you follow me ill try to follow you. I wont accept any random person also no calls ok? have fun looking at my posts ♥♡
くら F910324
Lucky Dog mad_dog_dad
Hi. I'm an adult & only play Splatoon! I'm Tom from Massachusetts, USA. Add me because I want to get better.
GeeCEEZY clema032
I love playing spatoon!!!
Trinidy trinnybinny12345
hi my name is Trinidy and I love vidoe games (; I play splattoon and super smash bros it is so awesome friend me if you want
Kahuna Calhouns101
I love playing Splatoon!!!!!
DAREON dareon1230
ț®¤µß!€ I_C4nt_H34r_U
I mainly play Splatoon and Minecraft, but Splatoon is my fav. I like Squad & Ranked battles...and Turf, but turf is more when I want to unlock gear or just ink something! I'm here to have fun, but if you have earned it, I will block you. That's why they made that button! (*˘o˘*)=З (ºoº") Why are you still here?...nosey!
мςν★Mew/</ tyree1081
Nice to meet you, I am a great person looking for friends around every corner. Things to know about me: My favorite color is red, I love steak (Who doesn't?), I have been playing lots of Smash Bros. Lately. I am on youtube almost every day... Well, Hope you like my account! P.S. If you think you wanna friend request me, go ahead, Like I said... I love making new friends! :D P.S. Stay fresh!
ßαmþαm KlueTwix
HA HA HOLIDAY HA HA HOLIDAY YEEEEEE heyyyy. I'm Kaleb. obessed with K-pop I'm a Sone, EXO-L, Reveluv, Army, Ahgase, Say A, MeU, Blink, VIP etc so yeahh i'm multi fandom lol ...... EXO AND SNSD ARE LIKE MY TOP 2 FAVORITE KPOP GROUPS AND IDK WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT THEM I LOVE THEM SO MUCH down down baby EXO's new song and album is such a Ko Ko Bop
Tyrosphere l3g0man123
hey there! i am a gamer that tries to support my team. i would be glad to have almost anyone be my friend! if u want to be my follower, go straight ahead! also if u need tips, i will help u as best as i can!
german SPEEDYjones7
Hey friend request me if you want to race or battle sometime that's all nothing to see here stop if you know what's good for you i'm warning you you'll regret it last chance woomy and thanks for poking me in the eye
Sakura AARutz
Stay fresh ;D
PinkInk amandathetomboy
With Miiverse coming to a sad but memorable end, I just have to say thank you to all of you. You made my stay here and in the Splatoon universe a great one. I love each and everyone of you. I'm going to miss all of you very much. And, thanks for making me the gamer I am today. See you in Splatoon 2 :') Until next time..... PinkInk, over and out......
dakarai DakaraiTylil
goodbye cruel admin and goodbye miiverse!!! would stay but tired and can't stay up 2 late
SKS}☆ivy★ yugibts3
hi everyone im Kaylie, i'm a part of SKS (silent killer squad) Splatoon is my favorite game and i love sniping. i will unfriend you if your name has 'last online over a month ago' unless i know you're active I'M ALWAYS UP FOR A PRIVATE BATTLE! my favorite youtubers are: DUDE, team Olive players, Specter, Power, Etce, Rockenburg, Wesly MK, and many others thanks and splats out
MontyKidz montykidz
Hi! i like Splatoon and Undertale!
BryMxM :v Brayanysaul123
Talking spanish and english Hablo español e ingles #HailSDLG I love final fantasy and TLOZ <3 Me encanta Final Fantasy y TLoZ <3 Add me :^) Agregame:^) I'm girl ~!~ :v Soy chica ~!~ :v I'm Splatoon: En Splatoon: Rank S Rango S Nivel 50 Level 50
Sorry andarist
I'm a simple man. I see something I like, I look at it for a second then move on with my life.
AG4☆Śħąďøω ShadowMaster39MC
Octoling★ CURTIS200
Hellow fellow gamers it's Octling!! I'm proud to be a Octling!(I'M COMING FOR YOU INKLINGS!)
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
putee kikilo123
Danni Chewny
Hi welcome into my territory because I'm a big splatoon fan. The Callie and Marie splatfest was a blast but I still cant believe that their are no more splatfests. But even though that there are no more splatfests I still love this game
CPT.Clutch sebasangel
Carlos MxM Carlangas_100
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こな semennto
Dustin DKeller49
Hello. I play Pokémon, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Pokémon, SSB4, Fire Emblem, and did I mention Pokémon? I'm also quite fond of Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits! Will play SSB4, Pokémon, Yo-kai Watch 2, and Splatoon with you if you ask me!
ソン ゴクウ hiroki4124
Donna Mitranian
deadmua123 bradjustz
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ят|Coach TheCoachAdair
Former Wii player and love Wii U even more. Not any good at gaming, but I play for youthful enjoyment. Splatoon, I love you despite all your many, many [...failed to connect to partner device...] faults.
tails zacarias16
はや yosakoioyazi
SML_Xmègã™ stephsterr
Hey Everyone,!
Ryan PepefootballRP2
SirPixel CornyBen1
17 | ♂ Favorite Nintendo franchise: Zelda I draw sometimes I play Smash Bros competitively I play PC games and stuff so... yeah..... meme
Neri diagla32
Hola, como estás? Hi how are you?(please ignore the dialga32 name that was a mistake)Anyways, You might find me online often usually because I have lots of extra time execpt for school/ homework stuff...... The Beatles are the absolute greastest band and my favorite.....So God Bless you all!
LordWoomy Gamer9705
Hi. I like Splatoon and all sorts of other wii u games. Friend Request me if u need a squad member or make me join a tournament.:>
Ruben Cool_Rider2
My name Ruben, I play mostly smash bros, but also play hyrule warriors, and mario kart. Send me a friend request and lets battle ;) I now have Monster Hunters 3 Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Injustice, Zombie U, and Super Mario Maker.
sweet pink DaGirls3x3
şкε★яаďę Booman5348
Ls★Sam bumblebee20005
Best friends are point2him Steven jayjay tyler Fave animal is chetah Favorite weopons in splatoon is custom eliter 3kscope and octoshot favoritegames are splatoon and bo3 and splatoon2 when it comes out have a nice day
AG4~ηεση 4Krishna2
Ethan Muffincoop
Mashiro2nd umituki-m
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LS»-nick-> mariokartkrazy
hi i'm nicholas and i'm a big fan of smash bros for wii u and splatoon, if you want to be my friend i'll accept any that i get. just if you play splatton, don' squidbag or i will block you
Cid davidknight
SB◆Šplater shanecarter123
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over here Archeria
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sks}♀emily gandaemily2008
play splatoon some mc8 , level 50 rank s on a good day .
Vica PinkFrosting2
Game Over TheGameOverHero
Splatoon Final Report Level 50 Rank S+ 99 Favorites Weapons Krak-On Splat Roller Tentatek Splattershot Inkbrush Squid Jump Hi Score 30138 Splatfest Wins Dogs, Art, Cars, Pirates, Naughty, Patrick, Fancy, Night Owl, Marie Thanks for all the good times and great memories! ...Goodbye Splatoon... ...Farewell Miiverse... ...Thank You Wii U... Game Over
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Elizabeth 314216
☆♪Ñαż™ kingnas
Crazykiwi8 haloblazer113
DAVE leafgreen1234
Mi Ameskitter
ÐŞĶ[κάļεв] ihatesquids
Now a proud member of the Dank Squid Kids! Come challenge me! I play Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., Splatoon and Pokkén Tournament! I have an alternate account for my 3DS now, because I got a New 3DS and there was't enough space for a transfer (I have no Micro SD's, let alone a 16GB one.). If you want to check it out it's KalebAdvent3DS.
ぴすけ naoaijun
よろしく~(' _ ' )/
Cobalt Biggunz02
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LoneDolphn Einsam_Delphin
Just a gamer who has fun playing games. <(^_^<) ...Okay fine I wont just give a cheezy cop out! In addition to video games I also play a card game called Yu-Gi-Oh! Have arthritis so no sports for me, hence why those are my hobbys! As you might have guessed, light/sky blue is my favorite color and dolphins are my favorite animal! Welp back to playing Mario Kart/Animal Crossing/Smash/etc.!
kate Kate88
Rob robrocks02
Super hype for the switch
りょうすけ junpyy
splatoon why do you have to be so addicting lol