goku's Post
Splatoon Community

squid squad!
It has been a while since i played so looking for some team mates to rank with. I myself am a S rank to A+, anyone welcome.
Splatoon Community

What's the one weapon you hate going against and the one weapon...
Splatoon Community

Squid Squad!
So i have dropped almost 2 ranks now and i have lost all of this in a row yet with me being in the top kill board. So any good players wanna rank?
Splatoon Community

Ranked squad!!!!!!!
Wanting to see if anyone wants to squad, I am S rank sniper.
Splatoon Community

team of three needs an extra player!
we need an extra player for ranked just request me i am A rank by way.
Splatoon Community

looking for squad for ranked, main weapon sniper and yes i carr...
splatoon why do you have to be so addicting lol