RyanThe1st's Followers
Bri BubbleGumDrops12
Hi. If you didn't already know, Miiverse is ending soon, so im a lime. Yahoo. Btw Luigi is better then Mario
Blake ReglaPeople4
Just a Nintendo fan, Amateur Pixel Artist, and Composer. Please do not repost or reupload my art to other Sites. Only Follow/Friend Request if you like my content, and if I like yours, I'll accept. Breadit and WhyTea: AnonyMorshu I like: Anime FNaF Homestar Runner Minecraft Nintendo Pixel Art PvZ Portal SiivaGunner Undertale Vinesauce YTP And much more! Motto: Strive for perfection.
ClubTF ClubTF
This is ClubTF. *Check the comments of my fav post to find out how to join* A completely new way to experience AdamTF art, contests, Ask Adam, shoutouts, and SO MANY other privileges provided exclusively to ClubTF members.
Fulcrum superartirt
Hello Members of The Justice Team! Fulcrum here to say thank you to my 600+ followers! Lets keep helping people all around the world!!!!! May God bless you all!!!! Age: 17 Some Of My Faithful Companions: εvε~ ♪ (Partner) ★xavier★ poïsõnïvÿ Brian "Ed" Madison §tarro (Artfish) Zen Monkey Siddiata Kim Kamikado
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
☆★.Liv.☆★ Livjoseph
Hey^^Danke für eure "yeahs" und "Kommentare" Ich bin sehr aktiv auf Miiverse also lasst gerne mal "Kommentar" oder ein "yeah" da. !Follows immer back! Ich lebe in Hamburg.Heiße Liv♪ und bin ein Mädchen.Ich finde es schade das Miiverse schließt!Danke für 150 Follower ‹3 Knacken wir 200? Kommt alle in den club miiverse von der joleen der ist toll und macht Spaß^^LG Liv♪ RIP:08.11. 7:00Uhr
ScaryBunny BigLoser101
Oh my ;) I hate myself :) Main account:dsands0411 I gave up on life a long time ago ;) Love you <3 SWITCH THINGY. SW-5189-9725-2008
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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R&у◆Fσx♡ČL wDvEn0m
Hai, I'm Oliver Competitive MK8 player Leader of Яv (INVITE ONLY) Co-leaders: яƒ DAD and Jason A few close friends of mine - Aria/Joycon Ricky Saki Jason Venus Sean Nate Emma Zoey Olivia Jordan This place was interesting, to say the least. Thanks for the memories.
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
skybluerob skybluerob
I enjoy gaming of all types. I own a Wii U, 3DS, PS4 and a PC for gaming. My favourite game console is Wii U. Nintendowise, I enjoy Zelda and Metroid games the most. Happy Wii Uing everyone :-)
Ania MechonMonado
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Mary kay gamerzzmad
BFF lisa
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
ひげくちおんな tsu-san444
Mr.Steak wiimine4ever
Hey everybody! Mr. Steak here! I am so good. (Except the fact that Miiverse is shutting down so soon.) Why Miiverse, WHY!? (It's shutting down November 7th or 8th.) (•-•) / (·~·) / So SAD! Noob Face! (·–·) (And don't forget to post noob faces, emojis, shapes, signs, sayings, and memes! Also tell me the games you guys play so we can start a conversation!) See you! (Well, before Miiverse ends...)
Protwen TheFirstOwen
Hello there! I'm Owen the First! (Just call me "Protwen" for short.) My present-self wanted to have more posts, so he put me in charge of this account. :D My present-self's ID: sonicspindash93 When I originally debuted: 6/13/15 I hope to have as much fun as my current-self does. ^^
Ian Shrek2000
This is Ian, this is IanGamer's Wii U profile.
DarkFyreMR Yuma459
Hi Everybody! Im Incarceron. These are some things you should know about me. I like anime. I am currently in a relationship. I sometimes keep things simple and logical, but it can get a little crazy! Im good with technology. Im a Christian.† I enjoy hanging out with my friends! Looking for skilled smash bros. players. Im an artist. Im a Terraria geek. I play pokemon. I love CAKE!!! Thats all.Bye!
Zachary jacobsk68
grade.3rd age.8 birth.november 21 2008 state.texas city.richmond game consles wiiu wii
-Théо- Meuh773
Why do I have 250 followers? I'm Théo, your typical French-Canadian-Acadian user. I'm a mutant mix of the NSLUC, YTC, Mario Maker, MK8, Smash and the old PINCH50. My peeps: No one because I have no friends. :"D
иγαн♪♪♪ fnafissocool
Hi! I'm a girl with a non-stop erge to make o.c.'s! Lemme introduce them to ya! O.C.'s: Bel,Brittany,Honeybun,SweetyFazbear,SweetsCat,Corroline,Marry, FunkyWoofCat37[new],Bunne [new], & Kitte[new and Bunne's sister] I'S GOTS LOTS BUTS I'S DON'TS CARES LOLZ!!!!
big.papa kainisaacalmafer
Lupin Epic990
Hi, im a bit shy and antisocial when it comes to talking to people face to face so usually I interact with others online, it seems easier to be social. I usually Post a bunch of quotes often to cheer people up or inspire them.
Chuy Dexter85
shaggy shaggy1979
jj flashman209
Bob-omb RNRAngel
Hi im back. Yes i know nobody likes me. Follow these people! ↓ Cool_Koopa_2295 YokeSquad BobDaGhost LemonMaser Cooliooo123 Clans: Neo Fav Sport: Wrestling and Basketball Fav Game: Botw and Animal Crossing City Folk Least Fav Trend: Dabbing and Fidget spinners STOP theres nothing here ummmmm BYE
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
sonicg101 GZG2006
Wow, just got banned cuz some dude at nintendo thought its fun to cut peoples friendship. Welp, seeya
Sean seanvelez
Hello people. Welcome to my profile. My name is Sean. I'm 14 years old. I'm a Christian. I want to work for Nintendo's dragon quest series. I like puns. If you want to chat with me, chat on my favorite post.
Jazzy Jazzy_Hand
Hiya! I say very random things, so if you're my friend you better get used to it! I like Super Mario and Minecraft lol Fan-made Nintendo character name: Louisa7 Louisa7 Is my Youtube, and an animation thing I'm trying to do. If I'm not on often, I'm working on that. If you want to play, just friend and/or follow me! Daily Random Quotes "?!" "!?"
Dog Dom MiyukiHiroshima
(FOLLOW MY OTHER ACCOUNT @AutumnWolf) Hi Guys! I'm Domenick, I'm Christian and I love it! I'm 15years old, And I love to draw. I just got a job at Chick-Fl-A, I'll be a Senior this upcoming school year. Birthday 7/19 Thank-you so much for 2000+ followers, That's amazing! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:19 † <3 This verse is my rock. I live on it~
Elliot Mask0DeMasque
Do people even read these? • Name's Elliot • 15 • Memester • Nintendo fan • I make comics sometimes • Cats > dogs
MORGAN!!!! ktieszen
hi,my name is Morgan and i am awesome. (i dont give info about me, that isnt my real birth day, either. if u follow me i will follow you.GOAL IS A 1000 FOLLOWERS BOI'SSSSSSSSSS.I have had my wiiu for almost three years, bout a month away. i like minecraft,madden,splatoon,mostly everything involving chaos, voilence, and death. (yeah i know :-/). This is what i like and i enjoy sports. its been 400w
moonpie725 sunhaus
hi wii u players! if you know any tips or tricks for super mario 3D world can you tell me them? super mario 3D world is one of my favorite games!
tHe_gOaT IkeFire120
Yo what is up guys its boy ThE_GoAt. Im a chill nice person and yeah. I mean I get that a lot so imma ya. Friend, family. Music is my thing. And dont forget to friend and follow my brother: @PacoThePikachu.Guys Lets try to get me to 200 followers and ill do something u guys want me too do or something like that Not taken :) #Logang4life #JakePaulers #Youtube #Clash Royale #Clash of Cans
(ˇ—ˇ)•Rose gengen413
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†πσαн★άιτ† NV63NValt
Hi! I'm Noah's alt! You can find my main account at: NV63NV Sorry, I don't accept Friend Requests on this account, if you want to Friend Request me, do it on my main. I use this account if my main is out of posts. So...feel free to give this account a follow! I WILL NOT check notifications super often, so if I don't respond, that's why. Thanks for reading! -Noah Am I on my alt?: Yes [] No [*]
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish y...
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...