RyanThe1st's Post

Favorite Final Boss Theme(s)?
For me, and in order, it's Egg Reverie and Ruby Illusions (Sonic Mania), Adventure's End (M&L: Dream Team), Bowser Phase 2 (M&L: Paper Jam [can't remember the exac...

It's weird, I'm kinda sad Miiverse is ending because of the time I've spent on here and the memories I've formed, but at the same time, I've been hit over 10 times unexpectedly, it's slow and glitc...

This community right now: *5% Random Danganronpa V3 quotes/jokes *50% Photo posts of varying quality *22.5% People complaining that this stuff is 3 days early *22.3% People being out right confused...

Apparently, my post about the random NWC SMM event course was tagged as spoliers even though all I did was just question its appearance timing. Is next Tuesday here yet?

I would post something Halloween themed, but I don't have anything in mind and I'm kinda tired right now. So, to those that went trick or treating or went to a costume party, I hope you had a good ...

Man, what a shame Miiverse is ending. Maybe Tsuko can cheer me up with some good ol' Kazoo'd... *sees that Kazoo'd is ending* WHHHAT?!? In times like THIS?! Tsuko, how could you?? (Note that I've s...

After 16 long hours throughout 9 days, I finally beat Cuphead...at least on Regular (Expert's gonna take awhile). Like what I did with Partners in Time, I'll make a little review for the game, but ...

Until Nov. 6th, I will be my older Mii from when I started Miiverse. It's not one-to-one, but it's the closest I can get. The only real difference is my lack of glasses and slightly longer hair.

Last Mii poll. This will give some other Miis from previous polls that weren't voted one last chance. Options: 1. Beedle from Skyward Sword 2. Morty from Rick and Morty 3. Pac-Man 4. A derpy versio...

QUICK WARNING TO ANYONE WANTING TO PLAY OR HAS PLAYED CUPHEAD: In the fight with Hilda Berg, if you die just at the tail end of the Twins phase when she's turning back to normal, it's possible the ...

Today, after multiple delays, I ACTUALLY had my birthday celebration. The first thing we did was go swimming. The weirdest thing about it was that this old guy was jogging in the pool with a cellph...
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish y...
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...