Users ★♪Wesley☆® Is Following
Alex boomboy12345
the end of miiverse is only a few hours away so really not long now! I am staying on miiverse until the very end!
valeria leria1
ciao raga arriviamo a 200 iscritti nome:valeria machiamatemi vale cognome:quello di mio padre anni:11 classe:devo fare la2 media canzone preferita: LA DANZA DELE STREGE film preferito:non c'elo mi piacono tutti animale preferito:lupo fidanzato:mirko amo miiverse come la mia vita colore preferito:azzuro CREDO NELLA MAGIA? SÌ SEGUIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BFF:nicole☆etta,samu,mirko,
Benny bummer123
Raeid?æ Ra1Ru23
I have left Miiverse on 8-27-2017. But I came back after I realised it was ending. I decided to enjoy it while I can. Posts left: Saving Last one. Last-minute shout outs: Jeremy, Afro☆Man, Jamerson, Ellis, Marin, Anonymous, Wonder One, Zeldarria£, SNESguy963 Go follow these people. Please read my last post. Also, Miiverse is shutting down. It's been confirmed.
★Daряо★PGC ladybird41
hey...its jacob i build stuff and post regularly i am in a clan PGC (pro gamers corp) also feel free to friend meP.S. Join PGC and help build in my worlds (you will need to friend me)also i wanna reach 150 followers follow for a follow i have the switch im just a 10 year old who posts stuff also im a gamer from the 5th nov i will be doing shoutouts to friends and followers. miiverse don't end .
Tim Agent_XYZ_242526
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Patrice Conducteur59220
salut à tous j aime la création de jeux mario
markus mandysunny
I am the heart and brain of the community.
Nova RubyChatterbox
Hello!Im Nova,although that is not my real name[privacy reasons],I enjoy gaming.I have a 2ds,a wii,and im getting a switch.I like games like Splatoon,Miitopia,Yo Kai Watch,Kirby,Mario,and much more. Nintendo can't shut down Miiverse!They just can't!
ςςкł Dł dseljkkl
hi the only games that i really play are splatoon, super smash bros, and minecraft and friend me
☆Lunala☆ Strawflurry
Hi, i'm an average 8th grade German girl (13 yrs old), who loves youtube, pokemon and nintendo. I also love the english language, so I'll write it here most, even if my native language is German :) Feel free to send friend requests! Please take a look at the people on my friend list, I'm sure, they would like to have new followers! :)
wwwwwwwwww xdarkmew-16_z
なずぅめんですね、 Miu0612KK
東方は神だね(´ω`#)♭ いままでミバでかいたイラスト?え? 東方 魔理沙、アリス、レミリア、フラン、妖夢、うどんげ 氷菓 千反田える ごちうさ チノ リゼロ レム、ラム がっこうぐらし!ゆき これぐらいしかないね。リク募集 たいたつやってるよ、他にもmaimaiとかシンクロニカとかチュウニズムとかノスタルジアとか色々やってる() たいたつで、ミュージックリボルバー(裏譜面)あるんだが、その最後らへんのところ楽しい、 ” 先輩 ⇒ はるかっち „
Deniz Denizmasic
Hi max wanna be friends?
:) TheLegend147523
(: Hi! :) (: Please take a moment to yeah my favorite post :) :( Sadly Miiverse is shutting down in less than 5 days ): (: bye! :)
superminer superminer3.0
hello guys i am a pro at minecraft and i have cool worlds but im not good at mario kart
LA-LA 337457
Shh...he can h-hear you...P-please h-h-help m-me i-i-i'm a-afraid o-of h-h-him. my n-name is L-Lala w-whats yo-your's?
Dookiedude Pikachu990team
I like splatoon and minecraft. They're really fun games, u should play them! Oh and also, please friend me! I want 100 friends before miiverse ends. Speaking of which... y does miiverse have 2 end? :( if u were wondering my age, i am 11 in fifth grade. i also have a separate 3DS profile (hints: Every body part except the hair is the same [yes, even my yellow shirt]; i really like kirby).
Rick ricknick620
Hi there just a heads up you're probably going to hate me ones you see this hell I made
Bowser Fan SJMSJM
♪Honeylune Ridge:Escape♪-Super Mario Odyssey My name is Bowser Fan and I'm 16 years old. Favourite characters: -Pikachu -Yoshi -Luigi -Bowser -Bowser Jr. -The Koopalings Maybe we see us with the Nintendo Switch.I love you so much guys.But now it´s time to say Goodbye!Stay strong and keep moving! :‘)
heyk47 heyk474
hi im jeremy and i like games , if you like games please follow me and join the alliance the allied forces , and no hurtful words and this is my 3rd profile
Michael LBDCOM12
I am not actually Michael. I had to choose between Michael and Alice for my main mii, and Michael looks smarter. My profile says i've only owned a new 2ds. I have owned two ds lites [one broke], and we own a wii, but my Nintendo network account does not show those because they are old. LBDCOM12 is an acronym. [The LBD part.]
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
SlipStream AE4WiiU
Hi. The name is SlipStream or Eric if you like. 18 yo. MK8 racer and SMM level creator. ~Facts~ •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245WW. •44K stars and over 22K different WRs "2nd in the world" in SMM. •Taken by the most beautiful woman ♥Joanna♥ •I love to play basketball and just chill with everyone. •Extremely friendly. Always willing to chat. •DC - SlipStream#7767
Coby-Lee coby-lee2010
Larissa LarissaDeMarco
Hi guys it's me and i would like you all to follow me because I am so friendly like 100% friendly. If you actually follow I will also follow you so please let me have loads of nice follows by the end of miiverse. If you leave any nice comments i'll be happy to respond them. THANK YOU GUYS!!!:D :)
よちりん MMK35I0
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kaylee☆ wiislash
old man flinagus
I love splatoon!I want friends!
Hads HadleyEatsBacon
can i get 10 followers before the end of me boi miiverse?
sully sulaymoon1
Hi guys whats up and welcome to my profile!!! if ya follow me i'll follow you. https://www.change org/p/ nintendo–save–miiverse lets save miiverse! (if we can)
cajun puffle999
You can find me on Animal Jam, Club Penguin Rewritten, and Fantage. And also Minecraft: PC Edition if you have it. Animal Jam name: cajunlady39 Club Penguin Rewritten name: cajun888 Fantage name: cajun888 Minecraft PC Edition name: cajunpuffle I am usually on the server Minecats, I also occasionally go on the server, CozyCloud.
Eggman eggman_official
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fi Kahunaroyale
Timmy Venomous_Spiro
Hello Everyone! I'm 8. I'm A HUGE Nintendo Fan. I Love Minecraft. You Will Probably Be Seeing 1-5 Builds From Minecraft. I Have A 3DS And a Wii U. And If You Follow Me I'll Follow You! I Have Another Account I Don't Know If I Can Say The Network ID So I Will It's wolfman56360 .My Another Account Has A 3DS. If You Comment To Me I'll Try To Get Back To You. So Yeah That's Some Things About Me BYE!!
mis u bri Don2018
hi im kevinyadiel2007 but i messed up and earased everything
butti Alain.law6635
real good size
yanou matoury97351
salut les amis
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/1...
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/18/17 I made up that my nickname is Eevee853!!!!! C Ya!!!! Oh and I'm part of the Alpha Warrior clan!