★♪Wesley☆®'s Friends
Raoul1808 Raoul1808-Gaming
Do you want to help me to fight all Terraria bosses ? Voulez-vous m'aider à battre tous les boss de Terraria ?
hip hop erwan-ethan-95
Tzpi Tzpi89
Texan Girl texanirishman
hi im texanirishman my favrite music artists are kid rock, matt mason, the rumjacks, young dubliners, ac dc, and the eagles my favrite car brand is dodge, and my favrite car or truck in this case is the 2000 dodge dakota.
luigi sonmarigi
heya names william if ur depressed or lie to feel good add me so we can talk on wii u chat
trist jasonwardmusic
Oh hi there
Red Wommy lutravein
So...Your Red Wommy? Yeah!? So....you like Splatoon? I really do. Ok...Do you have any other games? Lots! Wow. Can You name all of them? Nope! Why not? I have to much games I don't even post some on miiverse. Why? WHY SO MUCH QUESTIONS??? I don't know, but all I know is you have to take this survey. Are you a male or female. I am a genderless child. It says your a boy. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD
nicodegran Carlos_GR1
hola a todos yo me llamó nicodegran y tengo muchos vidijuegos y todos son dibertidos y uno de ellos es SUPER SMASH BROS PARA WIIUY MI ENDIFICADOR DE NINTENDO NETWORT ES CARLOS UNA RALLA Y LUEGO GR1 PERO EN LISTA DE AMIGOS Y LOS CONECTAMOS TODOS Y MI MEJOR AMIGO ES 09SAMU TAMBIEN TENGANLO EN LISTA DE AMIGOS MUCHAS GRACIAS POR LEER y siganme en miiverse ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Tails Devan1995
Tails was here Hi my name is tails miles prower but people call me tails i am sonic best sidekick to take out dr eggman from talking over the city.I'm a member of the ditto clan.Miiverse is going to end at november 7. First arrive is january 7 2017.Please give a like all my post i did and the past.
Manuel J Manuel_Jesus16
hola tios estoy contentisimo con mi wii u guay
Bluedoggo6 WondertwinPowers
This user's profile comment is private.
November 7 rozo999
UriahJ09 Uriah2007
my name is uriah and i like minecraft. join me in minecraft!
CO∞BlItIx_ juleslapin89
☆ζмαηfΙιρ★ thehornes
Hello! I'm Cmanflip i love playing video games, and I hate school! thanks for coming to my profile! feel free to follow or friend me, I play super smash bros, super mario maker, tomodachi life, etc. TY:) Age: 14 Gender: ♂ favorite food: PIZZA Joined 6/11/2013 Birthday: 7/26 I DON'T WII U CHAT Owned: Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Gamecube, Playstation 2, iPad, 3DS I'm a yeahbomber :D RIP Miiverse :(
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/1...
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/18/17 I made up that my nickname is Eevee853!!!!! C Ya!!!! Oh and I'm part of the Alpha Warrior clan!