Chris.L(2)'s Followers
AliceAngel beagonzlez
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joe ramonamcgee
hi i love pizza
Eyez GreenPudding7
Hello, I like many games on the Wii U but Minecraft is my favourite. Feel free to send me friend request but only if you have a mic. I rarely use Wii U chat. Plz follow / Yeah my posts so I know who wants to be friends , thanks you guys for the support I'm thinking on starting a youtube channel soon. DEUCES ! If you get that reference, pat on the back to you.
Gamer Girl Jazzy1star
Gender: ♀ Name: Brooklynn Favorite Games To Play: Tomodatchi, Runny Egg, Quiet Please, The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise, Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures, Proun+, Super Smash Bro's, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Super Mario Bro's 3, Cube Creator 3D
roboshock danielnrobert
I am 44, single and enjoy playing video games. I have a son who visits and we play games together. I like playing survival horror games, zombies, ghosts and legend of zelda games. I enjoy pinball games, rpg mario party n mario kart games. I also enjoy playing the Resident Evil series and playing Hyrule Warriors. If you would like for me to play a game with you, feel free to ask me to join.
Monster MindyMonster
hi i'm back please follow me
Gem lizziepuss
Hello everyone i don't know why but im always stressed out on sunday because on monday i have emusicians and i kinda wanna quit but i can't please help this feeling go away sincerely gem
Stephanie BedtimeBear01
★autumn★ng aaAutumnMc
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9 *fav color purple *luv animals *i luv rp *im nice untill u hurt my friends *im very competitive especially in soccer *follow 4 follow *a huuuge thx u to my 450+ followers @every1: hi, how r u, im soo srry i haven't been online in a while, i didn't have any wifi T_T
Jonathan lolbr0
1. i like call of duty 2. im a nice person 3. i dont say bad words 4. i love the seahawks 5. i like playing basketball outside 6. i love the lakers 7. Dislikes stuff is Patriots, Warriors, Panthers, Tom and jerry, 8. i love trolling on minecraft 9. like stuff is minecraft, call of duty, mario, skillet, lecrae, for king and country,